Read: Psalm 126 & 127
"Restore our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south." Psalm 126:3
The work of restoration is a tough process. Whether it is a business, relationship, emotional issue or lifestyle, losing something and then having to start over can be overwhelming. These two Psalms offer four practical steps in enduring through the work of restoration:
1) Make sure that God is leading the process. (127:1)
2) Keep on keeping on when things get tough. (126:5-6)
3) Work hard but do not become obsessed. (127:2)
4) Don't sacrifice your kids in the process. (127:3-5)
Unless God is leading the work and is the energy, power, and spirit behind it, it will fail. This means that I have to spend less time doing and more time seeking. It is easy to get caught up in the work and lose sight of God. I need to make sure that I have periodic times set aside to withdraw and make sure that it is God doing the work and not my flesh.
Sowing in tears is a concept that I have to deeply understand and accept. Nothing worth while comes easy. Quitting during the rocky times is a mistake. If I know that I am aligned with God's heart and will, then I must not only endure the stormy times; I have to stay productive in the midst of them.
Hard work is demanded but becoming obsessed does no good. There is no need to run myself in the ground by sitting up late and getting up early because of worry. I need to know that God gives me rest. I have to set reasonable limits and learn to step away from things and rest.
Kids often bear the brunt of their parents frustrations. Hard or stressful times drain my patience and my energy, but the level of patience and energy required to keep up with my kids never decreases. No matter what I face in my life, I need to set my heart to understand that nothing is more important than raising my kids and releasing them well.
Father, there is not one single aspect of my life that is stable right now. Everything is simultaneously being torn down or built back. There is no place of rest. From the moment I wake up until the time I lay down I am pressing into something that demands something of me. In the midst of it all, I just want to pause and say thank You.
Your word to me this morning is true. Your voice has led me to the place I am and I celebrate Your sovereignty over my life. You have never been more real and tangible to me than you are right now. I know that the plans You have for me are good. I know that You will make my joy complete in the end if I do not grow weary in doing what is right.
I want to hold fast to You today. Draw me into Your presence, strengthen me with Your grace, and assure my direction with Your voice. I ask that my every step and my every word only serve to bring You glory in my life. The day is coming when my mouth will be filled with laughter and my tongue with joyful shouting. Until then, my heart holds strong to a faith that says "endure".