Reading: John 9
"And he said, 'Lord, I believe.' And he worshiped Him." John 9:38-39
This verse represents that climax of the story for the blind man. All his life experiences have led him to this place of worship. The journey was not easy and there is a trail of lessons that I can learn from him.
I have to know and own weaknesses. The blind man could not deny he was blind. Me, I can fake or deny my shortcomings. I can cover them, excuse them, or simply ignore them. But, I can not spend my time sweeping things under the rug and draw near to God. The deeper I own my sin the richer will be my experience of grace.
Owning my weaknesses and accepting God's provision of grace and mercy is a great first step, but I can't live there. I have to let Christ change me. The blind man had to walk out what Christ asked of him. So must I. There is something in me that often resists the change God is making inside of me. I fight to hold on to where I am. My worship will always be limited by the amount of transformation I have allowed to take place in my heart.
Finally, I have to share the change in me with those around me. Whatever God gives to me is for the strengthening of the body of Christ. I am not designed to be a reservoir or a storehouse. God's desire is for me to be a river and a distribution center. Fear, insecurity, doubt, and flat laziness often tempt me to just live my life to myself. It is hard to open up and share what is taking place in my heart and what I feel like God is teaching me. Be that as it may, the call on my life is clear.
Father it is so easy to lose my way. My weaknesses are ever before me and constantly scream out with their accusations and disqualifications. The fear of letting go of what comfortably fits within my logic wages a nasty battle against the changes You are pressing to make in my heart. Insecurity grips me when I attempt to share what You are teaching me with others.
The goals of my life have radically altered over the past ten years. The honest cry of my heart is that the fruit of my life prove the worthiness of You. I ask that You continue to help me maintain the attitude of a beggar. Protect me from entitlement and comfort. Strengthen me against weakness and fear. Fuel my heart with an undying passion for Your glory.