Reading: John 2
"When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew)..." John 2:9
During this timeframe society was very much driven by class. People were seated based on their class. Honor and respect was distributed by class. Those at the top of the class system enjoyed everything. Those at the bottom of the system enjoyed very little. The system of classes would have been on bright display at a wedding festival.
Wedding festivals could last a week and they were full of pomp and circumstance. Running out of wine would have created huge problems for the groom. This failure of the groom to prepare would have insulted the parents of the bride, his family and his guests.
When Christ intervened, the groom, the headwaiter, and the guests avoided an uncomfortable mess and were rewarded with some great wine. The servants, on the other hand, experienced the first miracle performed by the Son of God. Those at the bottom of the totem pole walked away with the greatest experience of all.
It is better to serve than to be served. In reflecting on this story that is the reminder that I have received. In God's economy, those who are last will be first and those who are first will be last. I will always receive more from serving than from being served.
You left us with many mysteries but You have made it abundantly clear that Your honor, favor, glory, and blessing always follow a meek and serving leader. Your wrath, anger, and justice always follow a self-serving and abusive leader.
Power and position are dangerous things to possess. Few people handle it well. There are many traps, many temptations, and many enemies that accompany power and position. Regardless of my station in life, I pray that I never lose the heart of a servant.
Help me find my contentment, peace, joy, and fulfillment in serving other people to accomplish their ambitions. Guide me with wisdom as I sort through the decisions that are before me today so that I steer clear of the traps and landmines that lie before me. Empower me with Your favor as I lay aside my drive to make things happen and embolden my faith so that I may simply trust that You will make the provisions required.
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