Monday, March 15, 2010

Peace be with You

Reading: 3 John

"Peace be to you." 3 John 15


Peace be with you is more than just a phrase. It is more than just wishful thinking or a pleasant salutation to a letter. It is a call to action. It is a beckoning to a lifestyle. This letter from John, though brief, outlines some key action steps to implement in my life.


The first thing that I see from John is the importance to care for the spiritual, practical, and physical needs of others. John models this for me in the opening of his letter as he addresses his friend Gaius. I need to know the condition of those around me and engage in praying for and encouraging them. It is so easy to get caught up in surviving my own life and forget that I exist for the benefit of those God has placed in my life.

I need to contribute to the good works of others. Often times I evaluate the works of others and find myself lacking. This sense of lack causes me to feel guilty. If I am not careful this guilt can either press me into competing or drive me into further inaction. Instead of feeding my pride by trying to out-do or going on a guilt trip, I should support the work of God in the lives of others. I should pray for the work of others, encourage others as they strive to serve God, and share my resources in support of others.

Finally, I need to copy the good I see in others. God places people in my life who are further along in their journey than am I. These people offer a great opportunity to observe the Word of God in a living model. I have to make sure that I am surrounded by healthy examples of what to do and allow the behavior of these people to encourage me to drive deeper into what God wants to do in my own life.


I am not sure where John was or what he was facing when He wrote this letter, but based on what I know of John's life following Christ's ascension is that John was likely facing very bad circumstances. In spite of his own pain John reached out to a brother and offered him encouragement.

Father, I desire to be that type of man. At some point in my past I developed an un-healthy sense of self-preservation. I fear being taken advantage of so I look out for myself. I spend way to many days seeking to receive encouragement from a brother and far to few days seeking to encourage a brother.

I need to be at peace today; peace with You, peace with others, peace with myself. I ask that You open my eyes that I may understand the bad choices I make which are robbing my peace. Take away my self-serving desires and replace them with a compulsion to give my life away for the benefit of those who pursue Your mission.

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