Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Need to Fear

Read: Genesis 23-24 & Mark 10

“And he said, ‘Come in, blessed of the LORD! Why do you stand outside since I have prepared the house, and a place for the camels.’” Genesis 24:31


Abraham’s servant said yes to the mission given to Him by God through Abraham. His “yes” put him in the middle of a crazy journey of faith. As this journey unfolds he finds the provision of God has been made before him. He had to walk in obedience and take leaps of faith, but God prepared every step of the journey.


God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still the God who calls and the God who prepares for His called. I have to rest in that. I have to know that God will supply the things to which He has called me. I have to move forward and trust that He is before me working things out.


I have never before been at a place where my livelihood was solely dependent on You. Every season of my life I have been able to market my skills and put them into gainful employment and in my own mind have had some level of control over what happened to me. In those settings trusting You is quite easy.

The place in which I find myself today has changed for me. I no longer can exert any form of control over my life or my surroundings. Everything ahead of me requires faith, trust and belief. It demands that I step at the prompting of Your voice, trusting that the provision of Your hand will be there. Many of the things that I believe of You have been tested. My strength has been pulled from me and I have been forced to depend on You and You alone.

Throughout this journey I have found that You have not failed me one single time. I am so grateful for that. As I journey on towards the work You have for me I pray that I continue to increase in my ability to clearly discern Your voice. I ask that I get to the place where I can even hear You say look this way or that. I pray that I know the things You desire of me with certainty so that I may not step in the wrong direction. I pray that You settle my soul with the peace of knowing that there is no need for me to fear standing outside. You have prepared the house for me and made provision for all that I need.

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