Friday, April 3, 2009

Increasing Confidence

Today's Reading: Psalm 89:1-29 & 2 Corinthians 3

"Such confidence we have through Christ towards God." 2 Corinthians 3:4

Paul often uses words that really resonate with my soul. Freedom. Boldness. Confidence. Liberty. They resonate with me, but often I feel more like I am attracted towards something that I do not have more than I feel like I am celebrating something I know. There are some things I see this morning that will increase my confidence and strengthen my faith.

First, I need to understand my level of need and seek God in all things. This is very different from what comes natural to me. Godly confidence does not result from me puffing myself up. It comes from me emptying myself to the point where I realize just how much I need God. The more I own my weaknesses and release them to God, the more I get to experience the faithfulness of God. I am more apt to fire myself up and charge into things under my own power. I would be better served to move towards a God sized task knowing I had no chance in succeeding.

Second, I need to reorient my goals. Paul's confidence was not based on his personal accomplishments. His confidence was based on the manner in which God used him to impact the lives of others. His goals were all centered around impacting a lost world. My goals, on the other hand, often involve God doing something that will make my life more comfortable. This is nothing more that selfish ambition.

Third, I really need to expect more. When it comes to faith it is unbelievably hard to not dumb things down. Questions around theology, fear of failure, and uncertainty of God's will are just a few of the many things that mount up on my faith and weigh it down. That is not a good way to live. If I am emptied of myself, focused on God, and seeking the souls of others; why would I not seek God to do something extraordinary. I spend time seeking Him to do things that are just plain old ordinary. Things that are not that miraculous if they take place.

My strength is not often a good reflection of Your glory. I have failed to center my goals on Your Kingdom work. You are not in the business of doing extraordinary things for selfish seekers.

I confess my selfishness to You today as sin and repent of it. Holy Spirit, I ask that You provide the wise counsel needed to help transform me into a man set on Kingdom work, Kingdom goals, and Kingdom values. Set before me today the reality of the heavenly prize that lies before me. Make it real and tangible to me. Help me to see the work of the Father going on around me and enable me to hear the call to join in.

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