Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Being Offended

Read: Psalm 73, 74, & 75

"When my heart was embittered and I was pierced within, then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You." Psalm 73:21-22


Prior to this verse Asaph is talking about the prosperity of the wicked. He took his eyes off of God and looked upon man kind. He saw injustice taking place. The wicked were taking advantage of the holy and increasing their wealth at the same time. This lead Asaph to wonder about the fairness of life and the justice of God. Ultimately Asaph returned to God and allowed Him to lead him to a place of understanding. This verse describes the condition of his heart while he was angry and the impact it had on his relationship with God.


There is a strong warning in this verse to not allow myself to be offend. Taking offense with someone or over something is a guaranteed way to end up bitter, pierced, senseless, and ignorant. As I look around me I will see injustice. As I walk through this life I will be taken advantage of by wicked men and sinful choices. As I live my days on earth I will notice people prosper who care nothing about God or godly choices. In those moments I need to make sure that I avoid becoming offended.

The best way to avoid becoming offended is by valuing nearness to God and working hard to establish Him alone as the source of strength for my heart. The depth of my relationship with God is best revealed when I am tempted with being offended by something I see or experience. Is God alone enough to sustain my heart? Can I honestly say that the nearness of God is more valuable to me than riches gained in a worldly manner?


Father, I look at those two questions and I honestly must say I need more of You. I love You and I am absolutely in pursuit of You but I do not have a connection with You that is tangible and real enough that I can say You alone are the source of strength to my heart.

I want all of You that You desire to have of me. I want to experience a nearness with You that changes my perception of religion and ignites my heart to share of Your goodness. I want to overflow with Your strength and be a source of life to the world around me. Guard me today from my choosing to give my strength away to being offended.

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