Read: 1 Thessalonians 1
"...constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father; knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you." 1 Thessalonians 1:4
Paul was calling out to the people of God in Thessalonica the traits of Christ that he saw in them: Work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope. He tells them that God chose them and sealed them with the power of the Holy Spirit to succeed in those three things.
The purpose of my life is not that complicated. The work of faith is internal. Everyday that passes by I should see my inner man more deeply aligned with God. Repentance of sin should top my list of to-do's every day. My faith is a labor. I should wrestle with the Word of God, allowing it to renew my mind and overtake my heart. Faith is never a one and done deal. It is a daily endeavor to find within my heart less of me and more of him.
The labor of love is external. God did not save me for me. He did not gift me with power and blessing so that I could find my best life, live a prosperous life, or spend my resources on my pleasure. He saved me so that He could establish me as a beacon of His light for the world. There should be coming out of me a labor of love for the world and the Church that makes the world stop and wonder. Jesus said that the world would know the truth by the love that I have for others. What story does the love of my life tell?
The steadfastness of hope is a warning and a promise. This will not be an easy task or a light journey. Each day I have to wake up, stir the Spirit of God within me, remind myself that this is not my home, and get after the work that God has set before me. That is the warning. I will be tempted to quit, I will tire and I will see my strength pressed to the max. That said, this is not a lifeless labor. That is the promise of hope. Hope in Christ Jesus is not empty. It is not wishful thinking. Hope from God is fuel for the journey, laughter for the soul, and rest for the body. My hope is eternal. My hope is guaranteed. My hope is alive and expanding.
Father, I do not want to end this day as the same man I am as I begin this day. Help me to pursue You in a way that honors You, transforms me, and edifies those around me. Give me ears to hear Your voice, eyes to see the things that break Your heart, and words to encourage others to take another step closer to You. I pray that You illuminate Your path before me so that I may stand boldly for the things You have called me to accomplish.
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