Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Walk the Walk

Today's Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Psalm 94; & Ephesians 5


"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise." Ephesians 5:15


Paul continues to hammer his readers on the importance of their walk and lifestyle. In today's readings I see a few things regarding my walk that require care and caution.


Ecclesiastes 12:13 sums up the Word in a simple challenge to fear God and obey His commands. The theory is simple, but the application of this is grueling. Satan has been doing what he has been doing for a very long time and he is quiet accomplished at it. The world wars against me fearing God and doing what He says. It is easy to become disconnected with God, lose my awe of Him and fall down on what I know is right. I must return my focus to the greatness of God and the absoluteness of His commands.

Psalms 94 is a great reminder that life gets rough and I am going to be tempted to doubt God. During trials (which are promised to come) I must endure and cling to my hope in God. This chapter reminds me that my emotions will fail me, but I must stand tall on God's promise to never abandon me. There will be times when I feel left behind. There will be times when I feel life is unfair. In those moments I must allow the Holy Spirit to draw me into the truth of God's promise of deliverance to His kids who endure.

Finally, Ephesians 5 reminds me that I am to imitate God. This is no small task and I can't accomplish it on my own. The only thing that I can do is say yes and follow after the leading of the Spirit in my life. As I walk in obedience and stand on the Word of God the Holy Spirit will empower me to produce fruit that reflects God in my life.


You know me. You know my tendencies. You see my thoughts before I do. You hear my words before I say them. You know the outcome of my choices before I even weigh my options. Only You have the ability to search my heart and know the truth of its contents.

I ask this morning that You reveal to me the truth of me. Help me see myself as You see me. There is no way I can fear You, cling to You or imitate You without Your stirring in my life. My greatest desire today is to see Your hand at work in my life, having an impact on the world around me.

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