Reading: 1 Peter 2
"Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord." 1 Peter 2:1-3
Peter listed five sins of attitude and speech, which if harbored would drive wedges between believers. Malice is wicked ill-will; deceit is deliberate dishonesty; hypocrisy is pretended piety and love; envy is resentful discontent; and slander is backbiting lies. None of these should have any place in those who are born again. Rather, in obedience to the Word, believers are to make decisive breaks with the past.
These five sins are the fabric of my flesh. Ninety-nine percent of the sins I commit are rooted in one of these attitudinal sins. I am a good enough "Christian" to have learned that I should not act on most of these things so I just allow them to secretly harbor in my heart. Peter's instruction to me this morning is to put aside ALL these things. That ALL even includes what takes place in my heart.
When someone betrays me, hurts me, or slanders me I allow it to get the best of me and carry me to some really dark places. Imagining evil things and plotting vengeful plans in my heart that are nothing short of malice. When I feel cornered I am prone to filter truth so that my stance is strengthened. Bending truth to improve my position is nothing short of deceit. When I am in around other believers it is often hard to be honest about the struggles in my life, the holes in my faith, or the brokenness in my heart. Hiding behind a fake mask of religion is the very essence of hypocrisy. When the desires of my heart are not met and I see others in life passing me by I become angry. Anything other than celebrating success in the lives of others is nothing short of envy. When a conversation with another person turns negative regarding other people it is often easy to just say nothing or join them in "venting". Remaining silent in the presence of slander or venting my feelings about another person outside of their presence is nothing short of slander.
There it is. I am guilty of all of the above and my failures in these areas is my confession to You today. These five root sins fill my heart with nasty things. I release them to You today and accept Your forgiveness.
Father I am desperate for you to replace these things with pure truth from Your Word. As I put these things away from me this morning I know that I do not stand a chance unless You fill my heart full of Your tangible presence. Transform my heart into the likeness of Your Son. Redirect my desires to the peaceful pursuit of Your plan for my life. Focus all my energy on being obedient to Your Spirit's leading in my life.
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