Saturday, September 19, 2009

What He was Before

Today's Reading: Luke 2


"Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions." Luke 2:46


Before Christ was a teacher He was a learner. He respected His elders and the teachers of the temple. He sat with them and learned from them. Before Christ was a leader He was submissive. He honored His parents and elders by allowing them to lead Him. Before Christ was a reformer He was a traditionalist. Mary and Joseph took care in walking Him through all the traditions of the law according to what was expected and Christ followed them to the letter.

Jesus did not just show up one day and decide to cast a new vision. He spent time learning, understanding, and clarifying what God wanted Him to do. When the time was right, He launched His ministry and began the new work God had planned for Him. But until that time came, He was content to be a student of His context.


Being patient with change is not an easy thing for me. When I spot a problem or see something that could be better it is really hard for me to sit still. This is especially true when the problem or improvement would improve my circumstances or when people are being negatively impacted.

But my role in life is to follow the example of Christ. Christ did not act on impulse or instincts. He did not respond to concerns or convictions. He only moved according to the will of His Father.


Father discerning the difference between my impulses, instincts, convictions or concerns and Your voice is really tough. I am always bent toward action. I move fast into things I feel are calling for my attention. I am afraid of little and will charge head first with the slightest nudge. This is a great strength when I am right and a destructive mess when I am wrong.

I confess to You this morning my need for a greater connection with You. My prayer times can become very one sided as I have a tendency to spend most of it talking and little of it listening. I ask that You slow down my sense of urgency and allow me to rest until I am certain of Your direction and leading. I pray that You help me find the humility to sit and learn while I am waiting on You to release me into a work.

I pray that You continue to strengthen me in favor, statute and wisdom. Guide me as I continue to seek Your will and equip me as I step forward at Your invitation. I am thankful that You are faithful to complete everything You desire for my life.

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