Friday, October 31, 2008

Man Versus God

"Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men." Mark 7:8

I have heard it said that Jesus loves the church, but is heart broken over what it has become. I think that there is a lot of truth in that statement. You do not have to spend very much time in church to figure out that man is more about tradition than about following God.

There are a few things on my heart this morning regarding the tradition of man versus the commandment of God.

The first battle of man's tradition versus God's command is found in Matthew 7:1-5. Tradition of man looks externally for judgment. The command from God is to look inward first. It has often been said that the things we observe in others as being bad are often things about ourselves that we project onto others. That statement carries a lot of weight with me. I must constantly guard against judging. Regardless of what I observe, I must know that the first person who needs to be cleaned up is Jason Hester. He is a mess and there are many things that are not as they should be.

The second battle of the tradition of man versus God's command is found in Matthew 7:7-14. The tradition of man looks for easy answers. The commandment of God is that I pursue truth. God says to ask, seek and knock. Easy answers are wide gates. They are everywhere and many people follow them. I can get up and turn on the TV and find many easy answers to the questions I have or solutions to the things that trouble me. But God's command is different. The truth of God's word says the gate leading to His truth is narrow. That means I have to slow down and pay attention to the answers I get. I also must understand that God's answers are the ones most people are not giving.

The third battle of the tradition of man versus God's command is found in Matthew 7:15-23. The tradition of man focuses on works. The commandment of God focuses on the fruit of a life. Works are easy. I can show up, teach a class, feed the homeless, love on the hurting and many other good things but that does not make me holy. My actions, both good and bad, come second to God. The primary thing that He concerns Himself with is my heart and the fruit of my life. I can fake my works, but not my heart. For instance, I can come home and clean up the house for my wife. That would be considered a good work, but it does not indicate the attitude of my heart while I did it. Maybe I was angry. Maybe I did it out of spite. If I did it with the wrong attitude, it does not benefit anyone.

Storms of life are inevitable. They will come. Relationships will hit hard times. Finances will fail. Eagerness and optimism are constantly attacked by apathy and failure. In those moments, the truth of my life will be revealed. The things in my life that I have built around human tradition and logic are blown away by the storms of life. The only thing left standing are the things in my life that are built on your firm foundation. I ask today that You help me discern the difference between the traditions man created and the commandments You have given.

I also ask that You come alongside me after the storms of life hit and help me to remain calm as I survey the damage. It is easy to get discouraged. There are times I stand with a broken heart as I watch things in my life come unraveled. In those moments I ask that You remind me that it is in those moments that I have the opportunity to start over and rebuild things the right way.

Guide me today as I walk. Keep me from judging others, accepting the easy answer or working with a bad heart. Instead, help me to have a sober opinion of myself, seek the hard answers of truth, and work with a pure heart.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bound Up Strength

"But no one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his property." Mark 3:27

In the context of this passage, Jesus is talking about His ability to cast out Satan's demons. But this morning as I converse with God on this passage, I hear Him speaking it to me.

Many times, I am unaware of the binding that Satan has placed around my strengths until I notice the plundering taking place in my life.

This morning as I woke up and began to pray I really sensed the presence of God reminding me that his mercies are new everyday. That is an incredible sensation. Each day, my slate is cleansed. All I have to do is be willing to humble myself before God and truly confess my sins. Once that takes place God's faithfulness proves worthy of my pursuit as the mistakes I make slip beneath the surface of God's ocean of forgiveness.

But I sometimes forget about one little detail of sin. While God's mercies are new and my sins are no longer held against me; consequences still linger. Oh man do I hate those. I am really no different that my kids in that I always want a free pass.

When I give in to temptation, I allow Satan a foothold in my life. This morning as I think about footholds and view them through the filter of this verse from Mark, I see them in a little different light.

The footholds can come in the form of binding up my ability to defend myself from certain things. Often I am unaware of that this has happened until I have been over run and in affect have had something in my life plundered. In those moments, it is easy to focus my attention on the plundering.

There are four main areas that can be plundered in my life; my spiritual life, my family life, my work life, and my personal life. All hell breaks loose in some of those areas and I often go immediately to the fire and try to put it out. But this is senseless. It is just like squirting water at the tip of the flame versus spraying it at its base.

Life is so fragile. The seemingly insignificant choices that I make often create a chain reaction of events that I never saw coming. In the blink of an eye my reality can be altered and my normal can become forever redefined. I make decisions at such a great pace that it seems impossible to keep track of them all. In a brief moment of weakness, I allow myself to be bound by Satan and grant him access to plunder certain areas of my life.

I ask this morning for a heightened sense of awareness of the things that have me bound. Help me look past the symptoms of my issues and see the true cause of what I face. My mind, will, and emotions often rally against me staying sober in the midst of adversity, but I ask for the strength to overcome these and stay focused on working my way through the things that come at me.

There are areas of my life in which I find my strength is bound up. There are attacks against which I am powerless to resist. I ask this morning that You help me find the bindings which have wrapped up my strength in these areas and teach me to set myself free.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Me I Used to Be

"No one sews a patch of un-shrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results." Mark 2:21

Let's suppose that I have an old coat that I really like. One day a hole appears in this coat. Not just a little, moth sized hole but a huge, my kids got a hold of the scissors size hole. To make matters worse, they did it in the dead of the coldest winter anyone could remember. Every step I made I would be able to fill the cold chill of the winter air penetrating the hole and chilling my body.

Then, out of the blue, a man approaches me and hands me a brand new coat. Not just any coat but a mac-daddy, extreme weather, four-in-one type of coat. Upon returning home with my new coat, would it make any sense whatsoever for me to pull out the same scissors used by kids to destroy my old coat, cut a patch from my new coat, and sew it to the new one?

No, that would be stupid. That is the illustration that Jesus is giving here. The religious people of the day were trying to take what He was doing and apply it to the old law they were living according to.

I get what God is saying to me this morning, but I am struggling with the application. God is telling me that I am trying to find a new revelation of Him that will help patch up the old me, but that what He wants to do is give me a new me.

Father, I am stuck this morning. I can guess at what you are trying to teach me in the passage from Mark, but it is foolish to do so. Your word instructs me in James 1:5 that if I lack wisdom, ask of You, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to me. That is my prayer to you today.

Your word says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that I am a new creature, that the old things have passed away and that new things have come. Your Word also says in Ephesians 4:22-24 that, in reference to my former manner of life, I am to lay aside my old self, that I be renewed in the spirit of my mind, and put on the new self.

That is my desire this morning. I do not want to waste any of the life You have given to me trying to patch the old me. The me I used to be is not worth saving. I want to be the new me Your word talks about. Help me to know how to do this.

There are things that I need to lay aside. Hurts, habits and hang-ups are easily identified in my life, but the process of laying them aside it difficult.

I need to be renewed in the spirit of my mind. You gave me a pure heart the day I surrendered to You, but man do I have a messed up head. Some days my mind feels like a library of video tape which continues to plays clips of my past. There are things I have done, places I have been, images I have seen, people I have hurt, and many other things floating around on these tapes. They wear me out. I ask this morning that You teach me how to renew my mind.

Finally I ask that You help me put aside the man I used to be. I am afraid of that man. Memories of him hurt me, yet I fight against returning to him everyday. There are still aspects of my former life that cling to me. There are even days that it is tempting to look back and want to return to him. I need Your help in fully laying aside all that I used to be and in putting on the me You intend for me to be.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Relative to My Normal

"My days are past, my plans are torn apart, even the wishes of my heart." Job 17:11

The pain of life is real. There is no escaping it. The place in which Job found himself was totally hopeless. It was a dark season. He lived a blameless life yet he sat and stared at charred remains of everything that he had built his life around. His children; gone. His possessions; spent. His health; stricken. Nothing was left from his normal life. Everything was lost.

As I read these verses, I can easily slip into the role of Job. I have never experienced anything close to the level of loss Job had to endure, but I have suffered none the less. I think that there are times I am tempted to compare my level of suffering to someone like Job. When I do that, I seem to sell myself short and feel silly for hurting. And there always seems to be someone around me willing to offer the suggestion that it could be worse or that I should count my blessings.

Over the years I have grown to understand that suffering has less to do about the severity of the situation and more to do with how far removed it is from my normal. My definition of normal is the baseline that determines just how much pain I feel from an experience. For instance, a bad day at work for me is compared to what I normally experience. A bad fight with my wife is compared to what I normally experience as normal with her. A bad day with my kids is compared to what my daily interaction normally is with them.

No two people have the same normal and so it is very likely that if I compare myself to others that I will find some people who would tell me that my definition of suffering was light compared to theirs. At the same time, I would find people who I would say have a weak definition of what pain is.

All that to say, pain is real if you feel it. Choosing to allow other people's opinions to suppress what I feel is ridiculous. I hate when people do that to me and I certainly should not do it to others.

I ask that you forgive me for all the times that I have failed to minister to hurting people simply because I felt like their pain was irrational compared to the sufferings of others or the suffering I myself have experienced. It is petty pride that makes me do that and that is wrong. I ask that You give me the wisdom and patience I need to walk a person through the pain they feel and to understand the level of normalcy to which they are accustomed.

I also ask that You open the eyes of my heart that I may see unresolved hurt that I have suppressed. Many times I have looked at my life, determined I had no right to be upset and buried my feelings over situations. I ask that You take me back to those places and allow me to truly find the healing that you have for me.

In the passage from Job I am reminded that I am limited by time, my mind, and my ambition. I ask that You help me remember that though my days are numbered, You stand forever. That though my plans fail, Yours never miss. And that though my heart loses hope, my strength is in You.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Faith That Stands

"Brethren and Fathers, hear my defense which I now offer to you." Acts 22:1

Paul's defense was not for himself. He was in a really serious situation. The stakes were high. The consequences for his beliefs and teaching meant the end of life as the Jewish leaders knew it. As he stood before them, he fully understood what they would have planned for him. He himself had taken part in such plans himself. In fact, he was counted among their most zealous defenders. Now, with a wave of his hand he had their attention and began to speak. He could have easily bent the truth. He could have covered his words, said the right things, and then walked out of there unscathed. But he did not. He stuck to the truth as he knew it to be.

Knowing how to apply scriptures such as this one to my life can at first pass be difficult. I live in a different place and time. No one persecutes me for my beliefs. No angry mob of people is following me around waiting for an opportunity to seize me and beat me to death with stones. Yet, there is something about this passage that just grabs hold of me.

There are a few things about this scene that I need to learn. First, Paul knew what he believed. Not in a theological manner, but from first hand experience. Paul lived the life and connected with God in an authentic manner. The same should be true for me. I need to own my faith. I need to experience the movement of God first hand. I need to know what I believe in and have real life experiences that back it up. To do this requires a commitment to seek after God every single day and pay attention to the lessons that He offers.

Second, what Paul believed affected how he lived his life. Once Paul had a genuine encounter with God, he was no longer able to live life the same way. Everything he once held dear was traded for the new way of life God offered to him. How much of my daily life is affected by my beliefs? That is a haunting question to ask. There is not guilt in what I feel, only a massive sense of curiosity at the thought of what else I might experience if I truly released control of my life and allowed my relationship with God to really impact the way I live.

Third, Paul shared his faith. He never backed down, no matter where he went or who he was with. He was constantly on the look out for an opportunity to share his story. What a great challenge. Everywhere I go I am generally on an agenda. I am after something that I want or need. I wonder how many people I have walked right past who were literally dieing on the inside to know that God is real, that He loves them and that there is more to life than what they are experiencing. The great sense of purpose, acceptance, love, joy, hope and forgiveness that guides me everyday is a free gift to all who are willing to believe. Why would I fear sharing that?

Finally, Paul made no excuses for what he believed. One of the draw backs to the society that we live in today is that everyone is afraid of offending someone. We try to dummy everything down so that it is acceptable by all. God does not work that way. His truth is always going to be offensive to some. There is no way around that. If I really live out my calling in life, there is always going to be an element of folks who disagree. This is not a license to be a jerk. Nor is it an excuse to brow beat people with the Bible. But it is a call to really stand firm on what I know to be truth.

In my heart, I know that the same Spirit that was present in Paul's life is at work in my life. I have access to the same strength, wisdom, and guidance. But in my head, I carry around doubts. My words get tied up and I often find myself unable to untie the knots. As I sit and pray I feel a stirring deep inside that is begging to experience more of You. I want to walk in a new level of obedience and see first hand the power of Your presence. That is my deepest desire. There are many things in my life that interfere with this happening. I pray that You move upon life in a way that is undeniably You. That is my only hope. It is the only pathway which leads me to have faith that can stand under the weight of daily life.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Honest Questions

"He said to them, 'Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?' And they said to Him, 'No, we have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.'" Acts 19:2

Observation:Honest questions deserve honest answers. This group of people were faced with an honest question regarding the condition of their faith. In situations like that an almost irresistible desire can often rise up making it hard to answer truthfully. It had to be tempting to say, "Oh, yeah. The Holy Spirit. Right. Absolutely. We got that." But instead they were honest about where they were, what they had, and what they knew. The result was astonishing.

Memories of situations such as this one litter my mind. I can remember many times I was faced with an honest question that revealed a weakness in me. "Are you angry?" "Worried about something?" "Do you really believe that God works like that?" "Are you ok?" There are hundreds of questions such as these that I face on a daily basis.

Many times, I lie in response. "Why would I be angry?" "No, everything is fine." "I totally believe God can do something." "I said I am fine!" Before I even have a chance to make a conscious choice, my defenses pop up and I find myself deflecting the questions and hiding behind false answers. I do this with my wife, my kids, my friends and my co-workers. Worst of all, I do this with God.

False fronts and fake beliefs make for a really miserable existence. I regret all the times that I have avoided the things that You have wanted to teach me. I ask that You forgive my pride. Teach me to honestly connect with where I am and help me to be honest about that. I do not want to settle for fake feelings. I want the real thing. I desire to have all of You that is available to me. Give me the courage to open up my life and honestly share my struggles and my triumphs as I persevere in my journey home to You.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Whale and the Cat

"But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God and the prisoners were listening to them." Acts 16:25

Got to love Paul and Silas. It is safe to say that they had a rough trip. They left on a journey not sure of their direction. They decided on a direction twice and both times God restrained them from entering the places they decided to go. When they finally received instruction from God and followed in obedience; a demon possessed girl followed Paul around and tormented him. She pressed his buttons until, in anger, he turned and cast out the demon. This little display of temper from Paul landed him and Silas in prison. They were stripped, beaten, put in stocks, and locked in a cell.

Not the best of trips. Things were not as they "should" be. Paul and Silas had many options of response. They certainly could have complained; who would find blame in that. They definitely could have abandoned their ministry; there is plenty of evidence that God is not blessing their work. They could have rebuked Satan and proclaimed their freedom; no one would question the fact that he is their enemy.

But they did none of these things. Nor did they do any of the other many things that they could have done. Instead, they simply chose to sing.

Me singing sounds something like a cross between a humpback whale and a cat whose tail gets caught in a rocking chair. It is a rough experience for anyone who hears it. As bad a sound as it is, I love to sing. There is just something about it. I also like to watch other people sing, especially a song that means something to them. It’s moving. I can easily become captivated by the stirring I sense in my soul over certain songs.

That is why I love this verse. Just sing. There is so much crap in the world to worry about. I deal with junk from 4:45 in the morning until I go to bed about around 10:30 at night. The constant barrage of attacks, heart breaks, frustrations, and disappointments can really wreak havoc on my inner peace. This verse reminds me of how important it is to just sing. Plug in the iPod, put on something I enjoy, and cut loose. Whether it is singing and dancing with my kids to Coolio, chilling out with Dave Matthews, or learning more about God through this of Christian musicians on my iPod; music creates a connection between my soul and God unlike any other.

I must confess to You this morning the sourness that rises up in my soul when I get frustrated in my circumstances. In the heat of those moments I often grumble. In my grumbling I begin to justify my feelings. My justified feelings open the door for me to excuse behaviors. My excused behaviors lead me to doing things I regret.

This is a stupid cycle and I hate it. Help me today to choose to sing, not just a song that make me feel better, but a song that will reflect the beauty of the inner work You are busy completing inside of me. I have no idea why You decided to make me sound like a whale on the low notes and a cat on the high ones, but I am grateful for music all the same.

I ask today that everything I do today be a beautiful song before You. Help me hear the rhythm and get into the groove of what You have planned for me today. I ask that others observing my life see through me a reflection of the great freedom I sense when I follow after You.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Turning Point

"While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Acts 13:2

This scripture represents a turning point in the book of Acts. Prior to this verse the book has focused on Peter and the work of God among the Jews in Jerusalem. From this point forward the focus shifts and begins to revolve around God using Paul to take the message of the gospel to non-Jewish nations.

More than just a shift in the book of Acts, this verse represents a turning point in the history of the world. This verse is a signpost for all Christians of non-Jewish decent. It is the day God began to redeem the lost nations from Satan's hand.

What a huge responsibility. This is more than just a small duty; it is God's plan to redeem the world being launched. So what were Paul and Barnabas doing that positioned them to receive such a great responsibility? There are three things leading up to God sending them that stick out to me this morning that I need to be reminded of.

First, I need to remember that I am a child of grace. There are a lot of things in my past of which I am ashamed. There are memories that I just simply wish did not exist. If I dwell on them for long it is really easy to disqualify myself from the ministry God has given to me. But that is a lie. God's grace is sufficient. The only thing that matters is I have admitted my failure, confessed my belief in salvation through Christ alone, and submitted to Jesus as my Lord. At the point that happened everything in my life, past, present and future, was nailed to the cross. I carry its blame no more. It has been removed. A clean slate now stands were my long rap-sheet once was on display.

Second, I need to stay active in ministry. Paul's call to a bigger work came while he was being faithful in a smaller one. At times, I am tempted to sit around and wait on God to send me something big to do, but that is not the example of the scripture. I need to be pursuing God's work daily in the small details of my life. Every second of my life represents an opportunity to connect to God's work. It maybe as small as an intentional smile to someone who looks like they need one, a kind word to raging idiot, praying for someone God puts on my heart, or many other seemingly insignificant opportunities that come my way. The important thing is not what I am doing; the only thing that matters is being actively engaged in doing something with God.

Finally, I need to be aware of the bigger picture. It is easy to get wrapped up in the task at hand and lose sight of the fact that there is more to come. I love the way this verse describes the work of Paul and Barnabas. It says, "while they were ministering to the Lord AND fasting." Thought they were busy doing the right thing, they sensed God had something else coming their way. They fasted and sought after this new thing while maintaining their faithfulness to the work at hand. The moment I get an itch to do something new, I have a habit of stopping what I am doing and looking for a new thing. Instead, I need to learn to seek God and stay faithful to the work given until He calls me out of it.

Father there are times in my life that I still feel dirty. Shame over things that I wrestle with can get the best of me and make me feel disqualified. I thank you for the men you used in the Bible. Men like Paul who was a murderous persecutor of the church. Men whose sin is undeniable, yet by Your grace their were utilized in transforming the world. It is a great reminder to me that I broken, but not out of service. There is nothing against me. No past to fear. I need only look ahead at the new things you have in store for me.

Teach me to stay busy. It is often tempting to wait on You to "prepare" me for something. Instead I pray the You give me the courage and strength to just take a step of faith and get busy.

I also ask in the midst of my business You help me to stay focused on you in pray and fasting. I desire to live my life on the edge of my faith and square in the middle of all that you have for me.

Monday, October 20, 2008

When There is No Way Out

"On the very night when Herod was about to bring him forward, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison." Acts 12:5

Peter was done. There was no way out. One of his good friends had just become the first apostle to be killed; now it was his turn. There was nothing that anyone could do besides pray and hope that God would move on their behalf.

I wonder what was going on in Peter's mind. The text does not say anything about his attitude other than to say that he was asleep. Given the absence of information I am going to use my holy imagination and figure out that Peter was not feeling all that optimistic about his outcome.

Finding myself in a situation that is hopeless is unavoidable. Chances are that I will not find myself in Peter's condition, but that is not the point. God did not plant this text in the scriptures to tell me a story that has no application to my life. He put this in there for me to learn from. So what is God saying to me this morning?

First I think He is telling me that I will find myself held captive. Though I have never been chained to a prison wall, I have found myself chained to other things. Addictions. Hurts. Bitterness. Poor self image. Painful relationships. Bad memories. These things can rise up and create a virtual prison that feels inescapable. I know what it feels like to struggle to find sleep because of the things that are chained to my mind. I also know what if feels like to awaken in the morning only to realize that I am still bound to them. It is a horrible place to be.

Second, I think that God is telling me how important it is to have others praying for me. Verse five tells me that Peter's friends were fervently praying on his behalf. This is a hard one for me. In order for someone to be praying on my behalf, they have to know what I am struggling with. I have to let down my guard. I have to let people get close. This is not easy to do. Swallowing my pride and being vulnerable with my current condition is one of my greatest struggles.

Finally, I think God is telling me that I have to walk it out. God could have just taken Peter out of the prison and set him outside, but He did not. Peter had to wake up. His chains fell off, but he had to stand up. The gates were open, but he had to walk through. Each step required a movement of God and a response from Peter. The same is true for me. God will create opportunities for me to find freedom, but it will always require movement on my part.

Father, I need for you to ground me in reality this morning. Regardless of how I live my life there is no escaping the fact that struggles will come. Hard times will rise up, punch me in the stomach and steal my breath. This is an unfortunate reality of living in a fallen world that is not my home. Instead of dreading or complaining, I ask that you help me learn to roll with the punches when they come.

I also ask that you give me the courage to let others enter the battle with me. Trusting people with what I feel inside or struggles that overtake me is hard. In fact, it is impossible for me to do on my own. But vulnerable and risking exposure is the only way I can get others engaged in battle with me. I pray that You surround me with people willing to stand alongside of me in prayer and support as You work things out in my life.

Finally, I ask for You to help me be content and find joy in the journey of becoming a disciple of Yours. Many times my desire is for you to rescue me out of something and I get frustrated when You make me walk through it. I do not want to be a complainer. Instead, I want to face my struggles with valor and from a pure heart. Instead of frustration, fill my heart with eager anticipation as I know You are going to show up and do mighty things in my life.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Saving Face

"And fixing their gaze on him, all who were sitting in the Council saw his face like the face of an angel." Acts 6:15

There are two things that stick out to me, the cold heart of the Council and the innocence of Stephen. One contains a warning. The other presents a challenge. Both pertain to saving face in an argument.

I hate what it feels like when I am deep in an argument; only to realize I am wrong. The anger risen up in me. The intensity of the moment has created a momentum that is difficult to resist. My pride has to much vested in the debate to back down. I look upon the face of the person representing the other side and I press on, knowing that I am wrong. I have seen this scenario play itself out in my marriage, in my work, with my kids and in all my other relationships. I hate it. Why I do it? I don't know, but it happens. As I read this passage, I see the extreme result of this behavior if left unchecked. That is the warning in this text. Learning to swallow my pride and admit a mistake is a battle I can not afford to lose.

Then comes the challenge. If I place myself in Stephen's place in this story the text would go something like this, "The Council saw his face red, his hands making certain gestures, and his mouth spewing words of wrath." I am not much of one for taking junk off of anybody. There is a fighter inside of me that is as vicious as any adversary I could face. It is my greatest strength. It is also my biggest threat. God gifted me with the ability to make an argument and stand my ground, but He did not give me a license to use it at my pleasure. There is a place and a time to display anger. Jesus clearly modeled that. But there is also a time to lay down. Yuck. There is nothing inside of me that freely gives itself as ransom for anything without putting up a fight.

I am glad You never let go of me or grow weary in dealing with me. This passage this morning has struck a cord in my heart and I desire for it become the song of my heart. Laying down my pride and admitting fault is never easy, but I hate the man I become when I fail to do that.

Having the humility to lay down my rights of defense in order to advance Your agenda is another area of weakness for me. The natural order of the world says that if I am obedient to Your will then all should go well with me. That is clearly not the case in the scripture. Stephen did nothing wrong, yet he faced a trial that eventually would result in his violent death. That is hard to swallow. It scares me.

In both these things there is a high requirement of faith. There is no way that picture book faith can compel me to do what You are asking. I pray that my relationship with You become so real that I would be willing to forsake anything to stay obedient with Your call on my life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Faith that Holds

"For we can not stop speaking about what we have seen and heard." Acts 4:20

The memories were still fresh in their minds. The pain in His eyes. The anguish on His face. The bloody mess that was left once it was over was an image that none who saw would ever forget. Jesus did not die an easy death. None who saw it would ever forget. The men who killed Him made sure of that.

As Peter and John stood before the same men who crucified Jesus and faced with the same questions posed to Jesus; the fear that they faced had to be great. They were charged to no longer speak the name of Jesus. All they had to do was be quiet; yet, there was something inside them that refused to be silenced. There was something solid in their faith that allowed them to stand before the prospects of a torturous death and refuse to be silenced.

I grew up in church. Over the course of my life I have sat through countless hours of teaching and preaching. Sunday School. Sunday service. Wednesday nights. Conferences. Tapes. Books. The sources of information available to me as a Christian are endless. While these things have effectively taught me much; I can't help but wonder, what would I do if I stood in the position of John and Peter? Would my faith hold up?

Father God, much of my "faith" is built around things told to me by other people. While I am grateful for all the teaching that I have received, I also realize that this type of faith is cheap. It does not hold up. It wears out in adversity and leaves me feeling abandoned. There is certainly nothing in it worth dying for.

But there is inside of me an element of faith that is solely built around the experiences I have had with You. I close my eyes and my memories are filled with images of times I have encountered You. Those experiences cost me a lot. There is nothing cheap about them. Even under the greatest of conflict and pressure, that part of my faith holds up. I would spend my life to share those stories with others.

I ask today that You continue to strip away from me the cheap, out of the box version of Christianity that has been fed to me by others. I can no longer bear to walk that path as I have found it to be empty and hollow.

I ask that in its place that you fill me with real life encounters with You that create inside of me a faith of which I can't stop talking about; a faith that is not based on the words of other men, but one that is ground in my personal experiences.

The last few days have been rough. Trials have not been hard to find. Sleepless nights and endless days rise up and have taken a toll on my mind and emotions. I have often been tempted to look upon many things in search of relief. In the heat of my present battles, I choose this day to say that You are above all things. I would rather sit at Your table than find peace at the table of another.
I ask today that I fight my battles in a manner that brings Your glory to those around me. Open my eyes wide, so that I may build up my faith through these experiences and bring to mind all the things that You have brought me through. Cheap faith is no good at times such as these. I pray for access to something that can withstand the weight of all I face.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Promise of More

"For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself." Acts 2:39

There is so much more to God than I am currently experiencing. I do not understand why I settle to stay where I am. The early church experienced a manifestation of God's power that was real and tangible. So compelling was this experience that they left the huddled safety of their hidden room and ran out into the streets to proclaim the connection they found with God.

I want more. It is senseless to waste the limited amount of time allotted for my life by not demanding more out of my relationship with God. As the book of Acts recounts the story of the early church I am challenged by what I read. They moved not out of empty hope, but were compelled forward by the tangible power of God unleashed in their lives.

I settle for far too little. As I look within my heart today I realize I make some really poor choices. I choose my anger over Your forgiveness. I choose my lifestyle over Your ways. I choose my frustrations over Your blessings. Worst of all, I choose to stay where I am instead of pursuing all that you have promised me.

Taking another step of faith is scary. Going hard after Your promise demands more of me than I can offer. I need Your help. I ask today that You rise up within me and make Your presence known to me in a tangible way. I want to take this day and milk it for everything that it is worth.

When my anger wells up inside of me, I pray that Your grace pour down. When I am tempted to return to my broken lifestyle of the past, I pray that you allow me to experience the power of Your blessings. When I am tempted to fall back to the safety of staying where I am, I pray that you infuse into my soul an uncontrollable compulsion to leave everything behind and follow after You.

When I lay down my head tonight to sleep, I ask that I be able to do so knowing that my life mattered today and that You found pleasure in all that I did.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Two Thoughts on Thoughts.

"In mortal man…His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish." Psalm 146:4

Life on this earth is so fleeting. In this verse I am reminded that when a man dies, all that is in his mind dies with him. It no longer exists.

There are two applications in this for me today. First, why in the world would I ever care what people think of me? As I look back over my life I am amazed at just how much of me has been controlled by my incessant desires to be approved by others. I have compromised my integrity, lost my self-worth, and ripped into other people all in the name of being someone who would be approved by those around me. What a waste.

Second, everything left undone in my life is over when I breathe my last breath. Good intentions. Broken fences. Chances untaken. Dreams yet realized. The list of things that die when I die goes on and on. My life is sealed and I do not fear death. It is the unfinished business in my life that scares me.

The life You have given to me is so precious. I do very much regret the time I have wasted by acting on the thoughts of others and suppressing the thoughts I have myself. Today my soul is full as I realize the extent to which I am truly living my life. I want more. I do not want to waste one second of the life You have given me. I desire today to make the most of every opportunity. Help me take captive every single thought that I have and make it submit to Your desire for me to make my time matter. The life I experience when I am connected with You is greater than any other lifestyle I could choose. I pray that when this day comes to an end and I lay my head to rest that I may hear the words "well done" spoken to my soul.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Overcoming Discouragement

"Now it came about that when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became furious and very angry and mocked the Jews." Nehemiah 4:1

The people of Israel had definitely made a mess of things. They had acknowledged their condition, confessed before the Lord and were rebuilding the damage caused by their rebellion.

As the neighboring kingdoms became aware of what was taking place, they rose up in anger and mockery. The people lost heart. Fear gripped them. They were ready to give up, and Nehemiah and the people of Israel now faced the greatest of all enemies; discouragement.

The saying goes, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me." What a load that is. Wounds caused by sticks and stones are much easier to deal with than are the wounds caused by words.

It is amazing how the words of another can tear me down so fast. In a split second I can go from feeling like life could not get any better to total despair based on well placed blow of words from another person. It is irrational to allow this to happen, but it is my reality all the same.

As I relive this leadership moment Nehemiah faced, there are a few things that I feel are applicable to me. First thing is they prayed. Not just a "now I lay me" type of prayer; they cried out to God. Twice discouraging words reached them and twice it is noted that they cried out to God.

Second, they kept on moving ahead. "For the people had a mind to work" are the words used in verse 6. They set their hearts on God in prayer, but they set their minds on working it out. No matter how I feel, I must keep my mind focused on the work at hand.

Finally, they worked with one hand and held a spear with the other. They kept a balance between staying on task and preparing for attack. This is the struggle of fighting through discouragement. There are seasons of life that just require me to take a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other and work it out.

Father I ask this morning that You seal my heart with the mission You have for my life. I ask that the very fabric of my soul be cut of Your divine purpose. Regardless of what happens in my life I ask that You give me the strength I need to both defend the work that has been accomplished and to continue to move ahead with the things yet to be done. As people and circumstances rise up against me and wage war on my emotions, I pray remind me to turn to You in prayer, set my mind on the task at hand, and keep on pressing forward.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Real Prayer

"The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire." Nehemiah 1:3

Things were bad. Not just bad, they were horrible. Many of God’s chosen people lay dead. Those whose lives were spared were being abused in captivity. The holy city lay in ruins. The walls were torn down and the gates were burning.

Nehemiah could have done a lot of things. His emotions had to range from sadness, to doubt, to anger, to rage. But in the midst of all this, Nehemiah did something amazing. He fasted and fell on his face before God.

I am no super Christian. Things happen to me and I get ticked off. Frustration and anger can commandeer my emotions in the blink of an eye and I find myself running over in bitterness. I have never had a day exactly like the one facing Nehemiah, but I have had some good ones none the less. I wish that I could say I reacted as Nehemiah, but I can't.

Reality is that prayer is hard for me. Sustained prayer over a single subject lasting for multiple days and that involves me fasting at the same time happens about as often as a politician owns a mistake made. What was it about Nehemiah that helped him endure the hardship and seek after God?

First, he had a relationship with God. Many times it is easy to think that a relationship with God should keep me out of jams, but that is not the case. My relationship with God is designed to get me through the hard times that inevitably come along.

Second, he recognized that weight of sin. Nehemiah did not bargain with God. He called sin what it was and owned it, not just for himself, but for his people.

Third, he acknowledged that his only hope was in God. He did not make demands. He did not claim to have reason for God to listen. He simply pleaded for God to act. He held onto the promises of God and chose to believe in them over the weight of his current circumstances.

I am really weak at praying through things. I am more apt to ask for Your help then do things on my own. I ask for that to change. I want to have a relationship with you that is real enough to carry me to You during hard times and not one that is so full of holes and doubts that I run away from You instead.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

God's Favored Hand

"The king gave Ezra all he requested because the hand of the LORD his God was upon Him...For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel." Ezra 7:6;10

When I read verses like this I am always captivated by them. Ezra walked the earth as a human display of God's empowerment. All that he asked for he received. God's hand was upon him and everyone knew it. He lived each day with tangible reminders of the fact that God did indeed exist and that His power was real and available to Him.

I always want to get to verse 6 before I get to verse 10. I want to see or experience a tangible encounter with God, then I will consider going to another level of obedience. Here is the problem with that, God placed His hand of favor on Ezra not to get him to obey Him, but because Ezra obeyed Him.

Ezra set his heart to study God's law, to live it out in his own life, and to teach others to do the same. He learned it, he applied it, and then shared it. Ezra got what he wanted in life because what he wanted in life was in alignment with what God was trying to accomplish around him.

My faith at times just feels so weak. I sit, look at my circumstances, and desire for something to happen. I want to live the adventure of the men I see in the scriptures, but often I am unwilling to sacrificially follow You in obedience first. I ask that You forgive my selfish ambitions. I pray that You open Your word to me that I might learn it, provide me the strength I need to apply it and give me the words I need to share it with others.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Bucket List

"Be on Guard...!" Luke 17:3

Driving alone on a long trip has a way of lulling me into mindless trance. Initially when I set out on the journey I am alert. I notice everything. I am looking at signs, watching traffic, and checking my gauges. But before long the rhythmic noises of the highway put me into a trance. Suddenly, I find myself in a "the lights are on but no one is home" state of mind.

Then suddenly something will happen. A car pulls out in front of me. A cop behind a tree. A ringing of my phone. Or sometimes it is just the realization that I no longer no where the heck I am. Regardless of the source, something inevitably snaps me back into reality.

I find life is the same way. The daily grind of living life becomes just as rhythmic as driving down the interstate. Before long, I am not living life alert. I am just going through the motions. Inevitably, something will happen that snaps me back into attention. A scare with my kids. A failure at work. A close call with death. The loss of a friend. Snap! Life suddenly takes on a new meaning and I often recognize I am living with regrets.

The movie The Bucket List tells the story of two men who are trying to complete their list of dreams before they die. The world definitely offers a each person their own version of the bucket list. I have often been consumed by my own. Success. Trips. Experiences. As I read this chapter from Luke, I see another version of a bucket list. A bucket list that matters:

1. Forgive myself when I stumble and strive to not cause others to fall.
2. Offer forgiveness to anyone who asks, regardless of how many times they ask it.
3. Do the right thing because it is the right thing. Expect nothing in return. Live on the edge of my faith.
4. Realize that time and people are a precious gift. Make the most of both.

Stumbling blocks are everywhere and I am prone to fall. I have slipped many times and will slip still many more. I pray for forgiveness, but I never really let it go. Guilt carries these failures with me like a weight or burden. I ask tonight that You heal the hurt I carry and I pray that You guide my steps so that I may not cause anymore to stumble than I already have.

People are broken. We all are. Quite often, we end up hurting each other. Sometimes its accidental. Other times it is intentional. Regardless of the intent, I desire to be a person of forgiveness. I want to go to my grave with no contempt on my heart. You have forgiven me much and I long to do the same. Help me abandon my right to be offended and simply offer grace to those who ask it of me.

I want rewards. I desire recognition. I do not mind doing the right thing but I expect to profit from it. I recognize tonight the sin in that. Instead of gain, I ask that You create inside of me a sense of duty that is content to do the right thing regardless of the personal cost to me.

I take relationships and time for granted. This has caused me much regret. I have lived life for 33 years. It is hard to recount where all the time has gone, and it is easy to remember all the people I have lost. So much has of both have been lost. I don't want to lose anymore of either. I can never control the timing of things, but I can control the quality of life I life with others. Help me make the most out of each encounter I have with another person.

It is not possible for me to live out these four things. As simple as they sound, I will mess it up. I will fall down tomorrow. Someone will be lead astray by my actions or attitudes. My selfish ambitions will lead my good deeds. I will make assumptions about the amount of time I have with people and blow opportunities for impact. All these things are inevitable unless you intervene in my life.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Shortcuts

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble; You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me." Psalm 138:7

There are a few things that jump out in this Psalm. David does not once ask for trouble to just go away. He does not ask for the situation to be removed from him. He claims the goodness of God, asks for strength and then proclaims the end result of his walking through trouble.

David did not pray pie-in-the-sky type prayers. This Psalm was grounded in the reality of his situation. He did not escape a magical solution that would pull him out of his circumstances. He simply focused on God and owned the fact that he had to face his circumstances and fight through what was before him.

Shortcuts. When I think of the world I live in today, that is what comes to mind. We are a people of shortcuts. Computers, calculators, cell phones, PDA's, self-check outs, book summaries, etc all are designed to make things run more efficiently and get what we want in a shorter period of time. I have trained myself to seek out a quick, easy, efficient and effective method to anything. Just yesterday my mother and I saw a spider that neither of us had ever seen. It was a really weird looking creature. I pulled out my iPhone, hit google, and in a matter of minutes knew that I was looking at Gastercantha, a spiny backed spider native to Florida. 15 years ago discovering that information would have taken weeks of research.

The thing with God is that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has not changed His methods with the evolution of the world. He has not upgraded His tools of communication. He does not have a facebook page. He does not text message. He did not setup a data base and give me a google tool to search it. And He does not offer a simplified plan for working out our faith. That is where my frustrations come to bear weight on me.

I ask You for forgiveness. I whine way too much about my circumstances. There are many times that I come to You seeking a solution to a problem; not to further my relationship with You. I have made an idol of circumstances and sought the god of easy solutions. I have acted foolishly in doing this.

I will no longer bow down to my circumstances. I will no longer seek shortcuts to problems. I desire to have my prayers shift their focus from escape and instead focus on my desperate need for Your strength to carry me as I walk through the problems of life.

I ask today that You magnify Your name in my life today. I pray the You prove the greatness of Your glory by the fruit made evident in the outcome of my choices. In the midst of my struggles, when I am at my weakest moments, I pray that you revive me, stretch forth Your hand before me, and carry me through by the power of Your right hand.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Grace of My Father

"Both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying, 'This man receives sinners and eats with them.'" Luke 15:2

This is an amazing chapter. It is one of my favorites. More than any other place in the Bible it reveals to me the heart God has for those who don't know Him and for those who have turned their back on Him. He ate with sinners. He relaxed with the poor and needy. He created a ministry which literally changed the course of history and he did it with a group of outcasts, roughnecks, and sinners.

Anyone who knows me knows that I did not log very many miles walking the straight and narrow for many seasons of my life. Looking back I often wonder why I did some of the things that I did. In my heart, I always knew better. In the quiet moments of those seasons I was often tormented by the path that I was on and the man I was becoming. Still, the allure of the things I desired captivated my attention and I charged after them. As I read through the words penned by Luke describing Jesus, I begin to see a tapestry of His grace rise up in the background.

In each paragraph I see an amazing thing; it is God who does the pursuing. He seeks the dinner invitation with the sinners. He leaves the other sheep and goes searching for the lost one. He lights the lamp and searches the house for the coin. He runs out the meet the rebellious son and it is He who goes out to calm the heart of the bitter son.

The God of the universe pursues me. Even when I am an idiot and it is my choices that draw me away He chases after me. More amazingly, He celebrates when He finds me. He does not remind me of where I have been. He does not call out everything I have done. He does not deliberate to decide if I will be accepted. He simply celebrates.

There are memories in my mind that torment me. There are places I have been, things I have done and people I have hurt that stir images in my mind I can't handle. Of all the things I fear in life, nothing scares me more than the man I know I can become when I walk away from Your direction in my life.

Your Grace is amazing. Your love never fails. Your heart is always bent towards me. As I reflect back over my life I realize that I have never once found You to be unwilling to accept me back as long as I came to You in true repentance. It gives me great comfort to know that all of my past is gone, forgiven, thrown out, and will never return. As far as the East is from the West is how far Your word says my failures have been removed.

Each day is a new day and I now find myself in a much better place in life. That said, I also live with the reality that I have not arrived anywhere. Daily I have to choose to take up my cross and follow after You. That is never a simple choice.

Life is hard and temptations are easy to find. I ask today that You continue to reveal Yourself to me. Open the eyes of my heart so that I can see Your face, hear Your voice and know Your will.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sowing in Tears

"When the LORD brought back the captive ones of ZION, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was full of laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting." Psalm 126:1-2

The nation of Israel constantly found themselves in difficult situations. They would turn from God in rebellion, ignore His call to repent, and eventually experience His wrath. Most of the time His wrath allowed a rogue nation to take them captive.

Captivity for them meant that they lost everything that they owned and became slaves to the nation that overtook them. Slavery is not a good thing. Every aspect of their life was consumed by the abuses of their new masters. Life became miserable.

God's mercy eventually would always compel Him to return and deliver His people once again. When this happened, the people would celebrate. Laughter replaced crying. Dreams took the place of nightmares. Singing drowned out the painful torment of silence.

There is nothing like returning to God. So many times in my life I, just as the nation of Israel, have turned from God. As I think back over my life I can remember several times that I have found myself sitting some where and being tormented by my thoughts, a slave to my own sins.

Sometimes I find myself here because I have chased after some desire that was not healthy. Sometimes it is because something happened that made me angry at God. Other times I am not quite sure how I got where I am, nor do I feel like I did anything wrong; I just know that I am hurting.

Verse 6 of this Psalm says, "He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him." No matter how I got to where I am it is important to me that I learn how to respond to hurt. It is ok to weep. It is ok to be honest about where I am and what I feel. It is ok for me to be confused and angry. But I must never put down my walk with God. My relationship with Him is the seed of my life and I must carry it even during dark times of being lost.

There are times when tragic deaths cause me to become captive to feelings of doubt. There are times when unanswered prayers cause me to become captive to anger and disappointment. There are times with sinful choices cause me to become captive to rough circumstances. There are also times when evil things happen for no apparent reason and I become captive to bitterness and resentment.

Regardless of the source, the results of these types of situations always leave me feeling lost, lonely, confused and hurt; a slave to my own emotions and thoughts. It is in these moments of desperation, frustration, aggravation, and depression that I need You the most.

I pray that You teach me to continue in my pursuit of You even when the circumstances of my life come unwound. I know that doing this is my only source of hope.