Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to Destroy a Life

Read: Proverbs 6

"Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing." Proverbs 6:15


In this chapter Solomon lays choices that once made will lead to a destroyed life.


In this Proverb I see how I could destroy my life with three simple choices. First, I could make quick decisions in saying yes to people. Saying yes is so easy. The pressure of the moment seems to create momentum towards saying yes and before I know what happens I have bought a house, purchased something to expensive, agreed to complete a task, partnered in a venture, or agreed to something that will ultimately weigh me down and suck the life out of me. The words of my mouth must be guarded. This is especially true regarding the things to which I say yes.

Second, I could choose to hate work and seek to do as little as possible. There is no easy button. God gives one day a week for rest and He expects hard work the other six. Laziness and idleness are the gateway to sin and destruction. Regardless of how I feel I have to wake up each day, point my heart towards my mission, and get after it with all that I have. To loath the labor in life is to invite destruction to visit my life.

Finally, I could choose to elevate my appetites and desires over the integrity I have in relationships with others. That is the picture painted by most of this Proverb. God hates a man who takes what is not his, who betrays the trust of another, or who lives a life of deceit. Desires and appetites create opportunities for temptation to elevate to a level that makes compromises seem easy. I must never compromise my integrity for a desire; regardless of how harmless it may seem.


I want to live a life of quiet peace, hard work, and deep relationships. The choices I make in my life will ultimately determine the experience I have. Lead me today to be cautious in giving my word, to find joy in hard labor, and to honor integrity over desire.

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