Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Impossible Traps

Reading: John 8

"The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, 4 they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act." John 8:3-5


They had Him cornered. He was finally in a position that He would have to answer and regardless of what He said, they had Him nailed. If He condemned her, He would lose favor with the common people. If He did not, He would be disagreeing with Moses. But Jesus escaped. In fact, every time He faced one of their traps He escaped. There are some things from Christ I can learn that will help me escape traps unscathed.


I need to make sure that my heart is unencumbered with sin. Nothing reveals the character of a man more clearly than a trap. Whatever is in my heart will be revealed as soon as I am faced with the potential for personal loss. Verses thirty-one through thirty-five remind me that the truth is what ultimately sets me free. Christ's heart bubbled over in truth. So should mine.

I also have to make sure that I am not caught up in my own glory. In verses fifty through fifty-four, Jesus reveals that He did not care about how others perceived Him. In every situation I face my only consuming desire should be to see God get the glory that is due Him. Nothing clouds my judgment worse than concern for saving face. Allowing God to overwhelm me daily with the greatness of His glory is essential.

Finally, I have to know that I am not alone. If my heart is unencumbered and the glory I seek is that of my Father; I am never alone. Verse twenty-nine reminds me of this. Regardless of the situation I face I have to know that God is not far away. The best way to be assured of this is to walk closely with Him. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to locate God after all hell breaks lose. It is always better to be standing beside him when it starts.


Worry. Doubt. Frustration. Anger. Confusion. Discontentment. These things wrap my heart and encumber it. In the midst of really difficult situations these sins make me too weak to fend off attacks. I confess to You this morning these chains of bondage and ask that You lead me in breaking free.

Success. Image. Reputation. Accolades. Rewards. Advancement. The importance of these things to me reveals the level at which I still seek my own glory. I am out for my best and it often causes me to be less than fully devoted to the glory You desire for my life. I confess these sins of pride to You this morning and ask that they be done away with.

Isolation. Silence. Despair. Listlessness. Lost. These emotions run rampant in my heart when someone or something attacks me and reveals the lack of faith I have in You to fulfill Your promises. I confess my doubting of Your character to You this morning and simply say I'm sorry.

Strengthen me in walking out the changes You have asked of me today. I pray that You fill me to the fullest of measures with all that You desire me to be. Take my heart and secure it in Your truth. Make Your glory the most fulfilling experience I have. Enlighten my heart to dance in the joy of Your Character and truth.

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