Monday, January 31, 2011

No Way Out

Read: Exodus 13 and Acts 7

“When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For God said, ‘Lest the people changed their minds when they see war and return to Egypt.’” Exodus 13:17


God knew the mindset and the limits of the Israelites. Had he allowed them to see the Philistines they would have shook, trembled and returned to Egypt. Instead, He choose to lead them towards the Red Sea and land them in a place where Egypt, their only other option beside God, would be pressing them into the certain death.


If you give me an out I will normally take it. If I have an option between pain and easy I will most always choose the way that is easy. That is simply the human nature inside of me. That is what makes faith in God so challenging. The way of God is narrow. It is tough. It is not comfortable, does not affirm my logic, and never fits my timing. God’s way forces me to lay down my cross, die to myself, and follow after Him. God knows my weakness in this. He knows that I am prone to taking outs so often times He will land me in a place of no escape, no surrender and no return. It is in a place from which there is no way out that I learn to fully rely on the power, majesty and promise of a God who is able to do far above anything I could ever hope or imagine.


Life gets confusing at times. I like to say because it is hard to discern Your voice and Your leading but that is not true. There is nothing in Your Word that serves as evidence of You being hard to understand. I can’t find a single one. You always make Your will known, Your path clear, and Your calling evident. The issue lies with my hearing and obeying.

I do not really want to hear what You are saying. When You speak my life changes and change makes me uncomfortable. When You speak I have to respond with faith and faith forces me to let go and trust You. When You speak, You normally call me into something bigger than myself in order to do something that only You can do. This means I face odds that are overwhelming, circumstances that are impossible, and nights that are gut-wrenching. And so, I look for a way out.

I am grateful that You understand this about me. I find myself in the exact place the Israelites are in this chapter. I have left for a land that is unknown and I currently stand cutoff from and oppressed by my only options out. It is tempting to become hurt or bitter, but I recognize this morning that this is Your hand. When the time is right You will put Your hand up to provide, protect and deliver me and my family. There is no provider, protector or controller of my destiny besides the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You, Yahweh, will once again prove Yourself worthy.

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