Today's Reading: 2 Kings 13:20-21 & 2 Timothy 3
"always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth." 2 Timothy 3:7
It is quite possible to spend a lifetime "learning" and never really "learn" a flippin thing. In this context having religion can be worse than not having anything at all. There is a huge separation between obtaining information, giving a godly appearance, and really walking in the truth of God. I see three things in the passage that will hinder my growth.
The first thing that will hinder my growth is allowing the depravity of the world to sneak into my life. "Lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God." These are the words Paul uses to describe the temptations I will face. As I look at this list I realize just how easy it is to be taken captive. There is not a thing on the list above that I have not been a part of at some point in my life and that I am not still vulnerable to today.
The second thing that will hinder my walk is surrounding myself with religious people. Paul repeatedly warns against being with people who give an outward appearance of being a Christian but live a lifestyle in opposition to it. This is the only group of people the New Testament says to avoid. It is amazing how destructive it is to adopt false religion or to be a luke warm follower of Christ. I have to flee the first sign of this behavior.
The third thing that will hinder my walk is giving up before I learn the lesson. Paul encourages me to continue in the things I know to be true even as I face persecution and observe the fall of others. I have to daily seek God's Word and WRESTLE with it until I find its application in my life. God is at work in me and I have to get my mind, body and soul into alignment with what He wants to accomplish. This never has been and never will be a popular or easy path.
Father it is so easy to stop at the information level after hearing a good sermon, receiving good advice, reading a good book or hearing Your voice in the scriptures. But that is not enough. I must wrestle with things until change occurs inwardly. This is a messy, confusing, frustrating, and painful process.
I need Your help. I am a stubborn man and prone to failure. My greatest fear in life is the things in my heart not matching the words of my mouth. Keep me sitting at Your feet. Move before me and guide me as I seek to become transformed into Your image. You are the vision for my life. You are my mission.
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