Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Selfish First Moves

Today's Reading: Daniel 12:1-3 & Luke 6


"And all the people were trying to touch Him, for power was coming from Him and healing them all." Luke 6:19


Most everyone who comes to Jesus takes their first step for purely selfish reasons. There is something in their life badly out of sort and in Christ they see a solution. That is certainly true of me.

I wanted to go to heaven and be a part of something bigger than myself when I prayed to received Christ. I wanted out of the mess I had created and was looking for peace when I confessed to rebelling against God and rededicated my life to Christ. My career had lost its edge and I was looking for deeper fulfillment when I surrendered to full time ministry.

Just like the folks in this passage every first step towards a major transition in my life started for purely selfish reasons. Just like the folks in the passage, Christ graciously met me at my point of need. But then, just like the folks in this passage, Christ makes the second move and teaches four really important lessons.


Lesson one, I will spend myself on my mission. Jesus moves in my life not so that I may store up blessings, but so that I may spend it on others. And this not just talking about money. All my time, energy, knowledge, and resources are part of the deal. All of me spent in pursuit of all of Him.

Lesson two, I will never get my fill. Christianity is not some meditative religion designed to find inner peace. Experiencing Christ will create a hunger deep inside that refuses to settle for this world. The more I know of Christ the less I will be satisfied by what is in the world.

Lesson three, I will be broken over the world. There is no way possible for me to know Christ deeply and not be broken over what my eyes see in this world.

Lesson four, I will experience persecution. People are not always that receptive to God's view of their life; especially hypocrites. Choosing to follow after Christ is often accepting an invitation to anger the religious elite.


Father I need Your strength today. I can not live the life to which You have called me unless I am void of me and full of You. Lead me to spend all the life I have in me today for You, Your purposes, and Your glory.

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