Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Can't Quit

Today's Reading: Joel 2:28-30 & 2 Timothy 1


"For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of hands." 2 Timothy 1:6


Everything that is given to man in Christ was freely given and can under no circumstances be earned. It is a free gift accepted by faith. But, while the transfer of salvation was free, the maintenance of faith is anything but free. Keeping the fire of faith alive requires the same attention, dedication and work as does keeping a camp fire alive.


In this passage I see three things that can quench the fire in my spirit. The first thing that quenches the fire in my spirit is timidity. Timid is defined in the dictionary as lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed. I can't allow these things to come upon me as they are not from God. When I chose to cower down to these feelings I am also choosing to lay down my faith.

The second thing that quenches the fire in my spirit is becoming ashamed of the Word. I can easily become unwilling to share my faith or become restrained in sharing because of fear of shame, ridicule, or disapproval. There are many times when I know God wants me to do something and I freeze in the moment. I have to stand firm and move towards the truth instead of suppressing it.

The third thing that quenches the fire in my spirit is changing the Word to fit my experience. I have a tendency to lower the standard of the Word so that I will not be disappointed. I have a tendency to lower my beliefs when my prayers feel as if they have come up short. I have am often tempted to change my interpretation of my beliefs to what I feel is possible. I have to constantly be reminded that God's Word is absolute and I can't dumb it down to fit my perception of reality.


My salvation is complete and I believe that regardless of my actions I eternally belong to You. While I know that is true I also know that I can't quit striving forward. I do not want to die as one who laid down his faith and lived a mediocre life. Your Word says that You take no pleasure in those who shrink back but relish in those who hold fast to their confidence in the face of difficult circumstances. That is the man I want to be.

I pray that You produce in me a sincere boldness when I feel timid, a strong assurance when I doubt, and an absolute trust in Your Word when circumstances get hard. I pray that You fill me with a crazy love and a stupid faith that is unexplainable outside of Your presence and provision. I ask that You do something unexplainable with my life and continue to teach me to fight the good fight.

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