Read: Proverbs 12
"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad." Proverbs 12:25
I see three good words in this passage that can help a man avoid anxiety: 1) Actively discipline yourself to seek wise counsel. 2) Control your response to anger. 3) Measure what you say when you share knowledge.
Seeking wise counsel requires humility. I have to be secure enough in myself that I am able to allow the knowledge of others to shape my ideas, plans, and thoughts. If there are not people in my life who are offering a challenge to my thinking then I have to know that I am opening myself up to poor choices that lead to anxious thoughts.
Responding to angry people requires restraint. In the heat of the moment it is easy to snap back. In the aftermath of an attack it is easy to stew on evil thoughts about the person. In conversations with friends it is so tempting to share the experience in a way that tears down the other person. While these may be easy and natural responses to a unjust attack, they are also open invitations to anxiety.
Sharing knowledge is an art. Nobody likes a know-it-all, but it is also cruel to withhold truth when it is clear that I have something to contribute to someone who is making a mistake, preparing to act on a poor choice, or longing to find the best direction. Withholding knowledge or being arrogant in giving advice destroy security and pave the way for anxious thoughts.
Father, my heart is pure this morning but I have know way of knowing how it will respond as my plans for the day are met with the realities of life. Keep me humble today. I want to stay in a posture of submission before You. You alone can lead me to quiet places and green pastures.
Help me to speak kind words of direction and encouragement. Bridle my tongue from responding to unwarranted attacks. As I seek Your will and direction today I pray that You put in my path today wise men to counsel me.
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