Monday, January 17, 2011

Faithful Laborer

Read: Genesis 31 & 32; Psalm 1-3

“God has seen my affliction and the toil of my hands, so He rendered His judgment last night.” Genesis 31:42


Jacob was highly mistreated by Laban. Laban lied and cheated Jacob every chance he was given. He changed the rules of the game to suit himself as he saw fit and was a constant source of affliction for Jacob. For twenty years Jacob suffered. In his suffering he never allowed it to affect his work. Jacob gave Laban his best. In this verse Jacob recalls that God saw his affliction, but he noted that God also saw the faithfulness of Jacob to be a good laborer in spite of his hardship.


Affliction does not give me a free pass to shut down. Regardless of what I feel because of my circumstances I cannot allow my emotions to excuse me from working hard. God forges my character through affliction and hard work. He sees what is going on and has promised to make my joy complete if I do not grow weary in doing what is right. I have to trust that He will deliver.


It is easy to trust You when the road is easy. It is a whole other ballgame when things become tough. I do not have the strength in me to endure unjust suffering and labor and maintain a good attitude. I feel taken advantage of and my anger and hurt take over. In those moments I loose sight of you and make choices I regret.

I say that I trust You but I really stink at waiting on You to move and deliver. Today there are things going on that do not feel fair to me. I feel the weight of affliction and the toil of my labor. In the midst of this I acknowledge Your leadership in my life and ask that You strengthen me to be a faithful laborer until You make provision and deliverance.

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