Today's Reading: Psalm 142 & Mt 14
"After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone." Matthew 14:23
This mornings readings cover two men who were known for their prayer. In this passage Jesus has had a long day. The news of John the Baptist's death had to be a tough blow of reality to the gut. Jesus was fully man and it would have wreaked havoc on His emotions. When Satan stopped tempting him in the desert, the scriptures said that he waited for an opportune time to return. I would imagine this was such a time.
In the Psalm, David was also having a bad day. Saul had set his desire on killing David. David was hiding in cave. It was a dark, lonely and desperate time. He had to be tempted with anger and frustration.
When the world began to press up against Jesus and David they often withdrew to pray. Prayer for them was more than just a formality. It was more than a panic button to usher in escape. It was a porthole that connected ordinary men with and extraordinary God.
Relief. Escape. Change of scenery. Wrapped reality. These are often the desires that spring from my heart during tough times. What about prayer? Where does it fit in my desires during hard times? I am not talking about the little, mayday type prayers I through up when I know I am in trouble. I talking about real, genuine times of connecting with God.
Your Word says that I should have no other God's before me. I should seek no other place of rest and sanctuary. But I do. I am asking this morning that You transform my quiet times with You. Speak to me as You never have before. Create a desire inside of me to crave You more than I crave anything of earth. Minister to me in a manner proves Your glory to the world watching me. I am asking this morning that prayer stop being something I do and become something that I am.
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