Read: 2 Corinthians 13
"Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you — unless indeed you fail the test?" 2 Corinthians 13:5
Paul is reminding the church at Corinth that Christianity is not about praying for salvation and then going on with life; it is not about going through the motions of religious rituals; nor is it about something that happened long ago in their past. The salvation of a believer in Christ is a living and current work that should be producing radical results. The challenge to the church at Corinth was to test themselves for radical evidence of God's power.
As I read this passage in Corinthians I see Paul offering three tests that should produce evidence of God's work. First, my behavior should be worthy of God's approval. The choices I make with my lifestyle will be in alignment with God's heart if I am truly walking after Him. I can not love sin and love God at the same time. The loves of my heart should reflect the holiness of God if I am truly in pursuit of God through the power of Christ. I will never be perfect, but the choices I make should become increasingly more holy with the passage of time.
Second, any pursuit of God will lead me to a sense of oneness and completeness regardless of my earthly circumstances. Following after God means that the things of earth become less important while the things of God become more tangible. There will always be trouble in this life but God's promise is that for the joy and peace placed inside of me I will be able to endure. There will always be opposition, but God's promise is that I will be able to find love for my darkest enemy. Following after Christ will lead me to a place of peace and oneness.
Finally, the deeds of my life should reflect the glory of God in strength and power. The darling of heaven stepped down in humility and suffered death but He is no longer dead, weak, or humble. He is my exalted king. He is lifted up. He said that I would do greater things that even He did. If my life makes sense outside of the presence of God inside of me then I am not passing the test. My life should be unexplainable without understanding the power and authority of God.
I have tested myself this morning and I whole heartedly admit I am not there. My faith in Christ is not proven by radical movements of Your Spirit. The circumstances in my life are far more tangible to me than the things of heaven. My struggles to contain my temper, selfishness, and flesh continue to threaten my oneness with You and others in my life.
When I think about the power that fueled the ministry of Christ being place inside of me I can help but test my life and conclude that something is missing. Father, I do not want to coast. I do not want to live below my spiritual means. I do not want to sit back and idle through my life's journey. My greatest desire is to push myself to the limits of my faith and experience a truly miraculous movement of Your Spirit.
Open my heart and mind today so that I may choose wisely and follow after the desires of Your heart. Help me to know Your desired path and find the fullness of Your glory. I ask that my life become unexplainable outside of Your power and glory. Lead me today in truth as I attempt to be a good steward of the relationships You have given me authority over. Help me to test for the Radical in my life today and lead me to fall on my face before You if I find anything less.
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