Read: Deuteronomy 5-6 & Psalm 51-52
“Behold, You delight in truth in the inward being, and You teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” Psalm 51:6
This is a Psalm of repentance. David wrote this following Nathan calling him out for sleeping with Bathsheba and killing her husband. In this Psalm David models that repentance is more than just feeling sorry for what was done. True repentance is turning and a determination to move forward in a new direction. It is allowing the wisdom and grace of God to change the truth that one’s heart contains.
Many times it is easy to read the scriptures and focus my attention on the things that I should not do. There is a time for that. There is also a time to just pause and give my attention to the things God has provided for me to enjoy without limits. In this Psalm I see three things. First, I can always ask God to create in me a pure heart and a right spirit. My deepest desire and delight in life should be to have a heart that is unencumbered by guilt or evil and to have a spirit that accurately reflects Christ. My prayers should never cease in asking God for this.
Second, I can ask God to restore the joy of my salvation and give me a willing spirit. Salvation is not a burden. There is supposed to be joy to it. Salvation is not a “have to” deal. It is supposed to be a “want to” affair. There are days that the joy slips and I feel like I am being drug along. I should never stop running to God and asking Him to bring joy to my obedience and willingness to my spirit.
Finally, I can open my lips and praise God. Praise cannot be manufactured. As I open my lips the contents of my heart are revealed in the words that I speak. The result of the first two things I listed above is a heart that produces praise to God. As my heart is broken and my spirit is made contrite, I find the humility I need to truly acknowledge the beauty of God, the joy of my salvation, and the peace of His grace completing its work inside of me.
Father, I do not want to just be sorry for my sins; I want to be in a passionate pursuit of You, Your truth, and Your ways. I pray that You give me a clean heart and a right spirit. I want everything inside of me to be aimed at You. I also ask that You restore the joy of my salvation. There is no dread in following after You. The dread is always a result of me placing a higher value on the things I desire for myself. Please lead me today to find no greater joy than following after You.
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