Friday, September 11, 2009

The Truth about Me

Today's Reading: Daniel 1 & Revelation 16


"But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself..." Daniel 1:8


Daniel is one of the few people in the Bible whose record is flawless. Daniel stood by his beliefs and lived a Godly life in the midst of some amazingly difficult circumstances.

The thing that is really sticking me this morning is the fact that Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself.

He looked at all that had taken place and faced an enormous crisis of belief. God's nation, destroyed. The things of God's temple, given to the gods of another nation. The special names given to the men of God, changed to reflect foreign gods.

There was nothing tangible left in Daniel's life that would offer proof that God was alive, powerful or good. Yet, he made up his mind to stick to what he believed to be true of God.


I would have eaten the steak and gotten drunk. As I read this story this morning that is the dead honest truth of how I would react if I suddenly was awakened one day to find that America was destroyed, all churches were burned, and I was carried away to a foreign nation to serve and worship their leader.


This morning has been a long hard look in the mirror and I have observed some things about myself that merit my attention and need Your intervention. The sense that I have of myself is that my faith is not strong enough to survive the destruction of my world. I recognize that this morning as not being as it should be and I confess it to You.

Father, I can not manufacture the level of faith that I see displayed in Daniel. That type of dedication can only come through the empowerment of Your Holy Spirit. Move upon my heart and life today in a way that will produce in me an unshakable, undying, and unrelenting faith in Your promises.

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