Thursday, July 28, 2011

Return to Me Part 2

Read: Zechariah 1
“Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the LORD of hosts, “that I may return to you,” says the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 1:3

God was preparing to restore Israel and there were a lot of great things taking place. As He spoke through Zechariah, He reminded them of the failures of their fathers and warned them to not follow their example. There were three choices at the heart of every failure of the forefathers; they disobeyed a direct word from God, they delayed in following God, or they doubted the integrity of God.

When I need something from God, my expectations are for Him to move quickly. Really it is more like instantly. Honestly, my preferred pace and relationship with God can only be likened to having unlimited access to a genie in a bottle. Things turn sharply though when God wants something from me.

The first step to obeying God for me always seems to be delay. Now, I normally make it sound more holy than that. Some of my best politically correct reasons for not following God are; let me pray about it, I need to test it to make sure it really is God, or the doors have not opened.

The problem is there is not a single example of a man or woman in the scriptures who ever moved forward with complete clarity around their mission or their success. God says that it is impossible to please Him without faith. I must move forward without complete clarity and will always have to trust in what cannot be seen. Lysa Terkeurst gives 5 questions that are helpful in discerning if something is from God:
1. Is it consistent with the scriptures?
2. Does it line-up with God’s character?
3. Is it being confirmed through things I read, hear or see?
4. Is it beyond my abilities?
5. Would it please God?

If it passes those 5 tests, then I can trust that God is calling me to it.

If I delay in obeying You, then technically I really have not disobeyed You right? I mean, it is not like I told You no. It is more like I am making sure that I understand so that I don’t make a mistake; right?

It is amazing to me how stupid my rationale looks when I see it on paper. I want to be more faithful and stop delaying in my obedience. Most of the areas I am struggling with right now are in the areas of forgiveness and trust. There are people I need to release. I am holding on to my anger because I want to make sure they learn their lesson. The truth is, I am the only one suffering. You have said let it go and I need to stop planning the wrath of words I have stored up to lead them to repentance. You are my defender and I must let go. Trust is also an issue. There is a fine line between work and faith. Your Word commands hard work. This delicate balance can be seen in the story of Nehemiah as he was building the wall. Though You promised to protect him, he basically kept a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. You want my trust to rest in You, while not abandoning sound reason and the disciplined work that goes along with it. Both are essential and I ask today for the wisdom I need to keep it.

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