Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nasty Potential

Scripture: Ezekiel 18:30-32 & Revelation 5


"Cast away from you all your transgressions which you have committed and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! For why will you die O Israel?" Ezekiel 18:31


Last night Bryce was acting crazy and making some really poor choices that were going to result in him getting a spanking. The final straw came when it was time for him to go to bed and I asked him to go to the bathroom. He refused and a battle of wills ensued between He and I. I finally got a belt, looked him in the eyes, and asked why. Why would you choose this path? You know that I am going to win, would it not be better to just do what I ask and enjoy our time together?

This morning I hear God saying to me, "Exactly my point!"


Everyday I am faced with choices. Each choice sets into motion irrefutable laws God has put into place. Some choices lead me to enjoy the fellowship of my Father and other choices cause me to endure the discipline of my Father.

The great thing is that I am a child of God so He is never going to punish me beyond what I can take and He is never going to totally abandon me. He will, however, smoke my hams on occasion to keep me on the right track; but His heart is that we walk together and enjoy the journey.


Father I am fully equipped to make some really dumb choices. There are many days that I feel like choosing poorly is the only thing that I am naturally gifted at!

I completely lay before You this morning and acknowledge that I am incapable of avoiding a repeat of my past mistakes without Your intervention in my life.

Holy Spirit I pray that I walk through this day and be in tune with Your leadership in my life. Make the way before me clear and strengthen me to stay away from the nasty potential that my flesh still seeks to fulfill.

Father I desire more than anything to just enjoy Your presence today, to rest in Your grace, and to pursue Your will. I do not wish to test You and I certainly do not want to engage Your discipline. I want to walk with You today as a son with his Father and enjoy all that You have for me. You alone are worthy of my life, my praise, my worship, and my obedience

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