Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kingdom Building or Not

Read: Haggai 1
“9 You looked for much [harvest], and behold, it came to little; and even when you brought that home, I blew it away. Why? says the Lord of hosts. Because of My house, which lies waste while you yourselves run each man to his own house [eager to build and adorn it].” Haggai 1:9

While laboriously involved with their own affairs the people were neglecting their spiritual responsibilities. As a result, they never had enough. God would add to their load and blow away what was earned. Until they gave more than lip service to putting God first they continually found themselves running a race with no end.

Before I start a task there is an assessment questionnaire I run through to help me ensure that I have all the bases covered. As I read this scripture I am reminded that the most important question to be asked is whether or not this act is building the kingdom or not.

When I worked in corporate world the distinction between Your work and mine was fairly black and white. Now, it all gets jumbled up. I can spend a great deal of time building things I want all the while losing sight of building what You desire of me. I am not here to serve myself but that is my default setting. I am asking today for You to scrub me of my own desires and lead me to set my hands only to Your work.

I am ambitious, fiery, determined and arrogant. This is an incredibly dangerous combination when I get off track. I pray that my ambition continue to be seeing Your glory here on earth. I pray that my fire be a holy passion to see people walking in Your will. I pray that my determination be an unwavering pursuit of the prize You place in front of me. The arrogance is the one part of this list that has no holy application. It is sin and I confess it to You today. Arrogance is my flesh’s way of covering up my insecurities. I ask for the confidence I need today to be transparent, strong, humble, and meek. I pray that nothing in me be brash or difficult but I be bold in my faith.

Your house here in Sweetwaters does lie in ruin. How does a child believe when they have nothing to look towards as a model? They lie alone at night shaking from the cold and trembling with fear. They awaken to empty stomachs and raped bodies. The curse of death lingers in the air and reveals itself in the mounds of their parents lying in their front yards. They see no good and have no hope. Building Your temple here is no easy task because we can’t plant western churches here. They do not need building where they can go pretend to be something they are not. They need a holistic movement of Your spirit that brings miracle healing to every aspect of their life. Please keep breaking my heart for what breaks Yours in this place and for the sake of the people I serve keep me aligned with Your direction and provision.

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