Saturday, July 23, 2011

Finding Clarity

Read: Haggai 2
“Then the word of the LORD came…” Haggai 2:20

Through Haggai the word of the LORD came three times. Each time this happened, the LORD brought great clarity to the people regarding their past struggles, their current state, and their promises for the future.

Life gets confusing. There are situations when it is hard to tell what is of my flesh and what is of the Spirit. This is certainly the case when it comes to believing in blessing. The greed of my flesh always wants to take scriptures and claim blessings that are not mine.

There are certain times I struggle to distinguish the voice of my Father and the voice of my enemy. This almost always occurs when there are struggles in my life. Some troubles come because they are just a part of life on earth. Other struggles come as a result of the Father’s discipline.

The other area that gets down-right frustrating and confusing is relationships. There is great conflict in some relationships and it is hard to know when to reprove and when to let go. There are some great opportunities in some relationships right now, but my time and resources are limited. Knowing what to do with each becomes painful when clarity is lost.

You are not a God of confusion, but my understanding is very cloudy today. You are a God who speaks, but my hearing is being impacted by the noise around me. You are a God who makes level paths, but my footing feels steep right now. I need a word from you today.

I do not want to falsely grab a promise that is not from you nor do I want to miss out because I lacked boldness. I do not want to resist Your discipline and at the same time, I do not care to cower to an attack by my enemy. There are three ways I know You to speak. A word from You to my heart, a word from the scriptures, and a word from a brother have all been used by You in my past. When these three align together I can know with certainty where I am and where You are leading.

I pray for that level of clarity today in my life and over this work. Circumstances do not bother me, trials do not test me, and discipline does not hurt me. It is the not knowing with certainty what You have spoken that shuts me down. I feel the pressure mounting and I fear that I will miss You, so I ask for direction from You today.

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