Read: Philippians 2
"Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose." Philippians 2:1-2
The "if phrases" used in this verse can be better translated in Greek as meaning "since". The Church at Philippi had become divided. They were squabbling and disagreements threatened to split the church. In stead of demanding uniformity by exerting outside pressure in the forms of rules and demands Paul called them to unity by calling them back to the work of the Spirit inside of them. Outside pressure can not change the heart of a man. The Spirit, on the other hand, works on the heart and produces the same mind, maintains the same love, unites in spirit, and focuses on one purpose.
The pride in me does not like this verse. The voice of the world hates it and has programmed my flesh to react harshly to it. Everyone is seeking equality or empowerment. Fight for what is yours, take what others are withholding from you, demand equality, and be relentless in your pursuit of your agenda. That is the message of the world and it is those words that stir a battle inside of me as I read this passage. The trick with this battle is the cunningness of my enemy. He knows that I will sniff out behaviors that are obviously against the Spirit so he masks them. He creates blind spots, teaches me to use phrases that sound holy, and provides me with justifications that logically avoid sounding like sin.
That is the importance of my time alone with God in His word. It is sharper than any two edged sword and only it can rightly divide the Spirit from the flesh. I must spend time daily sitting across the table from myself and allow God to help me see me for what I am. I have to allow him to reveal my blind spots, introduce me to the heart behind my vocabulary, and prove the ridiculous nature of my justifications.
The key to winning this battle is found in Philippians 2:1. I can not survive this process if I am not receiving life from Jesus through the Holy Spirit in me. He has to be my sole source of encouragement. He has to be my consolation. He has to be my supply of affection and compassion. When I allow these keys access to my heart they will unlock the strength, energy, security, and passion required to obtain the fruit found in Philippians 2:2.
Father, there are areas of my heart that my flesh does not want to me to see. He has hidden them and surrounded them by strong defenses. The voice of my flesh is loud right now. He is hurling threats and promising pain. He is loading his weapons and promising a fight. As Your voice speaks to me this morning my flesh is attacking Your words and trying to snuff them out.
I stand before You right now and push past the threatening words of the coward, traitor, and bully inside of me that Your word calls my flesh. I ask that You to reveal my blind spots, introduce me the heart behind my vocabulary, and prove the ridiculous nature of my justifications. I have sought shelter in these things for far to long and I am no longer satisfied with their inadequacy.
Take me into the heart of my Savior this morning. Fill me with the strength of the Holy Spirit You placed inside of me. Unlock the strength, energy, security, and passion required to pursue the fruit You desire my life to bear.
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