Read: 1 Timothy 3
"I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you before long; but in case I am delayed..." 1 Timothy 3:14-15
Paul's life had taught him many things. One of the key lessons he had learned was to not make any assumptions regarding the amount of time he had on earth or how he would spend it. His realization of how precious and fragile life was caused him to live his life as if he was on borrowed time. He lived clean. He said what he needed to say as soon as he could say it. He did not want to risk dying with things left unsaid.
This is a great reminder to me today. Life is short and it is precious. The things that haunt me in life are the things that are left unsaid in my heart. I need to live each day with the sobering realization that I may not see another day of life. I hope and plan on making it for years to come, but in case I don't; my heart needs to be void of things unsaid. There are four conversations that can pile up in my heart: 1) I forgive you conversations. 2) I want to make sure you know how much I love you conversations. 3) I love you to much to let you do this conversations. 4) I need to give God my yes conversations.
Father, my heart is complicated. It seems like the things that I do not want it to express flow out effortlessly while the things I want it to express lock themselves down and refuse to budge. I want to live with a clean slate. I ask that You break the bonds of unforgiveness that hold my heart captive so that I can release the things I hold against others. I pray that I not take the people in my life I love for granted and that I communicate my love for them from a truly grateful heart. Confrontation is never easy but it is cruel to sit on the sidelines while a friend self-destructs. Give me the courage I need to have tough conversations and the grace I need to have them in the right way. Above all, I do not want to die without knowing that I have done everything You have asked of me. Help me to clearly hear Your voice today and slow me down so that I can be engaged in what You are doing in my life.
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