Monday, September 28, 2009

Kingdom Focused

Today's Reading: Zechariah 4 & Luke 12


"But seek His kingdom and these things will be added to you." Luke 12:31


God is just another strategy for success nor is He another means to satisfy greed. This text is an invitation to abandon desires for building earthly kingdoms that expire at death for the pursuit of a heavenly kingdom that will never die.


Becoming kingdom focused is a bit of a mystical term that can become twisted in my mind and totally missed in outcome of my decisions. This morning I see three things that will contribute to me becoming kingdom focused: 1.) Devalue earthly success. 2.) Pursue God's call. 3.) Live expectantly.


Devaluing earthly success is a hard first step. I know that until I make a move in totally shifting my definition of success away from things that happen on earth I will never fully experience You; but I get so confused in trying to do this. I fully acknowledge that I know beyond any doubt that success according to the world is empty, but I also confess that I still base my self-worth on it. I ask that You continue to encourage me as I struggle to make this happen in my life.

Pursuing Your call on my life is an even harder second step. I feel so inadequate. I fear what I will say, where I will go, or whether or not I will succeed. I fear the persecution and confrontation that could happen. Most of all, I fear the unknown. As best I can from where I am I fully surrender to Your purpose and trust that You will not rest until I am fully engaged in Your mission for my life.

Living expectantly is the final ingredient I need today. I walk into a store and I fully expect to find what I need. I pick up my phone and fully expect to make a call. But when it comes to things of faith I do not always carry the same level of expectancy. In fact I am often tempted to dumb down my expectations so that I will not be disappointed. I ask today that You fuel inside of me a strength faith and raging fire of expectancy concerning Your promises.

Father all three of these things lie beyond my abilities. I rely today on Your promise in Zechariah 6 that says it is not based on my power to complete these things. I need a massive movement of Your Spirit in my life.

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