Monday, June 29, 2009

Nasty Words

Today's Reading: Psalms 86, Amos 5:14-15, & Titus 1


"They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed." Titus 1:16


Talk is nothing; lifestyle is everything. It is easy to make professions with the mouth, but it is another thing to align actions with words. God, through Paul, calls those who talk of God and live in opposition to Him some really nasty words. Detestable. Disobedient. Worthless.


I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I'm smart enough to know that having God call me detestable, disobedient, and worthless is not a good thing. My actions must prove my faith. God does not call on me to be perfect, but He does call on me to be in pursuit of what is holy. This morning's reading reveals three ways I can test my walk for alignment with His Word.

The first is found in Psalm 86. When the pressures of life mounted up, David turned to God for deliverance. God was his hope, strength and deliverance. If I am really seeking God with my actions, hard times will drive me towards Him.

The second in found in Amos 5. The call of this passage is to hate evil and seek good. HATE evil. It is not enough to just use will power to resist evil. My call is to literally hate it. SEEK good. A life after God is not sitting still. I have to be active pursuit of good things.

The third is found in Titus. The result of my relationship with God must produce purity. If I am living according to what God is asking of me my mind and my conscience will be clear. This does not mean that I will be perfect for I know that as long as I am in this body I will sin. What it means is that I will not live in denial of or as a slave to my sin; I will confess it, God will forgive it, and I will most past it.


This is a tough word. I am not sure why, but today's world seems to press me to blame You for hard times in my life, not turn to You in prayer. I often fall to that pressure and end up angry with You. I ask that You forgive me of my arrogant attitude towards You.

It is easy to hate certain evil. There are certain sins that really standout in my mind as vile. On the other hand, there are also certain evils that I really do not hate. Certain thoughts, actions, and dreams are fun to play with. I realize this morning that evil is evil. I need to hate it all. I ask that You forgive my secret desires for the certain evils that appeal to my appetite.

Father, my life has to produce pure fruit and result in a good pursuit. That is my heart's desire today. Help me help my stupid self. You see my day and the things that I will face. I am helpless against my weaknesses. Be my strength. Be my desire. Be in me my all consuming passion.

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