Today's Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 & Revelation 12
"And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war." Revelation 12:7
This makes no sense to me. I have read some commentary on it but it only raises more questions and becomes all the more confusing.
Passages of scripture such as this one remind me of a couple of things. First, I am reminded that while there are aspects of the Bible that are fun, easy and enjoyable to believe; there are sections that really are none of those things. Sometimes I am tempted to read the Bible much like I would shop for groceries. I walk the aisles of the scripture looking to the verses that speak to something of interest to me and skip past the things I do not want, like or feel. To believe in God is to accept the whole counsel of all the scripture. Even ones I do not like or understand.
Second, I am reminded that there is way more to God, heaven, hell, satan, angels and demons than I can ever process in my finite mind. I often wonder what it would be like if God opened my eyes to see the things of the spirit world? I am quite sure if He did I would depend on Him much more than I do now.
Finally, I am reminded that I need to personally experience God in real and tangible ways. In moments where life becomes confusing and scriptures, circumstances, situations, and outcomes make no sense; it is the real and tangible encounters I have had with God that anchor my emotions and focus me back on my faith.
I can not even pretend to understand You. Even my highest thoughts of You feel like the thoughts of a three year old explaining the inner workings of the planet. But I am still constantly compelled to pursue You. It makes no logical sense to me why, but I do. Thank your for drawing me near.
Your Spirit inside me compels me to continue my pursuit of Your will for my life and my experiences have proven the goodness of Your ways. I pray that those two things continue working in my life.
Enlighten the eyes of my heart to understand clearly what You are asking of me and tangibly affirm my course and direction. I pray that You strengthen my faith and enable me to hold tight to You even when things make no sense at all.
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