Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spreading the Word

Read: 2 Thessalonians 3

"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3


Paul was reminding the Thessalonians that if they were on God's mission and in pursuit of His heart they were entitled to rely on the character of God as their source of strength.


The first verse of this chapter contains a request to pray that the word of the Lord would spread rapidly and be glorified. That is the mission and heart of God. There is no promise for comfort or excessive possessions. There is just the simple promise that He himself will sustain and protect those who are actively and passionately about the work of leading others to understand their need for God's grace.


Father, I am afraid that I often allow Your word to be dulled down in me by the coldness of religion and the mindlessness of rituals and routines. It is impossible to be passionate about something that is cold and mindless. I am willing share things that are of value to me and exist in my life in abundance. I pray that for Your word in my life.

Awaken Yourself in my soul. Cut down cold religion and replace it with the life of Christ. Shatter the mindless rituals in my life and replace them with passionate and tangible encounters with You. Allow my life to be a wellspring of Your life for the people You have called me to lead. Position me so that You faithfulness strengthens and protects the rapid spreading of Your word through my life.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No Need for Speed

Read: 2 Thessalonians 2

"...that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come." 2 Thessalonians 2:2


In their context, it was easy for the early church to be fooled into thinking that Christ had returned and the rapture of the church had taken place. There was no world wide news network that would prove no one ascended into heaven. There was no way to pick up the phone and know that Paul and the other apostles were still there. The Bible was still being written so there was not a lot of text to calm them down. It was quite easy for the early church to get worked up and pressed into acting quickly.


Whenever I feel pressed to act quickly I need to intentionally slow down and examine what is taking place. More times than not, satan is the one who is creating the need for speed. God is in no hurry. Satan wants me to become hurried, lose my composure, and become disturbed. God wants me paced, composed, and rational. God has no need for speed. Satan's only hope is that I move quickly before I discover his lie.


Father, there are many things pressing down on me right now. The longer I live, the more aware I become of how little time I have on earth. This heightens the pressure I feel to move quickly. This has left me vulnerable to moving too fast, losing my composure, and becoming irrational. In these moments I open myself up to all forms of attack. I carry unhealthy stress that wears down my body. I exhaust my strength which leaves me open to sin. I lose sight of Your Word which opens me up to being deceived. I try to do things on my own which removes me from Your provision and blessing.

Your Word is clear that I should be anxious for nothing. I confess to You my anxious thoughts. Slow me back down. Lead me today with a tangible presence and a clear voice. Illuminate Your path before me and help me to walk through the events of this day at Your pace, firm in my composure, rational in my thoughts, and intentional in my direction.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Weak Spots in Prayer

Read: 2 Thessalonians 1

"To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power." 2 Thessalonians 1:11


Paul was a warrior in prayer. He constantly labored in prayer for those who were about the work of Christ. In this chapter he shows a consistent pattern that he normally followed. He prayed: 1) That they would suffer persecution well. 2) That God would grant them every desire that was good for the Kingdom. 3) That their faith would be presented with power. 4) That the name of Jesus Christ would receive glory.


I have a tendency to look at prayer as the last or least thing that I can do. "All I can do now is pray." I do not know how many times I have uttered that phrase. For Paul, prayer was a must. It was not the only thing he could do, it was the very thing he was called to do. For me, prayer is like a donut sized spare tire I keep in the trunk but hope I never really have to rely on.


Father, prayer is designed to be a powerful part of my life. I have lost my way with it. As I examine my prayer life this morning, I see four weak spots I need for You to strengthen.

I clearly remember a season during which all of my prayers were self-centered and void of power. I prayed for a lot of things that did not happen and it left me stripped of confidence. Instead of recognizing that my prayers were of the flesh, I became confused regarding the power of prayer. I pray that You restore me to a place of healthy confidence in my prayers regarding the needs in my own life.

I also get confused when people ask me to pray for a situation they face. In those moments it is hard to know what Your heart is for them. I ask that You speak loudly to me in those moments. Help me to enter their emotions and feel a strong sense of empathy for them. Bring to my mind scriptures You desire for them to know and help me lead them to Your shelter and provision.

I become timid when praying in a group of people. I am not shy; I just struggle with not sounding like a Pharisee. There is something in my flesh that desires to sound good in front of people and that worries about saying something wrong. There is power in praying together with believers. I ask that You enable me to forget about myself, connect with Your Holy Spirit in those moments, and speak Your words with boldness.

As much as it hurts to say this, I forget about praying for others. Interceding on behalf of those who are warring for the Kingdom is a certain weak spot in my prayer life. The culture I live in is a me first world and I have developed a me-first attitude with my prayers. I ask that You forgive me. Break my heart for those who are scattered abroad and are ministering in tough places. Bind them to my mind and empower me to keep them constantly before You in prayer.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Things to be About

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5

"But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet, the hope of salvation." 1 Thessalonians 5:8


A Roman breastplate covered a soldier from his neck to his waist and protected most of his vital organs. That is what Christians' faith and love do. Faith in God protects inwardly and love for people protects outwardly. These two graces cannot be separated; if one believes in God he will also love other people. These attitudes equip Christians to stand ready. In addition, the hope of salvation guards their heads from attacks on their thinking. This hope is not wishful thinking for deliverance. If one has surrendered his life to Christ as Savior and Lord, he has a salvation that is eternally secure and is freed from the bondage of worry. Any thoughts that run counter to this can be immediately dismissed.


The inward protection offered by my faith in God is that true faith enables me to be cheerful no matter what I face, calls me to be in prayer for everything and produces a heart grateful to God regardless of circumstances. God's word promises that my heart and soul will find peace and rest from my faith.

The outward protection offered by this verse has to do with relationships. Ninety percent of affliction is delivered by the hands of another person. This means that the manner in which I manage my relationships will have a huge impact on my ability to live at peace. Godly love towards another person will protect me from the goats, give me wisdom to offer those who are stuck, provide me with energy to hold up those beaten down, and fill me with patience for everyone.

The final piece of protection offered by this verse has to do with my thoughts. God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, will make me holy and whole. He Himself will put together my spirit, soul, and body and ready me for the day I meet Jesus face-to-face. The One who called me is completely dependable. If He said it, He will do it! This is my hope of salvation. Any other thoughts are of the enemy.


This word that You have given to me this morning is so what I needed to hear. These three simple truths are game changers. My entire life can be boiled down to growing my faith, loving other people, and resting in my salvation. These are the things that I am to be about night and day.

I have to honestly confess that my thoughts have been anxious lately. I have worried that I would mess up the work that You are trying to do in and through me. I have doubted my ability to hear from You and lived with a fear of missing You. I have taken the reigns and felt pressed to make something happen on my own. I have allowed the frustration I feel to block me from praising You and have struggled with my prayers to You. I have also allowed this frustration to take away my patience for others and therefore have a huge impact on my relationships. These foolish choices on my part have emptied me of the love I need to have for others.

I accept Your forgiveness this morning and give myself to Your work today. Holy Spirit, I pray that You lead me in wisdom today. Help me to work these simple truths into the fabric of my life.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Cloudy Crossroad

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4

"...and make it your ambition to live a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you," 2 Thessalonians 4:11


There are four truths in this verse that are essential to the people of God: 1) Harness your ambitions. 2) Live a quiet life. 3) Attend to your on business. 4) Work with your hands.


My ambitions can be controlled and healthy ambitions can be learned. I have to keep clear in my mind the things of Christ and pursue them until they become the driving force in my life and the sole source of my joy. My ambitions have been given to me and it is up to me to make wise choices with them.

I desperately need to strive towards a quiet live. The word Paul uses here means undisturbed, settled, not noisy. I have a tendency to get really worked up and press hard towards things. This leads to a lot of frustration and stress. I try to control results as I move towards goals. This steals peace from me and makes life uncomfortable for those around me.

I need to learn a better balance in encouraging other people and allowing them room to tend to themselves. There is certainly a time to speak into the life of another person, but there is also a time to stay clear of another person's choices.

I need to remember that work is not a curse. Labor is holy. God honors it. There is nothing in my life of any worth that came easy and there will never be anything of worth in my life that will come easy. God does not want me to be a burden to anyone. I need to work in a manner that controls my ambition, avoids a frantic pace, and steers clear of other people's business; but, I do need to be engaged in meaningful, difficult, and worthy work.


Father, I hear what You are saying to me today and agree with You. I want to work in a manner that controls my ambition, avoids a frantic pace, and steers clear of other people's business. I pray that you lead to make wise choices today regarding these things.

I also need to be honest with You about the labor given to me. I am a little confused right now regarding the work You have set before me. I am really struggling to separate personal ambition and holy calling. Your path before me is obscure. I am standing at a crossroads and I am honestly clueless regarding my next steps. This is leading to a great deal of confusion and stress inside of me.

Hold me up Father. My heart is heavy, my hands are tired, and my thoughts are cloudy. Help me stay engaged while You work before me and make my path clear. Help me to be content while I wait. I pray that You lead me to make sober and wise choices that enable me to stay in alignment with You.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Read: 2 Thessalonians 3

"...and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you; so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints." 2 Thessalonians 3:11-12


The journey to finding inner peace and peace with others is a multi-billion dollar industry. Everybody is looking and when a new idea hits the market people flock to it by the dozens. We look for these things, we read books to learn about these things, and we make sacrifices to obtain these things.

Paul, in addressing the church at Thessalonica, delivers God's truth on how to best seek these things. Throughout the entire reading of the Bible love is one of the few things that followers of Christ are encouraged to use in excess. Paul is encouraging the people of Thessalonica to allow the love of God to increase inside of them and spill over into the lives of others. That is the only way for a man to establish his heart within him and live at peace with those around him.


There are many things that beckon my attention. I strive to be an active dad, a faithful husband, a strong worker, a good friend and a honorable son. I discipline myself in these things and hope to be all that I can be for both myself and those around me. My days are full and I am intentional with the choices I make and constantly aware of the conditions in which I live.

As I read this passage, I am reminded that the love of Christ should be the main thing I pursue in life. I can work to be the best I can be but if I do not abound in true, Godly love then I have accomplished nothing.


My mind is racing this morning. Father, I feel unsettled. The wavering and instability I feel on the inside has me chasing down my thoughts and passions searching for a way to calm the storm I feel inside. My prayer to You this morning is not that You would calm this storm. Quite the contrary, I ask that You continue to stir it up. I desire to live a life that counts and I can not do that if there is not a strong storm of unrest raging inside of me over something that breaks Your heart.

I pray that as the intensity of what I feel inside of me continues to strengthen that the light of Your love for me and the direction of Your will for my life will become blinding beacons of light for me to follow. I want to journey to the edge of my faith and stand in awe at the power of Your work. I want to be engaged in a pursuit of You that is worth my life. I want to experience the fruit of Your spirit in ways that are miraculous.

You have given me the breath I breathe so that I can partake in the building of Your kingdom and the establishment of a perfected eternity. My only fear today is that my selfish nature and sinful flesh will cause me to be led away in deceit. Guard my steps today. Filter my thoughts. Fuel my heart. Strengthen my faith. I ask that I be fully equipped today as I continue to navigate the unrest You are stirring inside of me.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Proving What is Ture

Read: 2 Thessalonians 2

"...but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition." 2 Thessalonians 2:2


Their mission had cost them dearly, but God gave them uncommon boldness to stand up and continue to preach the same message. This is not the reaction of people who are trying to make money or build personal reputations. Their boldness amid strong opposition was a sign of God at work in them and proof of their genuineness.


Proof and evidence is something that today's world values highly and is something that matters to me. I want to know the facts. I want to study the research and come to my own decision about what I believe or do not believe. I approach my faith the same way. I have an almost irrational fear of believing in something that is not true. I do not want to be deceived and made to look foolish. Simply put, I am too proud to be wrong.

This passage from Thessalonians reminds me that proof of the gospel is not found in external facts nor is it contained in favorable reaction from men. The proof of the gospel is found in the work that it produces in my life and in the lives of those with whom I share it.


Father, I have sat reading this passage and the question that is stirring inside of me is what level of opposition would it take for me not to share Your Gospel? I am afraid to answer that question. The compulsion inside of me to share You with others in my life is nowhere near where it should be.

Father, I hunger for You so much that it hurts. There is a longing desire in me to be the man You purpose me to be. From the moment I wake up until I lay my head back down at night I am consumed with thoughts of being more like Christ.

I pray that You lead me today to allow the work of Your Holy Spirit to be strong in me. Keep me far away from things that hinder Your work and carry me deep into the things that stir boldness and truth inside of me that is strong enough to prove what is true and what is holy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not That Complicated

Read: 1 Thessalonians 1

"...constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father; knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you." 1 Thessalonians 1:4


Paul was calling out to the people of God in Thessalonica the traits of Christ that he saw in them: Work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope. He tells them that God chose them and sealed them with the power of the Holy Spirit to succeed in those three things.


The purpose of my life is not that complicated. The work of faith is internal. Everyday that passes by I should see my inner man more deeply aligned with God. Repentance of sin should top my list of to-do's every day. My faith is a labor. I should wrestle with the Word of God, allowing it to renew my mind and overtake my heart. Faith is never a one and done deal. It is a daily endeavor to find within my heart less of me and more of him.

The labor of love is external. God did not save me for me. He did not gift me with power and blessing so that I could find my best life, live a prosperous life, or spend my resources on my pleasure. He saved me so that He could establish me as a beacon of His light for the world. There should be coming out of me a labor of love for the world and the Church that makes the world stop and wonder. Jesus said that the world would know the truth by the love that I have for others. What story does the love of my life tell?

The steadfastness of hope is a warning and a promise. This will not be an easy task or a light journey. Each day I have to wake up, stir the Spirit of God within me, remind myself that this is not my home, and get after the work that God has set before me. That is the warning. I will be tempted to quit, I will tire and I will see my strength pressed to the max. That said, this is not a lifeless labor. That is the promise of hope. Hope in Christ Jesus is not empty. It is not wishful thinking. Hope from God is fuel for the journey, laughter for the soul, and rest for the body. My hope is eternal. My hope is guaranteed. My hope is alive and expanding.


Father, I do not want to end this day as the same man I am as I begin this day. Help me to pursue You in a way that honors You, transforms me, and edifies those around me. Give me ears to hear Your voice, eyes to see the things that break Your heart, and words to encourage others to take another step closer to You. I pray that You illuminate Your path before me so that I may stand boldly for the things You have called me to accomplish.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not for My Fame

Read: Psalm 85 & 86

"Teach me Your way O LORD; I will walk in Your Truth. Unite my heart to fear Your name." Psalm 86:11


David was in a situation where he was being opposed by proud men. He was hurting. The circumstances where creating affliction for him. Instead of engaging these men with his flesh and pride; David responded by seeking a greater level of submission to God.


There are three things from this verse that I need to learn to apply to my life when I am faced with affliction. First, I have to maintain a pliable heart. I have to call on God to teach me and allow my heart to remain open to learning. My initial reaction to hardship is to just want out. I really have to come to understand that God often works in affliction to mold my heart. I have to maintain a teachable spirit.

Second, I have to maintain a wiliness to stay in submission. If I ask God to reveal His desires for me I have to be willing to walk in them. His ways are not my own and they often defy my logic and understanding. God desires that I be a any time, any place type of man.

Finally, I have to seek God out of fear for His name and respect for His glory. I am not entitled to anything. God owes me nothing. If I pursue Him for any reason other than a hunger for Him to get His glory then I have to know that I will fail. God loves me but it is glory that He seeks to establish. He is not in my life for my fame.


I am so grateful this morning. Your goodness and mercy are truly amazing. Your patient love for me defies all logic. You willingness to not only forgive me but still design a plan and purpose for me is incredible.

Father, there is nothing in my life that is not on the table before You. My only desire for my life is to be at Your feet doing Your work. I ask that You establish Your glory in my life. The world in which I live is desperate to see the power of a God who is above all things. I pray that I be a man whose life reflects a God who is worthy of the worlds awe and wonder.

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Right-Hand Man

Read: Psalm 80, 81, & 82

"Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right Hand, upon the son of man who You made strong for Yourself." Psalm 80:17


There are a three definitions of a right hand man that are on my mine this morning. The term right hand man can refer to one who has the responsibility, knowledge, understanding, authority and ability to implement a plan articulated by one in a position of authority.

In Ancient Greece, soldiers typically fought in a formation called a phalanx, where co-operation between soldiers was vital. Each soldier carried his shield on his left side, while his right side was protected by the man standing to his right. Understood this way, the term refers to one who is a protector.

Finally, the most experienced Greek soldiers were often placed at the weak spot on the right hand side of a phalanx, where the outermost soldiers were unprotected by an overlapping shield. Over time the right hand side of Ancient Greek armies became a place of honor, where the best troops were stationed to prevent the exposure of this weak point.


These are good applications for me to remember. God has called on me to be a right-hand man to Him. In Matthew 28 and in Acts 1 Jesus commands that I understand all authority has been given and He has commanded that I implement God's plan to make disciples of the earth. To be a follower of Christ means that I follow Christ. I need to know my responsibility, gain knowledge, develop understanding, carry my authority and get flippin busy. I have a mission and I need to spend myself in implementing that mission.

God has called me to be a right-hand man to other believers. I love the picture of the Greek phalanx. I am not called into battle alone. In Galatians six God commands that I bear the burdens of others and allow them to help bear mine. There is power in unity and protection. There is strength in numbers. I have to be a dependable source of strength to others of faith and find comfort in their shield protecting me.

The last picture is the scary one but it is also part of my call. There are times of mission that will force me to the edge. There are certain battles that will demand I cover the weakness of others and be left to defend my own. These are lonely times. These are exhausting times. This is what Jesus did in the garden the night of His arrest. He went alone to pray for His disciples and offered them grace when they were unable to stand beside Him. I need to strive to be the caliber of man that God needs to plug weak spots in His army.


I want to be a man worthy of Your right hand, I want to be a brother of faith who can be counted on by others to be at their right hand, and I want to be strong enough in my faith to stand strong when no one is available to cover my weak spots. Father, all of these things require a connection with You that stands alone as my source of life, strength, and vision. I ask that You grow me today in my ability to walk after You. All that I have I offer to You. Take me as You desire and use me to further Your plans.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Being Offended

Read: Psalm 73, 74, & 75

"When my heart was embittered and I was pierced within, then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You." Psalm 73:21-22


Prior to this verse Asaph is talking about the prosperity of the wicked. He took his eyes off of God and looked upon man kind. He saw injustice taking place. The wicked were taking advantage of the holy and increasing their wealth at the same time. This lead Asaph to wonder about the fairness of life and the justice of God. Ultimately Asaph returned to God and allowed Him to lead him to a place of understanding. This verse describes the condition of his heart while he was angry and the impact it had on his relationship with God.


There is a strong warning in this verse to not allow myself to be offend. Taking offense with someone or over something is a guaranteed way to end up bitter, pierced, senseless, and ignorant. As I look around me I will see injustice. As I walk through this life I will be taken advantage of by wicked men and sinful choices. As I live my days on earth I will notice people prosper who care nothing about God or godly choices. In those moments I need to make sure that I avoid becoming offended.

The best way to avoid becoming offended is by valuing nearness to God and working hard to establish Him alone as the source of strength for my heart. The depth of my relationship with God is best revealed when I am tempted with being offended by something I see or experience. Is God alone enough to sustain my heart? Can I honestly say that the nearness of God is more valuable to me than riches gained in a worldly manner?


Father, I look at those two questions and I honestly must say I need more of You. I love You and I am absolutely in pursuit of You but I do not have a connection with You that is tangible and real enough that I can say You alone are the source of strength to my heart.

I want all of You that You desire to have of me. I want to experience a nearness with You that changes my perception of religion and ignites my heart to share of Your goodness. I want to overflow with Your strength and be a source of life to the world around me. Guard me today from my choosing to give my strength away to being offended.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Testing for the Radical

Read: 2 Corinthians 13

"Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you fail the test?" 2 Corinthians 13:5


Paul is reminding the church at Corinth that Christianity is not about praying for salvation and then going on with life; it is not about going through the motions of religious rituals; nor is it about something that happened long ago in their past. The salvation of a believer in Christ is a living and current work that should be producing radical results. The challenge to the church at Corinth was to test themselves for radical evidence of God's power.


As I read this passage in Corinthians I see Paul offering three tests that should produce evidence of God's work. First, my behavior should be worthy of God's approval. The choices I make with my lifestyle will be in alignment with God's heart if I am truly walking after Him. I can not love sin and love God at the same time. The loves of my heart should reflect the holiness of God if I am truly in pursuit of God through the power of Christ. I will never be perfect, but the choices I make should become increasingly more holy with the passage of time.

Second, any pursuit of God will lead me to a sense of oneness and completeness regardless of my earthly circumstances. Following after God means that the things of earth become less important while the things of God become more tangible. There will always be trouble in this life but God's promise is that for the joy and peace placed inside of me I will be able to endure. There will always be opposition, but God's promise is that I will be able to find love for my darkest enemy. Following after Christ will lead me to a place of peace and oneness.

Finally, the deeds of my life should reflect the glory of God in strength and power. The darling of heaven stepped down in humility and suffered death but He is no longer dead, weak, or humble. He is my exalted king. He is lifted up. He said that I would do greater things that even He did. If my life makes sense outside of the presence of God inside of me then I am not passing the test. My life should be unexplainable without understanding the power and authority of God.


I have tested myself this morning and I whole heartedly admit I am not there. My faith in Christ is not proven by radical movements of Your Spirit. The circumstances in my life are far more tangible to me than the things of heaven. My struggles to contain my temper, selfishness, and flesh continue to threaten my oneness with You and others in my life.

When I think about the power that fueled the ministry of Christ being place inside of me I can help but test my life and conclude that something is missing. Father, I do not want to coast. I do not want to live below my spiritual means. I do not want to sit back and idle through my life's journey. My greatest desire is to push myself to the limits of my faith and experience a truly miraculous movement of Your Spirit.

Open my heart and mind today so that I may choose wisely and follow after the desires of Your heart. Help me to know Your desired path and find the fullness of Your glory. I ask that my life become unexplainable outside of Your power and glory. Lead me today in truth as I attempt to be a good steward of the relationships You have given me authority over. Help me to test for the Radical in my life today and lead me to fall on my face before You if I find anything less.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Three False Fruits

Read: 2 Corinthians 11

"But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ...No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness." 2 Corinthians 11:3 & 14-15


During the launching of the early Church everything people thought they knew about God was rewritten. Christ's work on the cross established a new covenant. As these churches established themselves in the new work of Christ; satan resorted to his same tried and true practices. Just as he tempted Eve in the garden, so he tempted the early church. He does not always use things that appear evil to entice us. Often he uses false teachers to offer us fruit that seems helpful.


There are three primary fruits that false teachers will offer me. The first fruit is a compromised purpose. The simplicity of the gospel is that the full righteousness of God was imputed to me through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. God did this so that I can love the Lord my God with all my heart, love others as myself, spread the good news of the gospel, and care for those who can't care for themselves. This is the plain and simple truth about the purpose of my life. Anything added to or taken away from this is not pure truth.

The second is a mask. My flesh does not want to die. It is constantly seeking a way to justify its sinful nature. Masks lead me to compare myself to others I deem to be more sinful. Masks lead me to abuse grace so than I can keep sinning. Masks lead me to tolerate sin as just being a part of who I am. In the end masks lead to death. They are religious language designed to allow me to hold on to sinful behavior while keeping a false sense of security. Anything short of complete transformation is not pure truth.

The third is a relieved burden. There is a strong element of false teaching in the church that presents the gospel as a form of personal gain. The gospel is presented as a method of achieving my best life. This is only partly true. The way of the cross does lead to my best life, but it does not lead to a life free of burden. The gospel will cost me. My heart should be broken for the things that break the heart of God. The world should hate me just as it hated Christ. Satan should fear the work of God in my heart and do all that he can to hinder it. There is no easy life on earth of a follower of Christ. God's promise is that we can find a a joyful endurance of temporal, worldly pain and that it will ultimately lead us to an eternal celebration of a perfected eternity. Anything that twists the gospel as an avenue to easy street is not pure truth.


If I am not passionately and intentionally running after the clear call you have on my life then I am not fulfilling my purpose. If I am not broken by my sin and at work tearing off the masks that hide my failures then I am walking in rebellion and making a mockery of Your grace. If I am not a total wreck regarding the things that break Your heart and at war with the things of the world then I am not carrying a burden worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Father I lay myself at Your feet today. Make the joy of Your will come to life to me today. Empower me with Your Holy Spirit in a manner that is real and tangible. Use signs and wonders to illuminate the pathway You desire me to walk down. From where I am and to the best of my ability I sit before You today with my heart and will abandoned. Break me away from the false teaching that enables me to live life on my own terms and bury me deep in a relationship with You that is grounded in truth and proven by Your power.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Boasting in the Lord

Read: 2 Corinthians 10

"But HE WHO BOASTS IS TO BOAST IN THE LORD. For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends." 2 Corinthians 10:17-18


When we do something well we want to tell others and be recognized. It is human nature to desire recognition, but recognition is dangerous because it can lead to inflated pride. Paul is reminding the Corinthians to seek the praise of God rather than the praise of people.


I want affirmation. The heart of any person is to hear someone say good job or well done. In and of itself affirmation is healthy, but is has a dark-side. It can also serve as a trap. Pride lurks around and looks for an opportunity to attach itself to something. Someone complements me and I can quickly take that to my head and feel like I am something or somebody. The truth of this verse is that I am somebody and something special, but it is not based on my performance. I am what I am because of the presence of God inside of me. That is what I need to celebrate and that is the thing of which I should boast.


Father as I sit here this morning I realize that I need to allow You to overwhelm me with a hunger for Your glory. I look for glory on my own and this often leaves me at the mercy of the world for affirmation and vulnerable to my own pride. Help me to walk in a full expression of the glory of Christ that You have lavished on me. The Darling of heaven and the Lion of Judah is at work in me. All things that were His are available to me. I pray that I not settle for a normal or explainable existence. Help me to expect the miraculous and be so bold as to boast in the greatness of my God.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Holy Generosity

Read: 2 Corinthians 8

"Therefore openly before the churches, show them the proof of your love and of our reason for boasting about you." 2 Corinthians 8:24


This entire chapter is about the proof of one's love for God being displayed in the form of generosity. There are a few things about generosity I see.


First, holy generosity is not about being benevolent; it is about being holy before a holy God. In verses four and five Paul points out that I should first give myself to the Lord and then give to others out of what God provides to me. In order for my generosity to bring God glory it has done because of my love and respect for God and His glory.

Second, holy generosity will cost me. In my perfect world I never want to give beyond my comfort zone. I am rarely willing to give to the point that it affects my budget. Throughout this chapter, in verses two and three in particular, Paul reminds me that holy gifts are irrational gifts. They go above and beyond the capacity of the person giving the gift. They are risky gifts that cost the giver greatly.

Finally, holy generosity is the best way to spend my resources. At the end of the day everything I spend is intended to provide me with food, shelter, pleasure, or security. In this chapter Paul reminds me that there is no great pathway to this than to give to God. In verse four Paul paints a picture of impoverished people begging for the opportunity to contribute to God's work because of the joy it brings them.


Generosity is something that I fit into the margin of my life and resources. This morning I am reminded that Your will is for my life is that I be defined by my generosity. Father I am short in this area. I am willing to give of myself but I have firm limits. I sense a strong call from You urging me to be a blessing in the lives of others. You give to me so that I may be a supply to others. I have to be more willing to trust that You will supply my needs. I have to allow You to develop inside of me a greater desire and joy in seeing You glorified in the lives of others. I pray that You increase my capacity to give.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Heart Surger

Read: 2 Corinthians 7

"Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 Corinthians 7:1


In this chapter Paul reminds the church at Corinth of a letter he previously wrote to them. In this letter he spoke some hard truth to them about the manner in which they were living out their faith. This letter caused heart ache for both Paul and the church. In this verse Paul is calling people to understand that the promises of God are well worth the pain of discipleship. We are called not to live miserable lives of self denial; but disciplined lives in pursuit of glorious promises.


As I read this chapter I see three practices that I need to make sure I keep active in my life. First, I need to make room for people in my heart to speak truth to me. Paul speaks to this in verse two. This must be done with caution. People of God who speak the truth do so in love. They speak not of opinion but of scripture. They are not trying to edify themselves; they genuinely have a heavy heart for me to be in alignment with God. They are truly pure in motive and tender in approach.

Second, I need to receive truth and act on it. This means that I have to step into the pain of failure. There is no condemnation in Christ. There is no guilt in Christ. There is, however, remorse and conviction. I have to step forward, own my failures, and submit to God's authority. I have to daily take up my cross and pursue God's best for me. Thru out this chapter I see Paul affirm the church of Corinth for doing this very thing.

Finally, I have to speak truth to others and do so with pure motives. There is often a temptation to speak the truth to people only when they behavior annoys me and causes me personal discomfort. That is not what Paul is talking about in this chapter. His sole desire was for the people of Corinth to be in an earnest pursuit of God's glory. I have to allow God to create inside of me a greater passion for His glory and a deeper desire to have my heart broken for those who are experiencing a less than full expression of His promises.


Father the heart is a tricky thing to manage. I latch on to things I should let go of and let go of things that should be held tight. I pray that You do some surgery on my heart today. Make it healthy. Create room in it for You to fill me to the full with the glory of Your promises. Open it wide for the people I come in contact with and help me to be effective at receiving truth and speaking truth.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dealing with Turbulence

Read: 2 Corinthians 2

"This is the very thing I wrote you, so that when I came, I would not have sorrow from those who ought to make me rejoice; having confidence in you all that my joy would be the joy of you all." 2 Corinthians 2:3


As Paul launched churches he faced many heart breaks. He visited the church in Corinth and experienced pain from a group of people who were supposed to bring him joy.


There are seasons of life when someone who is supposed to cause me joy brings me pain. In these times it feels like a what was designed by God to be a source of life becomes a sour well of water. Security is robbed, peace is destroyed, and comfort is refused when someone close to me hurts me. This is especially the case in my marriage. In this chapter Paul reminds me of three tactics for dealing with this form of pain.

First, I must refuse to come to my wife in sorrow. Satan has a way of creating bad cycles my marriage. Brandy does something that hurts me. Once I am hurt I have a tendency to deal with her in a way that causes the hurt to return to her. It is like we get stuck playing a game of emotional hot potato. If I want to walk in a healthy relationship with my wife then I must learn to not deal with her in sorrow when her choices cause me pain.

Second, I must forgive and comfort her. This part contains two moves. Forgiveness offers release and comfort means that I move towards her. Hurt has a tendency to drive me away from Brandy. I am the one who was hurt so she should offer me comfort; then I will forgive her. That is the way I feel like it should go, but God's ways are not my own. I need to release her and be the first to offer comfort.

Finally, I must reaffirm my love. Love truly is a battlefield. My marriage is my primary earthly relationship. Satan knows that if he can create discord between me and Brandy then he can create discord in every area of my life. When there is strife between the two of us the best thing I can do is reaffirm my commitment to love her as Christ loved the church.


Father, the past few weeks have seen no small amount of turbulence in my relationship with Brandy. Satan has been on the prowl and my home has been his primary target. I have become so frustrated at times that I have felt like desperation was going to overtake me. I hear what You are saying this morning but I also feel like I do not have the strength to carry it out.

My pride fights against Your Spirit. The natural man inside of me has been offended and he wants to be angry. The natural man inside of me was not given what he wants so he desires to sulk. The natural man inside of me is justified in feeling what he feels and he wants to do nothing about it.

I literally feel like I am being ripped apart by the battle taking place inside of me today. I confess to You the sin of my pride. I acknowledge to You that Your way is better than my own. But I also know that I am incapable of loving my wife as You have called me to love her without You stirring in my heart and moving towards me with strength. I ask that You lead me in loving her as You have loved me.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Waiting Instructions

Read: 1 Corinthians 16

"Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14


As the Corinthians awaited Paul's next visit, they were directed to: (1) be on guard. They were to be constantly watchful or alert for spiritual enemies that might slip in and threaten to destroy them whether it be divisions, pride, sin, disorder, or erroneous theology; (2) stand firm in what they believedthat is, the gospel that they had been taught in the beginning, the gospel that had brought them salvation; (3) be courageous so that they could stand against false teachers, deal with sin in the congregation, and straighten out other problems; (4) be strong, with the strength given by the Holy Spirit; and (5) do everything with love because without love, they would be no more than prideful noisemakers. Today, as we wait for the return of Christ, we should follow the same instructions.

(from Life Application Study Bible)


My life is no longer mine. The day I accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord I surrendered my will to His, I laid down my desires for His and I put aside all that was in me and put on all that is His. In doing that I gained a permanent acceptance, received a grace that is untouchable, and was promised an eternity that is beyond imagination. With that great gift comes great responsibility. As I have reflected on this verse I am convinced that the entire Christian journey can be made strong by adhering to these five encouragements from Paul.


Help me today to be alert and on guard. It is easy to forget that I am in a battle. It is easy to allow my spiritual journey to point towards complacency. It is easy to sit still and never even hear the enemy come and steal what is holy from me. Let my eyes, ears, and mind be aware of what is going on around me.

Help me to stand firm. Doubt creeps in and has a way of making my knees buckle. My uncertainty leads to hesitation and hesitation in a battle is death. Put my feet underneath me today and help my stance be absolute.

Help me to be courageous today. There are times that it is not enough to just stand tall in reaction to things that come my way. There are times when You call me to speak out and go after things that are not right. Stir my spirit with a courage to say the right thing even when it hurts.

Help me be strong today. Your Word tells me that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work inside of me. Your Son tells me that I can do greater things than even He did because of His completed work and the power of the Holy Spirit. Center my focus on the strength at work inside of me and shatter the poor image I have of myself.

Help me to ground all that I do in love. I can do all the right things but I can also do them for all the wrong reasons. Fill me to the fullest measure with a love that is purely from You.