Friday, March 11, 2011

Frustration is Not Always Bad

Read: Numbers 21-22 & 1 John 1:3

“Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way with his drawn sword in his hand. And he bowed down and fell on his face.” Numbers 22:31

Balaam was a man of God following the orders of God. He was doing what God had asked of him, but his heart was not pure. God knew that Balaam would fall to temptation and fail when it came, so He frustrated his progress by sending the angel of the Lord to stand in his way. When Balaam finally saw the true source of his frustration, he fell on his face and cried out to God.

Frustration is not always evil. There are times and seasons of life when God has to slow me down so that He can tear out what is of me, replace it with what is of Him, and then release me to accomplish His purpose.

The past three months have been times of frustration, disappointment, and confusion. Nothing has seemed to work as I thought. Everything has moved painfully slow when it has even moved at all. Yet, I have seen Your mighty hand in the middle of it all. Brandy and I have not been ready for You to release us. I recognize Your grace and acknowledge that it has been Your hand of mercy holding us back until our hearts are strong enough to accomplish the work that You have for us.

I lay on my face before You today and only ask that You allow me to be fully aware of the work You desire to do inside of me. Tear out what is of me, replace it with what is of You, and let me know when I am released to move forward. I do not want to take a single step until my heart is ready. Help me avoid the temptation to beat and force things into submission and give me the courage I need to sit, be still, and wait on You.

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