Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lessons From a Blind Man

Reading: John 9

"And he said, 'Lord, I believe.' And he worshiped Him." John 9:38-39


This verse represents that climax of the story for the blind man. All his life experiences have led him to this place of worship. The journey was not easy and there is a trail of lessons that I can learn from him.


I have to know and own weaknesses. The blind man could not deny he was blind. Me, I can fake or deny my shortcomings. I can cover them, excuse them, or simply ignore them. But, I can not spend my time sweeping things under the rug and draw near to God. The deeper I own my sin the richer will be my experience of grace.

Owning my weaknesses and accepting God's provision of grace and mercy is a great first step, but I can't live there. I have to let Christ change me. The blind man had to walk out what Christ asked of him. So must I. There is something in me that often resists the change God is making inside of me. I fight to hold on to where I am. My worship will always be limited by the amount of transformation I have allowed to take place in my heart.

Finally, I have to share the change in me with those around me. Whatever God gives to me is for the strengthening of the body of Christ. I am not designed to be a reservoir or a storehouse. God's desire is for me to be a river and a distribution center. Fear, insecurity, doubt, and flat laziness often tempt me to just live my life to myself. It is hard to open up and share what is taking place in my heart and what I feel like God is teaching me. Be that as it may, the call on my life is clear.


Father it is so easy to lose my way. My weaknesses are ever before me and constantly scream out with their accusations and disqualifications. The fear of letting go of what comfortably fits within my logic wages a nasty battle against the changes You are pressing to make in my heart. Insecurity grips me when I attempt to share what You are teaching me with others.

The goals of my life have radically altered over the past ten years. The honest cry of my heart is that the fruit of my life prove the worthiness of You. I ask that You continue to help me maintain the attitude of a beggar. Protect me from entitlement and comfort. Strengthen me against weakness and fear. Fuel my heart with an undying passion for Your glory.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Impossible Traps

Reading: John 8

"The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, 4 they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act." John 8:3-5


They had Him cornered. He was finally in a position that He would have to answer and regardless of what He said, they had Him nailed. If He condemned her, He would lose favor with the common people. If He did not, He would be disagreeing with Moses. But Jesus escaped. In fact, every time He faced one of their traps He escaped. There are some things from Christ I can learn that will help me escape traps unscathed.


I need to make sure that my heart is unencumbered with sin. Nothing reveals the character of a man more clearly than a trap. Whatever is in my heart will be revealed as soon as I am faced with the potential for personal loss. Verses thirty-one through thirty-five remind me that the truth is what ultimately sets me free. Christ's heart bubbled over in truth. So should mine.

I also have to make sure that I am not caught up in my own glory. In verses fifty through fifty-four, Jesus reveals that He did not care about how others perceived Him. In every situation I face my only consuming desire should be to see God get the glory that is due Him. Nothing clouds my judgment worse than concern for saving face. Allowing God to overwhelm me daily with the greatness of His glory is essential.

Finally, I have to know that I am not alone. If my heart is unencumbered and the glory I seek is that of my Father; I am never alone. Verse twenty-nine reminds me of this. Regardless of the situation I face I have to know that God is not far away. The best way to be assured of this is to walk closely with Him. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to locate God after all hell breaks lose. It is always better to be standing beside him when it starts.


Worry. Doubt. Frustration. Anger. Confusion. Discontentment. These things wrap my heart and encumber it. In the midst of really difficult situations these sins make me too weak to fend off attacks. I confess to You this morning these chains of bondage and ask that You lead me in breaking free.

Success. Image. Reputation. Accolades. Rewards. Advancement. The importance of these things to me reveals the level at which I still seek my own glory. I am out for my best and it often causes me to be less than fully devoted to the glory You desire for my life. I confess these sins of pride to You this morning and ask that they be done away with.

Isolation. Silence. Despair. Listlessness. Lost. These emotions run rampant in my heart when someone or something attacks me and reveals the lack of faith I have in You to fulfill Your promises. I confess my doubting of Your character to You this morning and simply say I'm sorry.

Strengthen me in walking out the changes You have asked of me today. I pray that You fill me to the fullest of measures with all that You desire me to be. Take my heart and secure it in Your truth. Make Your glory the most fulfilling experience I have. Enlighten my heart to dance in the joy of Your Character and truth.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Returning Home

Reading: John 7

"Everyone went to his home." John 7:53


In the verses preceding this one an incredible debate has been waged regarding Christ's being the promised Messiah. These crowds of people had been following Jesus. They saw many miracles; yet were unable to see the God behind them. They heard incredible and new teaching; yet were unable to make changes in their hearts. They each were seeking the Messiah; yet were unable to see Him standing before them. The power to fulfill every prayer they had ever prayed stood before them, but they went to their homes empty.


I think this verse is one of the most frightening I have read in some time. Each day I wake up and roll through my duties. At night, I return to my home. The events that fill the gap between my getting up in the morning and laying back down at night determine the experience that I will have for all of eternity.

As I read John seven I am taken aback by how vividly God can be at work around me and I miss it. I am no better or no different than the people of this passage. I can go throughout my day seeing, but not seeing; hearing, but not hearing, and seeking, but not finding.


You never fit my knowledge base. Everything I think that I know can blind me from seeing the truth about You. I confess to You that my greatest desire is to know You more. Help me to seek You in truth but to also avoid boxing You in by what I learn. Teach me to return home each day have experienced You in new and fresh ways.

You never follow religious rules or rituals. There is nothing wrong with tradition. There is nothing evil in consistency. There is actually quite a bit of Biblical evidence supporting the celebration of certain religious activities. That said, it is hard to not allow the tradition to close me off to different expressions of You. It is easy to allow consistency to create complacency. I pray that I return to my home each day have been taught by You how to never be bound by what is accepted as normal.

You are not bound by time. You do things in Your own way and in Your own time. For me, on the other hand; time is finite. I will only return to home some many times in my life. One day I will breath my last and the time I have will have expired. Develop inside of me a health sense of urgency regarding the precious time I have been given. I pray that the condition in which I return to my home each day prove that I learned to love Your more deeply, serve You more purely, and reflect You more brightly.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Better to be a Servant

Reading: John 2

"When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew)..." John 2:9


During this timeframe society was very much driven by class. People were seated based on their class. Honor and respect was distributed by class. Those at the top of the class system enjoyed everything. Those at the bottom of the system enjoyed very little. The system of classes would have been on bright display at a wedding festival.

Wedding festivals could last a week and they were full of pomp and circumstance. Running out of wine would have created huge problems for the groom. This failure of the groom to prepare would have insulted the parents of the bride, his family and his guests.

When Christ intervened, the groom, the headwaiter, and the guests avoided an uncomfortable mess and were rewarded with some great wine. The servants, on the other hand, experienced the first miracle performed by the Son of God. Those at the bottom of the totem pole walked away with the greatest experience of all.


It is better to serve than to be served. In reflecting on this story that is the reminder that I have received. In God's economy, those who are last will be first and those who are first will be last. I will always receive more from serving than from being served.


You left us with many mysteries but You have made it abundantly clear that Your honor, favor, glory, and blessing always follow a meek and serving leader. Your wrath, anger, and justice always follow a self-serving and abusive leader.

Power and position are dangerous things to possess. Few people handle it well. There are many traps, many temptations, and many enemies that accompany power and position. Regardless of my station in life, I pray that I never lose the heart of a servant.

Help me find my contentment, peace, joy, and fulfillment in serving other people to accomplish their ambitions. Guide me with wisdom as I sort through the decisions that are before me today so that I steer clear of the traps and landmines that lie before me. Empower me with Your favor as I lay aside my drive to make things happen and embolden my faith so that I may simply trust that You will make the provisions required.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Casting Burdens

Reading: Psalm 53, 54, and 55

"Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." Ps 55:22


In this Psalm David called on God to enable him to escape from the oppression that had come through being betrayed by a close friend. In this passage, David fully and truthfully discloses to God his feelings about this situation; yet David did not allow his feelings to overtake his personal confidence in his God who redeems. There are a few things I see that can help me be confident enough in God to cast my burdens on Him.


First, I have to have a real relationship with God. Trials reveal the truth about my relationship with God. He has to be more real and tangible to me that the struggle I face. If He is not, then there is no way I can cast my burden on Him. I can not trust something that I do not believe is real. I must walk with God in daily intimacy if I am going to learn to trust Him in hard times.

Second, I have to have a righteous case. David says it quite clearly that he has never seen the RIGHTEOUS forsaken. I am an imperfect being and prone to making mistakes. God can only do what is righteous. As I face adversaries I must take the time to assess what side of the fence I am own. Is my case really serving God's purpose? Am I wronging another? Am I ignoring God's call for me to repent and make peace?

Finally, I must fully surrender my defense and restoration to God. The more I study David's life the more convinced I become that the secret to his dependency on God is that he literally surrendered his right to defend himself to God. If God did not do something to save him, David was not going to do anything to save himself. That is the level of trust to which God is calling me. I can only cast my burdens on Him is if am ready to leave the results up to Him.


When I think about the wonders of the universe it is hard to not become overwhelmed by Your greatness. The mountains cry out to You. The heavens declare Your greatness. The beauty of all things created reveal a mystery and complexity that simply boggle my finite mind. The earth and the heavens are so tangible that it is often easier to celebrate the world You created than it is to draw close to You in a dependent relationship. I ask today that You open my eyes to see You in a new way. Help me move to a place with You where the intimacy I enjoy with You is greater than anything contained in the earth.

I pray that I may have the wisdom I need to make choices that are righteous in their intent and outcome. Protect those You have given me leadership over from being subjected an unrighteous leader. Guard those You have given leadership over me from having their trust betrayed by my foolish choices. Elevate my connection with You so that the glory I experience with You will be grater than anything that would come against me.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Stones of My Legacy

Reading: Psalm 44, 45, 46, and 47

"In God we have boasted all day long. And we will give thanks to Your name forever." Psalm 44:8


Sometimes things in life just do not make sense to the finite human mind. Man has invested crazy amounts of time, energy, and money exploring the mysteries of the universe; yet we continue to fail to fully explain anything without qualifications and assumptions.

One of the many mysteries of life that still eludes us is God allowing unexplainable struggles falling upon good people. This Psalm lays out a strong outline for what to do to find strength in the middle of them.


Build a spiritual legacy. This is so key. Learning to trust in God and experience Him delivering me from circumstances is a key strength in dealing with unjust adversity. If I try to do everything on my own or attribute my successes to my skills then I set myself up for dark days when circumstances prove to be beyond my capacity.

Do not attribute my circumstances to another person. Blaming another person for where I am is a foolish endeavor. What sense does it make to give any person higher authority than God in my life? My life and my circumstances, whether good or bad, filter through the hands of God. Nothing can touch me unless he allows it to do so and nothing He allows to do so will exceed my ability to endure.

Evaluate my actions, but don't make something up. God often uses adversity to call my attention to stubborn behavior or hidden sin. It is always wise to assess my life for repetitive or hidden sins when things happen to me that just do not seem right. That said, I should not make something up if genuinely find nothing wrong. It is very likely that the trial has nothing to do with anything I have done.

Press into God. Unexplained and unrelenting torment has the strength to carry me away from God. My pursuit of a solution or relief can lead me to flat quit pursuing God. This is a fool's song. A man of God does not run and hide when things go dark. He steps up, girds up, and heads deep into the heart of God. The spiritual legacy I desire to leave for my kids to build upon will be built from stones cut from my seasons of darkest adversity.


There is none like You. You have no beginning and You have no end. You are just. You are right. You are all knowing, all powerful and ever present. There is no escaping You. Your love is unrelenting in its pursuit of me. Your grace never stops flowing in empowering me to overcome and Your mercy never remembers the times I stumble.

This life on earth can be quite messy. The choices of others, personal greed and the curse of sin on earth combine in creating a perfect storm of struggles and trials. When those times come I pray that I have the courage to stay committed to You and Your work.

Father, I desire more than anything for my kids to grow up seeing knowing Your strength, protection, direction, provision and love. I desire for these things to be written into the fabric of our life together. I ask that You provide to me the things I need to weather the storms of life in a manner that reveals Your character to my kids.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Me, My, and Mine

Reading: Psalm 41, 42, & 43

"How blessed is he who considers the helpless; the LORD will deliver him in a day of trouble." Psalm 41:1


Human nature does not naturally gravitate towards the helpless. It normally requires an event of significant force to break people away from their routines and center their efforts on the hurts of another.


My day is a grind. I am normally up before five, run hard all day, and then crash after ten. I do a lot of things during those fifteen hours. Most of what I do is intended to strengthen my position and move forward on my agenda. I take care of my kids, I love my wife, I advance my objectives, I take care of my health and I pursue my God.

My. Me. Mine. Those words build a consistent pattern in my life. I look at the world around me and it is really hard to not filter it through the lens of my own personal needs, wants, and desires. These Psalms remind me of the importance in breaking that filter.

To pursue God is to allow Him to control and direct my heart. My needs are His to cover. My wants should give way to contentment in His provision. My desires are supposed to die and be resurrected into His likeness. God's heart is to see the helpless helped. I can't follow Him and not see this trait manifest itself in my life.


Me, my, and mine create quite a destructive trio. Together these evil combatants take my eyes off of You, consume me with greed, and lead me to overcome anything that would stand in their way. There is truth in the saying that You help those who help themselves; but there is provision, blessing, and protection stored up for those who help others.

I ask that You protect my desire to help the helpless from the destructive force of my greed. I know myself enough to know that I will help others as a ploy to get You to bless my life. I do not want that. I want a heart that is truly bent towards Yours.

The world is full of the helpless. Move me past my excuses and center me on helping others pursue Your purpose in their life.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More Than Biting My Tongue

Reading: Psalm 39 and 40

"I was mute and silent, I refrained even from good, and my sorrow grew worse. My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned." Ps 39:1-3


David was in a tight spot that had him sideways with a group of people. He tried to just keep his mouth shut, but biting his tongue only served to fuel his anger. Passivity is not a value often seen encouraged by God. It is not healthy and it rarely turns out for the good of anyone. Dealing with conflict requires more than just biting the tongue. David reveals a lot in this passage on how to actively process conflict.


In dealing with conflict there are a few things to remember. First, keep things in perspective. My life is so brief. It is precious. Every day is an incredible gift for me to leverage into and from which I can find a joyful harvest. Before I get angry, bent, or hurt over a matter I need to make sure that it is worth it. In the grand scheme of things, does the matter really merit my energy? If I decide it is worth the fight, I need to make sure that I not linger on it long and that I deal with it in manner that honors God.

Second, I need to be worried about God's image not mine. For this to be a factor people have to associate me with God. I have to live my life in a way that makes clear my dependency on God and my faith in Him. If God is clearly a part of my life I then must focus on His agenda, plan, and name. The things that offend me should really only deal with things that disturb the holiness of God.

Finally, I need to find a reason to praise God. Even in the midst of unfair attacks and tormenting seasons of evil pursuit I can find reason to praise God. He brought me up out of a broken down life. He has repeatedly proven Himself to be a solid foundation. He considers my sin no more and instead chooses to see me in the perfected image of His Son. God is good. He does things in His way, according to His timing, and for His purpose; but He always does good.


I worry with my image. I want to be successful. I want to be esteemed in the eyes of others. I want to be correct. When something threatens my puffed up image I panic. What will people think? What will they say? Will they suspect sin in my life?

When I feel like You are withholding from me or refusing to offer me relief I turn on You. I get frustrated. I feel like the whole system is broken and is in need of repair. I start shifting and changing in a vain attempt to gain a favorable movement from You.

Father I ask that You take the three simple things that I heard from You today, apply them to the depths of my heart, and quite the foolish thoughts that consume my mind and steal my peace.

You are holy. That is the bottom line of the matter. You have never failed me or abandoned me. You have more than proven Yourself worthy. Help me live my life in a manner today that causes people to notice You.

More Than Biting My Tongue

Reading: Psalm 39 and 40

"I was mute and silent, I refrained even from good, and my sorrow grew worse. My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned." Ps 39:1-3


David was in a tight spot that had him sideways with a group of people. He tried to just keep his mouth shut, but biting his tongue only served to fuel his anger. Passivity is not a value often seen encouraged by God. It is not healthy and it rarely turns out for the good of anyone. Dealing with conflict requires more than just biting the tongue. David reveals a lot in this passage on how to actively process conflict.


In dealing with conflict there are a few things to remember. First, keep things in perspective. My life is so brief. It is precious. Every day is an incredible gift for me to leverage into and from which I can find a joyful harvest. Before I get angry, bent, or hurt over a matter I need to make sure that it is worth it. In the grand scheme of things, does the matter really merit my energy? If I decide it is worth the fight, I need to make sure that I not linger on it long and that I deal with it in manner that honors God.

Second, I need to be worried about God's image not mine. For this to be a factor people have to associate me with God. I have to live my life in a way that makes clear my dependency on God and my faith in Him. If God is clearly a part of my life I then must focus on His agenda, plan, and name. The things that offend me should really only deal with things that disturb the holiness of God.

Finally, I need to find a reason to praise God. Even in the midst of unfair attacks and tormenting seasons of evil pursuit I can find reason to praise God. He brought me up out of a broken down life. He has repeatedly proven Himself to be a solid foundation. He considers my sin no more and instead chooses to see me in the perfected image of His Son. God is good. He does things in His way, according to His timing, and for His purpose; but He always does good.


I worry with my image. I want to be successful. I want to be esteemed in the eyes of others. I want to be correct. When something threatens my puffed up image I panic. What will people think? What will they say? Will they suspect sin in my life?

When I feel like You are withholding from me or refusing to offer me relief I turn on You. I get frustrated. I feel like the whole system is broken and is in need of repair. I start shifting and changing in a vain attempt to gain a favorable movement from You.

Father I ask that You take the three simple things that I heard from You today, apply them to the depths of my heart, and quite to foolish thoughts that consume my mind and steal my peace.

You are holy. That is the bottom line of the matter. You have never failed me or abandoned me. You have more than proven Yourself worthy. Help me live my life in a manner today that causes people to notice You.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pain in the Waiting

Reading: Psalm 37 & 38

"Wait for the Lord and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land." Psalm 37:34


Waiting on the Lord does not imply that I just sit tight for a short period until I get what I want. David does not paint a picture of a journey on which the waiting comes easy. Waiting on the Lord is an active, exacting, and exhausting process. I see three traits of waiting that I need to remember.


I will see evil men prosper. That bears repeating, I will do things the right way and go without while I watch people do things the wrong way and see them find prosperity. When this occurs it is going to tempt me with hurt. It is going to tempt me to question God. It is going to tempt me with anger and envy. David warns me of these things and encourages me to not collapse into sin. Stand firm. Do not look up on the prosperity of the wicked and react to it. God settles things in His way and in His time. That is not my battle to fight.

I will see evil attack me unjustly. God is my rock, He is my fortress , but he is not my ticket down easy street. As long as I live in this world I will have trouble. Satan is a violent and persistent enemy. He will never rest until he has tried everything he can to take me down. David's warning here is to resist anger and cease from wrath for it will only lead more evil doing. God Himself will lift me up when the timing is right.

Finally, I have to stay faithful in doing the right things with an excellent spirit. I have to place my joy, hope and strength in my pursuit of a righteous God. I have to awaken each day and look only to Him for protection, for deliverance, for prosperity, and for provision. It is crazy to throw away my relationship with God over the evil done by other men.


Father when I take my eyes off of You I am tempted to look at the lives of others and find myself wanting in comparison. I use words like unjust, unfair, or unbelievable to describe my contempt and envy towards others. To You I confess this as sin.

Fair is not a value to which You hold. You are consistent, but never fair. If You were fair I would be in a world of trouble. If I play back the memories of my life, I do not have to watch very long to be reminded of the fact that You have treated me way better than I deserve. I gave You my filthy rags and You clothed me in righteousness. My love for You comes with qualification but You lavish me in unconditional acceptance and love. My heart stubbornly struggles to forgive but Your heart refuses to remember my failures. Fair? Not hardly.

Father You have given to me more than I deserve. I am grateful that You remind me that though I may temporarily suffer I will one day stand before You bathed in untouchable perfection. Help me wait on You today in a manner that proves my faith, strengthens my character, and deepens my love for You. Teach me to celebrate Your movement in the lives of others; even when I do not agree with Your approach.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Peace be with You

Reading: 3 John

"Peace be to you." 3 John 15


Peace be with you is more than just a phrase. It is more than just wishful thinking or a pleasant salutation to a letter. It is a call to action. It is a beckoning to a lifestyle. This letter from John, though brief, outlines some key action steps to implement in my life.


The first thing that I see from John is the importance to care for the spiritual, practical, and physical needs of others. John models this for me in the opening of his letter as he addresses his friend Gaius. I need to know the condition of those around me and engage in praying for and encouraging them. It is so easy to get caught up in surviving my own life and forget that I exist for the benefit of those God has placed in my life.

I need to contribute to the good works of others. Often times I evaluate the works of others and find myself lacking. This sense of lack causes me to feel guilty. If I am not careful this guilt can either press me into competing or drive me into further inaction. Instead of feeding my pride by trying to out-do or going on a guilt trip, I should support the work of God in the lives of others. I should pray for the work of others, encourage others as they strive to serve God, and share my resources in support of others.

Finally, I need to copy the good I see in others. God places people in my life who are further along in their journey than am I. These people offer a great opportunity to observe the Word of God in a living model. I have to make sure that I am surrounded by healthy examples of what to do and allow the behavior of these people to encourage me to drive deeper into what God wants to do in my own life.


I am not sure where John was or what he was facing when He wrote this letter, but based on what I know of John's life following Christ's ascension is that John was likely facing very bad circumstances. In spite of his own pain John reached out to a brother and offered him encouragement.

Father, I desire to be that type of man. At some point in my past I developed an un-healthy sense of self-preservation. I fear being taken advantage of so I look out for myself. I spend way to many days seeking to receive encouragement from a brother and far to few days seeking to encourage a brother.

I need to be at peace today; peace with You, peace with others, peace with myself. I ask that You open my eyes that I may understand the bad choices I make which are robbing my peace. Take away my self-serving desires and replace them with a compulsion to give my life away for the benefit of those who pursue Your mission.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Guard Against Idols

Reading: 1 John 5

"Little children, guard yourselves from idols." 1 John 5:21


John's world was full of idol worship. Most of it seemed to lead all sorts of moral failures. Avoiding the worship of idols was one of the main focuses John had when writing this letter.


Career. Success. Resources. Toys. Talent. Skills. Relationships. Dreams. Entertainment. Family. Fulfillment. Health.

All these things can create a fairly strong force that will press me into idol worship. In any given day I devote myself to most everything on the above. When placed in proper perspective all the things listed above are great avenues of blessing for my life. When my perspective gets bent, however, these things can become brutal slaves over my life. They can rob my joy, steal my peace, and beat me into submission. One negative report in any of these areas has an instant and lasting impact on me.

So how do I guard myself against elevating these things to idol status in my life? First, I have to give myself to the love of God. The love of God does not contain one single ounce of self-service. It is pure. It is true. It is holy. It is unconditional. It reaches out to every single person I will ever come in contact with and screams to be shared. I have to know that I am loved, understand what that love means, and give it away frequently.

I also have to make firm my beliefs about Jesus. If my beliefs about Jesus are weak then my faith will be weak. He is the Son of God. He sits at the right hand of the Father. He has been given authority over everything. He is my advocate. He has removed my sins. He is...everything.

Finally have to make Him my source. Believing is only part of the battle. I often hold back from asking Him for specific things. I am not sure why I do this. Part of it has to do with the fact that I feel selfish, part of it is that I do not like to ask for things, and part of it is that I really trust my efforts and abilities more. It is easier to pray for God to bless me and then just try to do it on my own.


Idols become tempting when my life becomes empty. My life becomes empty when things become monotonous, anguishing, or frustrating. It is in these moments I often find myself searching for relief. I pray to You asking for it but if You delay in responding or respond in a manner that does not meet my satisfaction I run off in my on direction.

As I sit here tonight I find a deep desire inside of me to experience some change. There are areas of my life that are quite uncomfortable and have been for some time. I hate what I feel right now. The feelings I have right now reveal some very ugly truths about me.

Father, I give myself to You tonight. Regardless of what my emotions or my thoughts are telling me, I confess that I need a manifest expression Your love, a deeper belief in Your Son, and a sold-out dependence on You as my provider. Nothing else will ever replace what You do in the life of someone who honors these three basic beliefs. I ask that You enlighten the eyes of my heart to understand the path You desire for me to walk.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Instead of Fear

Reading: 1 John 4

"By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." 1 John 4:17-19


Fear carries with it a kind of torment that is its own punishment. Ironically, an unloving believer experiences punishment precisely because he feels guilty and always carries a sense of fear. Such fear prohibits a completed love, but a Christian who loves has nothing to fear.


Life is full of fears. Fear of death, fear of judgment, fear of loss, fear of being alone or fear of just about anything else. Matter of fact, most of what I do in life is motivated by some type of fear. I fear dying young, so I exercise. I fear failing at work, so I drive myself to accomplish much. I fear my kids growing up bad, so I strive to be a good parent. I fear being taken advantage of, so I protect what is mine. I fear and then I act to assuage the fear. Fear can be a good motivator, but is a terrible master.

I am sitting here this morning wondering how my life would be different if I moved away from fear as a motivator and looked towards love. What if I exercised because of my love for good health? What if I pushed myself hard at work because I loved honoring God with my labor? What if expressing love to my kids became the heart of all my discipline with them? What if giving freely of myself as an expression of love took the place of guarding myself?


The degree to which I know You is the degree to which love is expressed through me. That is the heart of what I feel You are trying to say to me today. I can only give out of what I possess, so I ask that You lead me today to understand the amazing power that is found in Your love for me. Make Your love real and tangible to me. Help me to understand that all my fears have been overcome. I am not longer subject to them.

Your word says that Your love is enough to cover anything I need. Your word also says that nothing can separate me from that love. Nothing. Nothing living or dead, nothing angelic or demonic, nothing in my life today or anything that can happen tomorrow, nothing thinkable or unthinkable - nothing can separate me from Your love.

Secure me in this truth today and lead me to live my life today in a manner that shares this love with a world who desperately needs it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bit of an Edge

Reading: 1 John 2

"My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin." 1 John 2:1


For John's audience it was very confusing to move from a rigid system of laws and restrictions to an open system of grace and freedom. For many it was easy to get caught up in freedom and let their behavior slide. The same temptation remains today. John lays out three things that can keep followers of Christ on track.


Verses one through fourteen call me back to Christ. He is my model for living a sinless life. I can not be of Him and not follow after Him. That said, God also knows that Christ is the only human who was capable of truly living a sinless life. So, He established Christ as my advocate for when I mess up. I need to press myself toward perfectly following after His example, but rest in grace when I come up short.

Verses fifteen through twenty-four call me to not love the world. This world is a beautiful place and there is much to be desired. Every day the lust of my flesh, the lust of my eyes, and my pride of life wage war to be released to pursue their intent. I must stay engaged in this battle. It is easy to slip into bad places. I am never beyond failure. The truth and the strength needed to live in this world without being of this world has been given to me by God; I just have to stay attuned to it.

Finally, verses twenty-five through twenty-nine drive it home by returning my focus to the promise. Eternal life is promised to those who are of Christ. When I received Christ I received an eternal anointing that can never be taken away from me. This world an all its glory can not compare to the eternal riches, joy, and peace that await me when I return to my Father. He has given me all I need to live life to its fullest potential now, and for all of eternity.


Father this morning is a struggle. There is a bit of an edge to me today. My anger feels like it is prowling just under the surface and it has me feeling a bit unstable. I confess that to You this morning. My anger and frustration are powerless to do anything good but are fully equipped to do a great deal of damage. I release my emotions to You this morning and ask that You bring stability to the shakiness I feel inside.

Help me to abide in the Light today. Protect me from stumbling. Enable me to tap into the incredible anointing that You placed in my life through Christ. Open my eyes and ears to Your leading in my life today. I ask that all I do reflect a man who is sold out to Christ, divorced from the world, and sealed with Your promise. Keep me on a good track today.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Light Walking

Reading: 1 John 1

"but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7-8


John is writing this letter to some members of the early church. In keeping with his normal strategy, satan had began to work against the plans of God by instituting false teaching. By doing this satan was, and still is, able take the truth of God and twist it just enough to misdirect people. Knowledge puffs up. Experience seasons. John addresses his readers not with beliefs based on the study of information. He hits them square in the face with his first hand experiences of God and Jesus. His punch carries the same force today as it did then.


In this opening chapter of John's letter I am reminded that I am a child of Light. As such, God expects me to walk in the Light. I see three reminders of how to do that. First, I have to have fellowship with God and Christ. This is more than just reading my Bible, praying, or going to church. Those things are important but they are not the point. The point of God sending Jesus is so that I would enjoy fellowship with Him. I have to carve out some time to just sit still before God and seek fellowship with Him.

At some point in my journey God became more mystical than real, more authoritarian than relational, and more of a joy killer than a joy giver. God gave His Son on my behalf not for me to be a good, self-disciplined man. He gave me His Son so that I might experience complete joy. He is my only source of complete joy. I have to give my heart to Him and allow Him to be the only place from which keen pleasure or delight arises.

Finally, I have to walk in places where His heart treads. Light Walking can not occur in places where there is no light. I can not serve myself and serve God. I can not seek selfish gain and pursue Kingdome purposes. I can not chase God and defile myself. My sins are covered by Grace but my desires have been bought with a price. I need to seek the heart of God and walk after Him with every desire that is within me.


Fellowship with You is a concept that exists beyond human comprehension. Sitting alone in the quietness of my home and just waiting for You to show up feels weird. There are days that the silence is deafening. There are moments when my mind refuses to release the thoughts its processing. There are times when it all just feels like a lifeless sham. Then, there are the moments when You show up.

When You stir in my life it does things in my heart than transport me to another time and place. I am a different me when I am walking in fellowship with You. As You have continued to pursue me I have come to find that there is nothing on this earth capable of giving me the joy I find when You disturb my silence with Your presence.

As best I can from where I am I confess to You today my sole desire as being You. Not money, not peace, not success, not fulfillment; just You. I want to have fellowship with You, I want my joy to be in You, and I want to tread in places where Your heart lives. Help me today to walk in Your Light.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pure Support

Reading: 2 Peter 3

"This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles." 2 Peter 3:1-2


In this verse, "sincere" is from Latin words meaning, "without wax." Some pottery salesmen would use wax to cover cracks and weak places in pottery. Such a cover-up could be detected only by holding the jug up to the sun to see if any weaknesses were visible.


There have been seasons of my life when I turned down bad paths. During these seasons I was surrounded by people who helped me justify the stupid choices I was making. Together, we all helped each other cover our cracks with wax. Together, we all joined in sending our lives into a downward spiral.

I do not need those types of friends and I should never allow myself to be that type of friend. True friends care enough about those they love to help them hold their desires, actions, decisions, and behavior up to the pure light of God's will. Good friends care enough to speak the truth even if it puts the relationship at risk. It is impossible to live life for God without PURE support from others.


Just this week I read an article on a well respected man who has evidently allowed himself to get caught up in riches and indulgence. Though I do not know the man, I am sure that he is surrounded by people who are charged with helping him stay out of the ditches. I am sure that as this man looked around the room they all supported and even helped him justify the choices he was making. No one spoke up.

This scenario frightens me. I need for You to fill my heart with the truth of Your Word and for Your Spirit inside of me to be my guide in applying Your Word to my choices.

Father, I ask that You give me the courage I need to speak out against bad choices by friends of my mine and I pray that You lead me to have the humility I need to allow friends to speak truth into my life.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Three Stirring Reminders

Reading: 2 Peter 1

"I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder." 2 Peter 1:13


Peter knew that his days on earth were numbered. He knew that soon Christ's words concerning his death (John 21) were about to be fulfilled. Peter decided to view his body as being only an earthly dwelling and focus his attention on keeping the church charged and headed in the right direction.


Thousands of years have passed since Peter penned this stirring reminder. It is amazing to think that I sit here in Brandon, Mississippi and his words still carry application to my life. There is no way that happens outside of the Holy Spirit.

The first stirring reminder I heard this morning is that Grace and Peace are multiplied only in knowledge of God and Christ. There are days that I wake up empty. There are moments when my life seems to be leaking grace and peace and I just get run down. It is important to be reminded that getting refueled in a sustainable way can only occur through an intimate and personal relationship with God.

I am a partaker of the divine nature. The words Peter uses in verse 4 of this chapter literally mean that I have become a partner and share in the very nature of God and Christ Jesus. I am a new creation. I have been perfected. I am whole. I have been given power to conquer anything in my life. Nothing can ever take this blessing away from me. Nothing.

Finally, my behavior counts. God's grace and mercy are incredible gifts. He looks down on me and no longer remembers the sins of my past. Once confessed, all my sins of the future will be forgotten as well. This does not mean that I get to act as I choose. True knowledge of God and Christ and true connection with the divine nature planted inside of me will always produce holy behavior. I must always strive towards moral excellence.


Increase my knowledge of You today. Outside of a deep and personal connection with You my life is empty. Heighten my awareness of Your divine nature inside of me. Regardless of how I feel, I am holy because You are holy, I am strong because You are strong, and I can be a taste of everything You are because of Christ's lordship in my life.

Push me towards moral excellence. Temptations are not hard to find as they sit at every corner and cry out for my attention. But I am no longer subject to their influence. Their power has been stripped. I am not their slave. The joy of pursuing You is far greater than the joy I find in pursuing my fleshly desires.

My heart is stirred anew this morning. I woke up feeling heavy and dark. It has been amazing how You have lifted my head and filled my spirit as I have opened Your Word and drawn near to You. You are simply amazing. Your glory is something for which my appetite grows daily. Your mercy is a gift I treasure in daily. Your grace is a covering under which I continually find rest.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Walk of a Warrior

Reading: 1 Peter 5

"After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 5:10-11


The benediction briefly summarizes Peter's message of encouragement. Christians' suffering will last only a little while, while their glory in Christ, to which they were called, will be eternal. He does not sugar coat what they should expect nor does he encourage them to look out for their best interests and easiest solution. He tells them to man-up, step-up, and walk the walk of a warrior.


Man-up. The Spirit of Christ in me is not weak. The same Spirit that stood beside God when He created all of creation, the same Spirit that worked miracles in the desert for Moses, the same Spirit that empowered Christ to endure the cross and the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is at work inside of me. Passivity is not a trait God honors.

Step-up. God does not desire that I ever become content. I must always know that He will never let me settle. Every moment of every day I must press myself to pursue another level. The status quo may be comfortable, but there is no joy in standing still.

Walk the walk of a warrior. In this chapter Peter reminds me that my enemy is not only real; he is active. He is not only active; he is vicious. He is never content to just harm or maim. He will stop at nothing short of devouring me. If I put my head in the sand or get distracted then I am setting myself up. God has a battle plan for me and I skippy sure better stay engaged with it.


I have turned to many things, seeking to improve myself. I have pursued many things, hoping to be confirmed by others. In moments of weakness, I have experimented with much, hoping to find strength for the day. I have tirelessly pursued many goals, hoping to establish myself on this earth.

The desires of my heart have taken many forms, all of them in one way or the other express my desire to be perfected, confirmed, strengthened, or established. They also share the common trait of having failed to accomplish their intended result. My pursuit of perfection has only revealed additional short comings. My efforts to be confirmed have only resulted in the hurtful rejection of my efforts. Everything I have sought for strength has failed to sustain me. Sustaining the things I have established on earth has proven to be a near impossible task.

I am stubborn, hard-headed, ambitious, and driven. As much as I like to do things on my own, I fully admit to You today that I am incapable of finding perfection, receiving confirmation, renewing my strength, or establishing security on my own. Help me today to man-up, step-up, and walk the walk to which You have called me. The only path that leads to the things I desire is the one that calls me to consistently and humbly pursue submission to Your leadership of my life.