Read: Proverbs 30
"Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar." Proverbs 30:9-10
Taking refuge in God means more that just running to Him in prayer when trouble strikes, looking to Him to protect what has been gained, or depending on Him to handle what is beyond control. Taking refuge in God means that a person's life is lived in Biblical submission to God.
There are a lot of days that I do not feel the presence of God's shield. There has also been many times that a situation has left me feeling like I have been let down by God. As I look back over most of those situations I can see, in the light of this verse, that most of the time I was either living by principals that were not in full submission to God or I was walking in a theology that was twisted by my flesh and greed.
You are not an insurance policy nor are You a catalyst for success. You are the Almighty God. The only living God. The Creator of the heavens and the earth. You alone are holy and You alone are worthy of praise, glory, and honor. Nothing that comes from You has ever nor will ever return void.
Many temptations face me everyday and I do not know that I face one more challenging to overcome than the temptation to pursue You for selfish gain. That is an ugly truth about my flesh and I confess it to You today. Many things I hear and see on this earth confuse me and threaten my beliefs about You. It is really hard to block out the noise and hear the truth of Your Word.
Father, I give myself to You today. I pray for a pure pursuit of You that is grounded in true theology about You. Speak loudly in the depths of my heart and set my faith on a firm rock. The sincere truth of my heart is that I want to walk holy before you.
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