Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Light

Read: Deuteronomy 23-24 & John 8
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” John 8:12

Jesus spoke these words during the feast of booths. This was one of the major feasts observed by the Jews. Each afternoon of the seven days of this feast, priests and pilgrims gathered and four large oil lamps were lit. It was said that the light from these lamps was so bright that it penetrated every courtyard in Jerusalem. These lamps were likely burning as Jesus was telling the crowds that He was the true light.

Jesus spoke. That is the first thing that just jumps out to me from this verse. Hebrews 13:8 tells me that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He spoke then and I need to be reminded that He still speaks today. He is not silent. He is never distant. I can hear Him if I open my heart to accept what He is saying.

The second thing that I see in this verse is the reminder that there are a lot of things that compete with me receiving the light Jesus brings. In my mind I can see people standing and staring at the lamps burning at the temple. They would have been awestruck at the beautiful glow. All the while, the Light of the heavens was standing before them and most of them never really saw Him. The same happens to me today. There are many things that compete with me truly seeing Jesus. Many of them come in the form of religious rituals. Rituals are ok when used properly, but they are never as good as connecting personally with Jesus Himself.

The final thing I see in this text reminds me that the Light did not come into the world for me to live my life. He came so that I may live His life. I cannot follow Him and refuse to make choices with my life that differ radically from the choices I would make if I did not know Him. His presence should leave a marked difference in how the world perceives my lifestyle.

This has been a hectic day that has been running wildly out of control since my feet hit the ground. There were a lot of things I needed to do this afternoon. There is still the mountain of tasks I have yet to complete, the upcoming trip I need to plan, the phone calls I’m already behind on, and the several emails that must be sent out. In the middle of that, the last thing I felt like doing was opening my Bible and finishing the quiet time I cut short this morning. I am really glad I followed Your leading and spent some time with You this afternoon.

My soul and spirit feel alive again and my lungs feel like they are able to fully expand. Tension has lifted and my anxiety has lessened. I needed to be reminded that You and You alone are my sole source of light. Help me to open my heart to Your voice, submit my ways to Your will, and live my days in pursuit of Your desires. There is nothing of worth I can do on my own. You are my rock, my provider, and my fortress. The weight of my mission belongs to You; not me. Forgive me for taking on more than You have asked of me. Help me to trust You and remind me daily that those who wait on You are never disappointed.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Four Tests of a Man

Read: Deuteronomy 19-20 & John 6
“Then the officers shall speak to the people, saying…” Deuteronomy 20:5

In the verses that follow this one there are four tests that should be true about a man of God before he can be considered a valiant warrior. His home should be in order, his vineyard should be mature, he should fulfill his duties to his wife, and he should have a brave and true heart after God.

I have to be the spiritual head of my home before I am anything else. That said, a strong home is not my goal in life. My goal in life has to remain getting into the fight for God and His kingdom. A strong home is simply a requirement. I cannot be effective for God in building His kingdom if I am weak in allowing Him to build my home.

Times have changed. In my world, people no longer live off of their vineyards. Our jobs now represent our vineyards since they are the source of our sustenance. I need to be a faithful laborer and make sure that my financial affairs are in order. It is hard to be a valiant warrior and continue the care of my home if I am not caring for my vineyard.

The relationship between a man and his wife is second only to a man’s relationship with Jesus. As I read the Bible there is no conclusion to be reached other than every aspect of my earthly existence is based on me loving my wife as Christ loved the church.

Finally, comes a brave and valiant heart. Jesus simplified the instructions for building a strong heart in John 6 when He told His disciples that the only way to accomplish this was to believe in Him. My beliefs about Jesus are paramount to the man I am becoming. If my views of Him are broken and splintered, then I will never accomplish anything for God.

In each of these areas I am aware of nothing being intentionally held back. As best I can from where I am, my life is laid open before You. I pray that You continue to mold me into the man You desire. Help me to be a strong leader in my home. I desire for my kids to wake up each day and see a reliable model of Christ in their father. Bless the fruit of my vineyard. As I am faithful to sow seeds and work the land that You have given, I continue to trust in You for the harvest. Teach me to be a strong lover of my wife. There is no relationship on earth that compares to my marriage. Brandy is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. We are not two but one. Strip away the pride and selfishness that robs her of the husband that You desire for me to be. Father, there is nothing I want more in life than to believe more deeply in Jesus and to understand the life that You desire for me to live in following after Him. I pray that You continue to make clear the mission and path You have set out before me and that each day leads me to better model the heart of Christ to those around me.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Wellspring of Life

Read: Deuteronomy 15-16 & John 4
“The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of living water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

Jesus referred to placing faith in Him as receiving a wellspring of living water and that the person who received that water would never thirst again.

There are a couple of things about this verse that I sense this morning. First, I have to allow what I receive from Jesus to mature inside of me. Jesus did not say He would plant a wellspring of life in me. He said the water He gives “will become” a wellspring of life. The “will become” part takes time. Receiving Jesus is only the start of the process. I must stay engaged with the work of the Holy Spirit as he leads me in the process of transformation that God desires to bring about within me.

The second thing I sense this morning is the inadequacy of my own faith. I look at phrases like “living water” and “never thirst” and it leads me to realize the extent to which my faith still needs to grow. My connection with God through Jesus is intended to be the very pinnacle of my existence. It should be to me as food and water.

Father, I know that You desire for my salvation and my relationship with You to be the very breath of my existence. I also know that my deepest desire is to experience You in this way. I realize that while this is our mutual desire, it is not yet my reality. There are still times when I view You more as the means to achieving all I want in life, not as the point of my life. I confess that to You this morning. I acknowledge the distance and express my desire to know you and experience You deeper.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Prime Times to Forget God

Read: Deuteronomy 7-8 & Psalm 53-55
“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations…” Deuteronomy 7:9

Moses slowed the people of Israel down and took them back through their history. He brought the good, the bad and the ugly before them and encouraged them to remember the goodness of God that was revealed to them through it all.

There are seasons of life when it is easy to forget the faithfulness of God, to not feel His unfailing love, and to become uncertain about His position of LORD God. In this passage I see three primary times when I am at risk of doing this. First, there are seasons of plenty. In the midst of God blessing the works of my hands, it is really easy to lose sight of the fact that it was God who gave me the ability to reach a comfortable place. When I have everything I need and there are no worries, I need to be really careful in ensuring that I hold on loosely to things and make sure that I remember to stay dependent on God.

It is also easy to lose sight of God under the weight of prolonged adversity. The wilderness is a dark and lonely place. If my objective ever shifts away from being close to God and instead my focus becomes centered on escaping the wilderness, then I have put myself at risk. If God’s timing for deliverance does not happen to be mine, then I will feel rejected and be tempted to fall away. My focus in wilderness times should always be on drawing near to God, finding strength for my soul, and abandoning my desires. Those things will always carry me into the heart of God.

Finally, losing sight of the LORD my God is tempting in the face of real and present dangers. Faith in God requires that I believe in things that I have never seen. This is all well and good but there are seasons of life when threats come against me that are very visible. As I calculate the odds and stare in the face of my enemies, it is really easy to forget the power of my unseen God. During these times I have to hold fast to the things that I know about God and make sure that the meditations of my heart return me to the greatness of my God.

Whatever the seasons of life may be, the unyielding fact is that You remain the same. I am grateful for Your unchanging nature, the unbreakable covenant You made through Christ, and the steadfast love with which You pursue me. In seasons that I find my barns full, I want to keep my eyes on You and never find my security in the works of my hands. During times of walking in the wilderness, I want to purge my heart of the things that distract me from You and learn deeply of Your character and heart. When I find myself staring in the face of adversity, I want to fight knowing that it is You who gives victory and never be intimidated by what my eyes see. You are the LORD my God; my only God. I do not want to ever give glory to another. I pray that You maintain Your proper place in my heart today.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Enjoy in Excess

Read: Deuteronomy 5-6 & Psalm 51-52
“Behold, You delight in truth in the inward being, and You teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” Psalm 51:6

This is a Psalm of repentance. David wrote this following Nathan calling him out for sleeping with Bathsheba and killing her husband. In this Psalm David models that repentance is more than just feeling sorry for what was done. True repentance is turning and a determination to move forward in a new direction. It is allowing the wisdom and grace of God to change the truth that one’s heart contains.

Many times it is easy to read the scriptures and focus my attention on the things that I should not do. There is a time for that. There is also a time to just pause and give my attention to the things God has provided for me to enjoy without limits. In this Psalm I see three things. First, I can always ask God to create in me a pure heart and a right spirit. My deepest desire and delight in life should be to have a heart that is unencumbered by guilt or evil and to have a spirit that accurately reflects Christ. My prayers should never cease in asking God for this.

Second, I can ask God to restore the joy of my salvation and give me a willing spirit. Salvation is not a burden. There is supposed to be joy to it. Salvation is not a “have to” deal. It is supposed to be a “want to” affair. There are days that the joy slips and I feel like I am being drug along. I should never stop running to God and asking Him to bring joy to my obedience and willingness to my spirit.

Finally, I can open my lips and praise God. Praise cannot be manufactured. As I open my lips the contents of my heart are revealed in the words that I speak. The result of the first two things I listed above is a heart that produces praise to God. As my heart is broken and my spirit is made contrite, I find the humility I need to truly acknowledge the beauty of God, the joy of my salvation, and the peace of His grace completing its work inside of me.

Father, I do not want to just be sorry for my sins; I want to be in a passionate pursuit of You, Your truth, and Your ways. I pray that You give me a clean heart and a right spirit. I want everything inside of me to be aimed at You. I also ask that You restore the joy of my salvation. There is no dread in following after You. The dread is always a result of me placing a higher value on the things I desire for myself. Please lead me today to find no greater joy than following after You.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rules for Calamity

Read: Deuteronomy 1-2 & Psalm 44-47
“Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord?” Psalm 44:23

In this Psalm the people have reflected on the past goodness of God and reminded themselves of His strength to deliver. They have also examined their present condition to make sure that there was no unfaithfulness to God in their hearts. Upon finding no evidence of their hearts being turned away from God, their only logical conclusion was that they were suffering one of the most difficult pains to both endure and understand; calamity. Calamity does not appear to have any reasonable purpose and cannot be linked to behavioral choices and its resolution lies beyond the control of the people suffering it.

Right now I am without a doubt going through a season of calamity. Nothing seems to be lining up, time is running out, and I feel like there is nothing more I can do to make things better. As I sit here this morning, I look to Romans 8:28-39 for the application of this Psalm. There are a few keys there that I find helpful during times of calamity. First, I should examine my heart but not become legalistic. When I look in my heart to see if sin is the cause of my separation from God’s provision or protection, the thing I need to look for is unfaithfulness. Unfaithfulness is the actual turning of my heart’s fundamental loyalty and trust away from God. Sin is inevitable. I will never be perfect. Calamity is not the result of sin. Grace covers it. Playing the game of tightening the rules I live by in order to adjust my circumstances is an endless game of disappointment.

Second, I must choose to separate my circumstances from God’s love. In my own mind, my circumstances are my primary love language with God. By default, I interpret good times to mean God’s love for me is strong and bad times to mean God is disappointed with me. This is false. Romans eight makes it clear that God’s love is not associated with anything and is never separated from me. My pursuit of and devotion to God must never be tied to my circumstances. This makes me unstable and weak.

Third, I must remember Jesus. Calamity threatens the very core of my beliefs in God and can lead me to take my eyes off of Jesus. Jesus is my salvation, my connection to God, and my promise of redemption. He is high and lifted up. He sits at the right hand of God and intercedes on my behalf. He has been where I am, He has overcome more than I have ever faced, and those who belong to Him will always land on their feet. This is a promised fact that I must not throw out when times get hard.

Finally, and the most difficult to accept, implement, and stick with, children of God do not shrink back during times of calamity because they know that God is most glorified when He shows up, shows out and sets things right. Paul’s bold declaration in Romans eight is that we are more than conquerors even when our noses are bloodied, our butts are kicked, and our resolve is challenged. Keep getting up, keep seeking Christ, and keep expecting the greatness of God to come through in the end.

Father, wow. Words cannot describe the level of pain, frustration, and doubt I am carrying right now. I am emotionally drained to the point that I am physically exhausted. In the middle of it all, I just want to make sure that You and all who will listen to me, hear and know that my undying loyalty still belongs to You. I follow You joyfully when You lead me to places I want to go and my heart’s desire is to follow You joyfully even now as You lead me to places that I don’t want to go.

I am grateful to You for speaking to me this morning and reminding me of these four keys. I have examined my heart and have not found unfaithfulness there. I have assessed my love for You and definitely found that I link it to my circumstances. Please keep me from trying to manipulate my behavior as a ploy to control my circumstances. I pray that I learn to connect with Your love regardless of my circumstance. I have looked to Jesus today and realize how much of His power I fail to use. Anoint me with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit today that will lead me to honor the power You have invested in me. I look at the last key today and realize that I have allowed my circumstances to lead me to doubt everything about who I am through Christ. Restore my swagger today. Intensify my love and devotion to You so that it overtakes the weight of my present situation.

Father in the middle of all this seeming mess, I have no place else to go. To walk away from what I am facing would mean that I would have to deny everything You have done in leading me to this place. I cannot do that. My only hope is in You and Your goodness and that You show up.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Deliverance Will Come

Read: Numbers 33-34 & Psalm 39-40
“He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD.” Psalm 40:3

David reflected back on the hard times he faced in which he waited patiently on God for deliverance. Through the seasons of struggle David was given a new song, many people were able to clearly see the hand of God, and God’s great glory was revealed.

Waiting on the LORD often entails sitting still when circumstances scream for movement, trusting in God while struggles seem to defy His existence, and holding onto hope even while the noose tightens around my neck. It is a waiting that is beyond any other experience in my life. As hard of a struggle as it may be, the promise of the Word is that deliverance will come.

Father, this journey has been crazy. I have struggled to the point of nearly pulling my hair out and find myself sitting at a place where my circumstances are more uncertain today than when I started. In the middle of it all, I have not shrunk back from claiming Your goodness, sharing with others the good things You have done, nor from seeking You wholeheartedly. I stand firm today on Your promises to complete the good work that You started within me.

You know that I am only flesh and blood. In my weakness, the screaming nature of reality tempts me to panic. Your seeming silence in the midst of my accusers screams makes it easy to doubt You. As the noose tightens around my neck my faith is pushed beyond what I thought were its limits. Through this time You have grown my faith stronger. I have been amazed at how desperately I have sought You and my journals reflect how deeply You have responded to me.

While my faith is strong enough to endure, my emotions have taken a toll on my mind and body. I am tired today. Strengthen me. I ask that You please consider offering some relief to us today or at least a strong reminder that our hope is not in vain. My soul longs for life today, my spirit desires freedom, and my emotions beg for rest. I return to You with these things because I believe that all I desire can only be found in You.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three P's

Three P’s

Read: Numbers 29- 30 & 3 John
“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” 3 John 1:2

Much is made in the New Testament about holding on to faith in the midst of suffering and persecution. In this verse John reminds his readers that it is ok to seek provision, protection, and peace. These three P’s are basic human needs. Without them, life on earth is not tolerable.

Before I can look to God for my provision, protection, and peace I need to be walking in truth. If my lifestyle is not in submission to God, then it is not reasonable to expect Him to bless my life with provision, protection or peace. My heart and my intentions must be centered on the will of God.

Father, I am empty this morning. I turn to You today and ask for Your help. I need the basic provisions of wisdom, resources, and opportunity. There is a lot of confusion and frustration surrounding me right now, and I desperately need Your sovereign hand to set things straight before me.

I need Your protection today over our physical and emotional well-being. You know where we are and the struggles that we are facing today. I pray that You make my home and my family a safe place today. In the face of great strain and stress it is difficult to stay healthy. I turn towards You today and beg Your protection over our home.

Things are not well with my soul today. I am frustrated and honestly I am disappointed. I fully expected hardships as we followed You on this new journey, but I never expected the weight that I feel today. It is tempting to fall away. As the heat of this struggle intensifies, I pray that the glory of Your name would become more real, more tangible, and more comforting. Restore my hope today. Strengthen Your name today. Make things well with my soul today.

In all of this I continue to give You my yes. As You lead, I will follow. Let my life be honoring to Your name and a source of strength for those who are walking in the truth. I pray that You do something today that will strengthen my awe of You. Let Your great name be fully reflected in my provision, my protection and my peace.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Testing Spirits

Read: Numbers 23-24 & 1 John 4
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…” 1 John 4:1

There are two strong pillars that guide the testing of the spirit. The first is the command from Jesus in Matthew 7 to not judge. The second is found in John 7 when Jesus tells us to judge with right judgment. These two passages are not in conflict with one another. They form the boundaries for how we are to process the things that we hear. Do not accept everything but also do not be judgmental. We should test the things we hear with good judgment.

The testing of spirit is not about passing judgment on a person but is about using right judgment to determine the direction to follow. There are two tests found in this passage from John. First, a spirit from God will always have its core built around following after Jesus’ example. Jesus’ example was to always be about doing the Father’s work, modeling the Father’s heart, and waiting on the Father’s timing. The Spirit of God will never lead me to do anything else.

The second test is found in the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit from God will always be love. This fruit of love is not just affection for people I like, joy and passion for the life I live, or being a good friend to those close to me. First, it must be about deeply experiencing the perfect love of God and then allowing that love to secure me to the Father. Once I am secured by the perfect love of my Father, I am then able to extend that same perfect love to the world around me. The Spirit that is from God will always cast out fear, bring security, and press me to pursue others in love.

“Though the vision tarries, wait for it.” That is what I keep hearing from You right now. That is the only thing I hear that seems to reflect Jesus and produce peace in me. Every other spirit I hear seems to create a burden and produce panic. So, I wait.

Father, it is hard to discern Your leading right now. I am susceptible to deception. My emotions are running high and the circumstances in which I am living continue to be exasperated by the crunching of time around me. I have always said I trust You with my provision, but this is the first time I have ever had to really mean it.

I pray that I continue to reflect Jesus in all that I say and do. Please do not allow me to act on a false spirit, but above that, I beg that You keep me far from speaking anything that does not lead others to You. The thought of leading people away from You is more than I can bear. I also ask that You anchor my soul to Your Spirit in perfect love. Your love is the only thing that can cast out my fear and keep me locked onto Your mission. I believe in You, Your Son, and Your Spirit. I do not want to give my life to another.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Frustration is Not Always Bad

Read: Numbers 21-22 & 1 John 1:3

“Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way with his drawn sword in his hand. And he bowed down and fell on his face.” Numbers 22:31

Balaam was a man of God following the orders of God. He was doing what God had asked of him, but his heart was not pure. God knew that Balaam would fall to temptation and fail when it came, so He frustrated his progress by sending the angel of the Lord to stand in his way. When Balaam finally saw the true source of his frustration, he fell on his face and cried out to God.

Frustration is not always evil. There are times and seasons of life when God has to slow me down so that He can tear out what is of me, replace it with what is of Him, and then release me to accomplish His purpose.

The past three months have been times of frustration, disappointment, and confusion. Nothing has seemed to work as I thought. Everything has moved painfully slow when it has even moved at all. Yet, I have seen Your mighty hand in the middle of it all. Brandy and I have not been ready for You to release us. I recognize Your grace and acknowledge that it has been Your hand of mercy holding us back until our hearts are strong enough to accomplish the work that You have for us.

I lay on my face before You today and only ask that You allow me to be fully aware of the work You desire to do inside of me. Tear out what is of me, replace it with what is of You, and let me know when I am released to move forward. I do not want to take a single step until my heart is ready. Help me avoid the temptation to beat and force things into submission and give me the courage I need to sit, be still, and wait on You.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Can't. You Can

Read: Numbers 15 -16 & 2 Peter 3
“Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by Him without spot or blemish, and at peace.” 2 Peter 2:14

The context of this verse is the awaited return of Jesus, the destruction of this broken world, and the arrival of the new heavens and earth promised by God. The principal, however, is applicable to any season of waiting. Waiting is hard and the times can become trying. The question of whether God will come through or not is not an option. He will. The variable is whether or not I will maintain my senses during the waiting.

March 8th. I look at that date this morning and feel the weight of it. Time is moving past me at a much faster rate than are the resources I need coming in to me. Everything regarding the work God has for me has moved frustratingly slow. The reality is that my circumstances stand to get much worse very quickly. As I read this chapter this morning there are two things I needed to hear today. First, the Lord is not slow; He is patient. God slows things down so that I may have the time needed to be prepared. Over the past six months God has revealed more about me to myself than he has in the previous 28 years of my salvation combined. In reality, God’s slow hand is His graciousness protecting and refining me.

Second, time is irrelevant to God. My clock says that I have ten minutes to get finished with my journal before I wake everyone in the house up and get started with the day. God’s clock is never rushed. He can make up for a 1,000 years in a single day. Scientists have proven that it should have taken billions of years to create the heavens and earth, yet God did it in seven days. His spoken Word alone has the power to speak things into existence. Time spent legitimately waiting on the Lord is never wasted.

My honest confession to You this morning is that I am not without spot nor am I at a place of peace. I have allowed the anxiety of all that has taken place in my life to overwhelm the power of Your Spirit inside of me. I think for the first time in my life, I legitimately have to stand on the sidelines and wait for You to move. I recognize that I have a reality before me of which I am powerless to effect in any way. I can’t raise the funds needed, I can’t make the work line up, I can’t find a place to live, I can’t make my house sell, I can’t make partners fulfill their promise, I can’t…do anything.

My simple confession to You today is that I can’t; You never said I could. That said, You can and You always said You would. I confess my anxious thoughts to You today. I confess the sins that I have allowed into my life because of the pressure I have placed on myself. You, and only You can accomplish what You have asked of me. Help me to find my rest in Your goodness and in that truth today.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Understanding Attacks

Read: Numbers 9-10 & 1 Peter 5
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

The verse prior to this one commands that we cast off all our anxieties on God. Peter immediately balances that verse with this one. We are not to worry. Worry is a form of pride because it is a refusal to trust God with something. That said, we are not taken out of this world and while we are still in this world we have an enemy. He is vicious, he is on the prowl, and he has power that needs to be understood and respected.

The subject of spiritual warfare is difficult to process. This morning I am sensing three things that I need to better understand. First, there are three types of pain a believer can experience; suffering, discipline, and attack. Suffering comes with the gig. If I am suffering for Jesus my prayers need to point towards resolve and strength to finish strong. Discipline is promised by God. He disciplines those He loves. My attitude during discipline needs to be submission and learning. Attacks are warfare. When attacks come I have to be engaged in the fight and use the tools available to me.

Second, I have to examine my heart to understand my motives. There are only two motivations in life. I am either looking to advance the kingdom of God or I am wanting to advance mine. If my efforts are intended for personal gain then I have to know that I will never be able to stand firm. The weapons of God are only useful to the mission of God.

Finally, I have to accept that the life of Christ is not about carving out a life of escape here on earth. This is war. Sides have been chosen, armies have been formed, and the fight is raging. God allows me to find seasons of green pastures and still waters in order for me to regain strength, but they are not permanent places. I have a tendency to make green pastures my objective and that is wrong. The objective is always to be effective in the fight.

The more I learn the less I know. Father, applying what You have laid on my heart this morning lies beyond my capacity. I am complete dependent on You to supply the sober mind I need in order to apply these lessons to my life. I want to be joyful when You ask me to suffer, submissive when You discipline me, and valiant in taking on attacks. I want my motives to be pure. Help me sell out only for the advancement of Your kingdom. I understand that my mission is to stay engaged in the fight. Train me to be a good solider. I want to stay in the war as long as I can, take as much ground as I am able to take, and retire from this life to hear You say well done.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Abandoning the Past

Read: Numbers & 1 Peter 4

“For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry.” 1 Peter 4:3


When a believer surrenders control of their life to Christ, God forgives them for their past. This verse is a reminder that as much as God forgives past failures there is an expectation that the past be abandoned by the believer.


Dreams are incredible in the power they hold. I had a dream last night about my past and it has left me feeling heavy this morning. This dream last night took me back to a season of my life I wish could be undone. I made a lot of bad choices, hurt a lot of people, and watched many others flush their lives down the toilet. I often look back and wonder why God allowed me to escape and others to perish.

Mornings when I consider my past and the journey that has led me to where I am today I am reminded of couple of things. First, I still have the capacity to be the man I once was. The scriptures say that I am a new creature and I certainly am; but, I am also a man still in the process of refinement. I have to daily choose to die to myself, pick up my cross, and walk after Jesus. The time in my past is sufficient for resisting and running. I need to make sure my time today is spent pursuing Christ.

I am also reminded that I do not need to dwell on my past. Satan understands that where I focus my attention is where I direct my steps. It has become increasingly difficult for him to tempt me with a desire to return to my former lifestyle, so he tries to capture my attention by making me consider it and feel guilty about it. If my attention focuses on it I stop looking at Jesus and become vulnerable to former weaknesses. Guilt is not of God and I need to make sure I learn to rebuke it.

Finally, I am reminded that today is the best time to repair broken relationships. As time passes it becomes increasingly difficult to mend fences and ask for forgiveness. I need to make sure that I live my life with short accounts with people and make a conscious effort to leave relationships well.


Father I am not a victim of my dreams. Often their content reflects the hidden desires of my heart and thoughts that are buried in my mind. Last night’s dream opened the door to a room of thoughts I have not yet put behind me. It is hard to know how to deal with past failures. I am asking today that You help me forgive and release the things on my heart today. I do not want to dwell on anything that steals my attention from You. I also pray for Your wisdom and discernment in the choices I make today. Help me be sober minded and not make choices that will leave open doors that will haunt me later in life.