Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thoughts and Actions

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 21 & Colossians 3


"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17


"In the Name of Jesus" is a phrase that has been greatly abused. This phrase has become a central part of the Christianese language. This phrase is spoken with little intentionality and its meaning varies depending on the situation and the person using it.

God, however, has a much deeper meaning for this phrase. In His Word this phrase is defined as meaning to act consistently with who Jesus is and what He wants to do. In the context of this chapter, He is saying to do all that we do without acting out the things described in Colossians 3:5 and to be full of the things listed in Colossians 3:12.


In theory the application of this passage today is very simple for me. I am to do all that I do in thought or deed without anger, wrath, malice, slander or abusive speech. At the same time all that I do in thought or deed is to model compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

While the application is so clear and simple in theory; it is brutal in practice.


Father I can sit and analyze these verses all morning long. I can meditate upon them and determine within myself to follow these commands. But we both know that as soon as I come in contact with the first situation of my day that presents an opportunity to practice these things; I will fail.

The conviction I feel this morning is deep. I face many intense moments throughout my week. In the heat of those moments I often lose sight of You. As my connection with You fades in the background the full weight of the old me comes crashing down. That old me is a malicious, hot-tempered, nasty man. While I have progressively gotten better at keeping this man from revealing himself in my actions; he still runs strong in my thoughts. I confess to You this morning the sins that I entertain in my mind.

My hope today is in You. I can't do this; You never said I could. You can do this in me; You always said You would. That is what I cling to today. Strengthen me in Christ Jesus to be all that I can be today. Hold me close and allow my thoughts and deeds to clearly reflect the new man You created me to be.

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