Friday, October 8, 2010

A Biblical Energy Bar

Read: Philippians 4

"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am." Philippians 4:11


Chapter four of Philippians has to be one of the most quoted books in the New Testament. "Be anxious for nothing." "Rejoice in the Lord always." "The peace of God which surpasses all understanding." "My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." "I can do all through Him who strengthens me."

This book of the Bible is presented like a little Biblical energy bar for saints who have become weary.


I have lived off of many of these scriptures and have often returned to them for strength during times of struggle. As I have sat reading this morning, I am convicted that I often miss out on the truth of these verses. There are a few things which I need to learn.

"Not that I speak from want."-- The scriptures do not exist to supply my wants. The God of the heavens stands ready to supply His mission. I need to speak from a perspective of standing firm in God's call on my life to be about His business. I need to have my heart set on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, excellent and worthy of praise. I need to make sure that my selfish ambition is laid low and that my zeal for the goodness of God to be unleashed on the world is placed first in my life. Then, and only then, will I be able to speak from a position of strength and not merely whine from a position of want.

"For I have learned."-- Those words linger on the page and send a chill up my spine. Learning means a process of tearing down and building up. Learning means allowing circumstances that are beyond my control and liking to flip my logic upside down. Learning means taking chances, making mistakes, falling down, and getting back up again. Learning is not automatic. It takes work, persistence, and experience. Learning means it will not come overnight. I have to commit to the learning process and joyfully accept the reality that the things of God develop over time.

"Be content in whatever circumstances I am."-- Content is defined as being satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else. This means that my goal in life has to shift from wanting more to finding contentment with what I have. My ambition will push me to press hard. Most of the stress I feel in life is not so much the circumstance themselves. The pain is caused by the longing to have something different. I am taken aback when I consider how many of my prayers are tied to a change in circumstances.


Father, there are days when the things I feel in my heart seem too complicated for my mind to apply words to them. There is a depth of conviction I feel this morning that I can not identify. I desire to be in the center of Your will, but the thought of the process seems to create inside of me a sense of sadness. I read Your Word and pray but so often am not really seeking Your heart. The truthful confession that I have to make to You today is that I am often looking for the easy button.

I commit to You this morning the things I want and ask that You burn them. I acknowledge to You this morning that You have chosen a learning plan for me and I submit to the process. I also look at my life this morning, recognize the unholy discontent it contains, and confess it to You. Following through with these three simple statements is a task that is far beyond my ability. I cling to Philippians 4:13 this morning, knowing that Christ in me can do all the things You ask of me.

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