Saturday, January 30, 2010

Be Careful Little Ears

Reading: Acts 6

"And they stirred up the people, the elders and the scribes, and they came up to him and dragged him away and brought him before the Council." Acts 6:12-13


The false witnesses were not necessarily outright liars. Stephen had probably said the things they accused him of; however, they misrepresented the intentions and context of his statements. Those who followed along with them thought they were hearing and following the truth. This scenario is a primary strategy of our enemy.


There was song we sang at church when I has a child and one of the verses encouraged my little ears to be careful of what they hear. That song and the depth of its truth has come rushing back to me this morning.

Avoiding deception is tricky business for it is easy to get caught up in the moment. I have to be careful in not allowing what I hear from others to move me to a place where I am working against the movement of God. I see a couple of things that I must remember to avoid being caught up in deception.

First, I must hear what is being said for myself. "I heard that they..." "They are going to ..." "They told me..." Those three simple phrases can stir the pot in a matter of seconds. Like a matches in a dry field they are little sparks which create huge problems. The best thing for me to do in these events is return to the source and hear from them myself.

Second, I need to take time to seek God. My initial reaction to what I hear may not be right. A cool off period to pray and think is mandatory. The greatest weapon against deception is a slow response. Deceivers rely on speed. I must slow the process down and get before God prior to engaging in conflict. As God affirms my direction I need to proceed prayerfully.


The persecution of the early Church, the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide represent the absolute darkest sides of deceptive crowds. Broken relationships, tarnished reputations, and isolated people are the more acceptable results of this same sinful group.

I really do not fear being victimized by a deceptive crowd as much as I fear being swept up in it and joining them in fighting against Your work. I pray today that You teach me to maintain control of my thoughts and emotions. As people bring things to my attention help me respond with only Your wisdom and Spirit.

Friday, January 29, 2010

How Low Can I Go

Reading: Acts 5

"So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name." Acts 5:41


The response of apostles is incredible. These guys were sold out. Every moment of everyday they were tormented by the Jewish leaders. They discovered that the grace of God was able to overcome anything. Instead of losing focus, they allowed the torment to push them deeper into the heart of God. They became so close to God that even the trauma of public beatings served only to bring them greater joy.


How low can I go? That question is stirring in my mind this morning and beckoning me to give it consideration. Where is my breaking point? In the face of adversity how long will I endure before I cry out to God to change my circumstances? What am I willing to lose to follow Christ. Security? Comfort? Pride? Dreams?

I am afraid that my real answer is that I am not willing to go very low at all. One angry person coming against me without cause has a way of completely consuming my thoughts. One unresolved desire can send me into a dark state of frustration. One prayer that does not result in my comfort or success leaves me pouting like a wounded child.


Father I am grateful that You and I can have honest conversations. The manner in which You speak into my life is so incredible. You never mince words and speak straight truth to me. At the same time I never feel condemned or guilty. You are the safest place for me and I deeply appreciate Your voice speaking into my life.

You know I am Christian elitist at heart. Part of my expectation of following after You is that good things should always happen to me. This leads to a great deal of confusion and frustration when things do not turn out so well. I confess this to You this morning and ask that You change my heart.

Move my praise beyond superficial words that resound from my heart only when I feel good. Teach me to allow my praise to be a wellspring from within my soul that carries a joy much too deep to be affected by seasons of drought and heat.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Divine Appointments

Reading: Acts 3

"But Peter said, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you..."Acts 3:6


For the disciples, the choice the follow Christ had left them with nothing of monetary value. Peter, proving he learned from Christ, did not focus on what he did not have to offer this man. He trusted that this moment was a Divine appointment and paid attention to what God wanted to accomplish in this man's life.


I often intersect the lives of people at very hard moments and it is always tempting to absolve myself from the situation. I do not know enough about the Bible. I do not know what to say. I can not fix that. That is over my head. That is more money than I can raise. That situation is in need of a miracle. My prayers feel so weak.

All those phrases pop into my head every time God divinely appoints my life to intersect with another person's need. In those moments I do not need to allow what I do not have to prevent me from offering the person what I do possess. I must learn to trust that God fully understands my limits and still He appointed the encounter.


Father, engaging with You in Your plans of redemption for the world I live in is fun and easy when it stays within my zone of comfort. As long as I feel equipped or I see success I celebrate my God moments with others and actively seek more.

But when the tables turn and the going gets tough; it becomes easy to retreat. Guilt, shame, inadequacy, frustration, and anger all wage war against my emotions when feel like the water is over my head.

I pray today that You sober my thinking. As best I can, from where I am, with what I have; I give myself to You. Enlighten the eyes of my heart to see, understand, and trust what You desire for each moment You appoint. I pray that I not rob You of Your glory by becoming fixated on my inadequacy.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

His Name is not Google

Reading: Acts 2

"And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2


Jesus was crucified at Passover time, and he ascended 40 days after his resurrection. The Holy Spirit came 50 days after the Resurrection. This group of leaders spent 50 days in hostile circumstances, hiding and waiting. Everyone wants the rushing wind experience but few are willing to endure the days that must come before.


I can literally have almost anything I want in a matter of seconds. The world today is built around convenience and speed of delivery. Google has reduced the process of understanding the mysteries of the world to matter clicks and seconds.

God is not Google, but I treat Him that way. I want answers, solutions, and information from Him at a moment's notice and I become highly irritated if He does not meet my expectations. Enduring in prayer is not a strong suit of mine.


I only need to return to this morning to be reminded that waiting on You to speak or move is not exactly a trait I possess. In a world where an hour of waiting feels as if it were a decade, patience is a lost art.

Father, my heart's desire is to see the fullness of Your glory revealed in and through me. I ask that my prayers become more about entering Your heart and less about getting what I want. Open my spirit to receive from You the tangible presence and radiance You desire for me to have.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Pain of Waiting

Reading: Acts 1

"Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised." Acts 1:4


The disciples could have charged ahead of God. They had their mission. The task at hand had been made clear, but they lacked one thing; the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would comfort them, guide them to know His truth, remind them of Jesus' words, give them the right words to say, and fill them with power.


I no longer have to wait on the indwelling empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Once Christ returned to heaven the gift of the Holy Spirit became automatic the moment a believer converts to Christ; but, the discipline of waiting is still very much in play.

Waiting is painful. Tell me to climb a mountain, order me to kill a bear, but please do not tell me I have to wait before I go. In this passage I see a few things I need to know about waiting.

First, I have to spend enough time with Christ to understand what He wants from me. Clarity is directly related to my time spent with God. I need to sit with Christ and experience Him moving and connecting to me. As I do this He will make clear my path and temper my drive to get going.

Second, I can not wait alone. Waiting is a Biblical principal. Much is transformed inside of me during the season that exists between God calling me and Him sending me. I need to let other people know what I am wrestling with and have them join me in prayer. Discipleship best occurs in the context of community and wise counsel.

Third, I need to act when all signs point to go. The craziest thing happens when I am forced to wait: I lose my nerve. It is a lot like standing on a cliff and staring at the water before I jump. The longer I stand the higher the jump begins to feel. Once God releases me and creates an opportunity for me to go; I need to jump.


The power of Your Word to speak into my life is totally amazing to me. There is no better word for me to hear today. There is nothing that You could have said that would have spoken more clearly to the weight I feel in my heart and spirit today.

I need some time alone with You. That is abundantly clear to me. The lack of clarity I have right now has resulted from the crazy pace of my life and the lack of time I have invested in sitting with You.

The problem is that I do not know how to get off the hamster wheel I have created. I submit my schedule to You today and ask that You help me clear some white space for You and I to meet. As I take this step towards You today I do so fully trusting You to meet me there.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Diplomatic Immunity

Reading: Psalm 14 & 15

"O Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill?" Ps 15:1


David wanted to enjoy the benefits of being a part of God's household. He wanted God's fellowship, God's protection, and God's provision. In verse 2 David answers the question posed in verse one by saying my ability to enjoy these gifts of the Father is impacted by my character, my behavior, and my speech.


There is no way I can be surrendered and stay the same. My character, my behavior, and my speech are the battlefields on which I will wage war with satan and my flesh as the Holy Spirit works out my salvation from within. Transformation in these key areas are the clearest indicator of whether I am allowing to work in my life or not.


One thing that I have to add to David's list. David lived before Christ established Your new covenant. Since Christ came the only way to the You is through surrendering to the Son. I have done that it so it brings me great peace knowing that nothing can separate me from Your love. Nothing.

While I am always be connected with Your love I can be separated from Your joy. If my character, behavior, and speech do not bear the fruit of Your Spirit then I will experience the consequences of my choices. You discipline those You love. Jesus did provide me with diplomatic immunity from suffering consequences when I act like a fool.

I live in a fallen world and as long as I am on earth I will be an imperfect being. My transformation is not based on my ability to live in perfection. My sole hope is the power of Your Spirit at work in side of me and the provision of Your grace covering me when I slip. I ask today that You guide my every choice. Help my character, behavior and speech all reflect the radiance of Christ.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Doormats & Champions

Reading: Psalm 12 & 13

"'Now I will rise' says the LORD, 'I will set him in the safety for which he longs'" Psalm 12:5


As troubles continued to be piled on top of David he had to choose between taking action himself or continuing to seek after God. David stayed in faithful pursuit of God until he heard the words of his Father noted above.


There was a time in my life when I was a doormat. I allowed people to walk over me and never really said much about it. This was not a holy act. I did not allow it to take place in hopes of honoring God. In fact, it often left me bitter, hurt, and angry at both the person running over me and God.

Something changed in me about twelve years ago and I decided I was no longer continent to allow the shoes of others to tread on me. The days of the doormat were over. I learned to fight back and fight back I did. This was not a holy act either. In fact, it often left me bitter, hurt, and angry at both the person I was warring against and God.

I am reminded this morning that neither my anger nor my passivity can accomplish the will of God. Neither of them can take me to a holy place. Neither of them can lead me to peaceful rest. God does not desire for me to be a doormat nor does he desire for me to be my own champion. God's desire is that I allow my conflict with others to draw me deep into His heart and follow His leadership. When the time is right He will lead me to the safety I long for.


Father finding the balance between being a doormat and a champion is something that is beyond my capacity. I seem to land on one extreme of the other. People can be vicious. Anger breeds anger. Hate breeds hate. It is so hard to sit idle and watch bad behavior oppress me and cause me pain. Instead of allowing it to draw me near to Your heart I often allow it to engage my natural defenses and I attempt to resolve the situation in my own anger. I confess that to You this morning.

Father there are situations I am facing now that are difficult to navigate. The angry attacks of some have left me feeling vulnerable, agitated, and prepared to defend myself.

I give this to You today. I do not know how to not fight and avoid being a doormat at the same time. It feels to me like I will end up being one or the other. If I choose to fight I pray that it only be in defense of an injustice done to others or in pursuit of Your greater purpose. If You desire me to be a doormat I pray that You lead me to do this in a way that does not rob me of my dignity and self-worth.

Father I am asking You to move today in these tough situations I face. Change my heart and the hearts of those on the other side of my adversity. Draw us all closer to You and lead us all to a place of peace and rest.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Well Short

Reading: Psalm 9

"I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart;" Ps 9:1


Praise is expressing to God our appreciation and understanding of his worth. It is saying thank you for each aspect of his divine nature. Our inward attitude becomes outward expression. When we praise God, we help ourselves by expanding our awareness of who he is. In each psalm you read, look for an attribute or characteristic of God for which you can thank him. (from Life Application Study Bible)


God has never forsaken those who sought after Him. That is the truth of the Word and an undeniable characteristic of God. While this truth is absolute the application of it is complicated. Disappointment is an inescapable reality. I do not know a single person of faith who at some point of their life has not been saddled by disappointment or been left feeling forsaken.

There are two keys to understanding this. The first is my cause must be just. There are times when I truly feel like I am on the right side of an issue only to find out later I was wrong. God will never put is power behind the wrong thing. Second, the Word says those who seek after HIM will never be forsaken. It says nothing about what will happen if I seek after something I want. His ways are not my ways and He often does things that are opposite of what I think should take place.


Father I need for You to judge the things of my heart and open my eyes to see Your truth. Align me with Your plan and purpose. Position me so that I stand fully in Your favor and am able to properly reflect Your glory. Humble me so that I may admit my failures and give me the strength to undo the wrongs I create.

I also ask that You teach me to use circumstances to drive me deeper into Your heart. It is so easy to allow my pursuit of You to be conditional based on what You do for me. It so hard to come to You and only be seeking You. Help me to rest in You and trust You to deal with my life. May my only desire be a drive to know You more.

I pray that You exalt Your name in my life today. Create inside of me a sense of awe, wonder, fear and respect that is so strong it will remind me that the things of man fall well short of the things of God.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fullness of Glory

Reading: Psalm 6 & 7

"I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness

And will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High." Ps 7:17


David was enduring a hard season of slander. People were accusing him of trying to overthrow Saul and seize control of the throne. This was causing more than just damage to his reputation. The lies that were being spun were placing him at risk and creating a great division among the people. Life was not good for David. In this Psalm he chooses to praise God. He does not base his praise for God on the circumstances of his life. He bases His praise on what he knows to be true of God.


What I think or feel about God will fail me during adversity. Thoughts and feelings make poor anchors during the storms of life. The only firm anchor I have available to me are truths about God which I have allowed to become absolutes that I hold to be true at the very core of my being. One hint of doubt will cause my anchor to be loosened and land me in a very precarious situation.


Your Word says that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work inside of me. Your Word says that greater things are possible for me than at any other time in history because of Christ's victory over death. Your Word says that all I have to do is ask and believe and You will open the heavens to me in order for me to pursue Your will and purpose.

I think those things are right. I feel that those things are right. On an intellectual level, I know those things are right. But in the application of these things to my life cracks are revealed. I doubt. I question. I wonder. I fail. I struggle. I wrestle. I quit.

As I assess my life I can honestly say that there is no way the fullness of Your power and glory is being revealed through me. I pray today that You strengthen my unbelief. Enlightened the eyes of my heart to fully grasp the work of Your salvation. Embolden my faith so that I may stand firm in the face of the trials. Empower my words so that I may be anointed to speak Your truth as one who has authority to do so. Enable me to live a life that clearly reflects Your bounty, beauty, power, strength, wisdom, and mercy.

As best I can, from where I am, I place myself in submission to Your call and purpose. Have Your way with me today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fair-Weather Fan

Reading: Psalm 5

"You have relieved me in my distress." Ps 4:1


David faced many trials in his life. It is most likely that this particular trial was related to the civil unrest created by David's own son. The kingdom was divided and people were taking sides and fighting for control. In the midst of division, bickering, backstabbing, and discord; David models a great method for walking through those times in a Godly manner.


First, David says to tremble before the Lord and do not sin. This means that I should not elevate a person or situation to a place of prominence in my life. When I fail at this, I do so by allowing hostile people and angry situations to overrun my emotions and take control of my behavior. Regardless of what I face I should never allow any person or circumstance remove me from God's presence.

Second, David says to search my own heart and be still. One of my mentors once told me that I should always pay attention to things that generate strong, negative emotions in me. In seasons of stress it is critical to find space to withdraw and evaluate my own heart. During this evaluation God will often reveal something about me that needs to change and He also uses these times to make His character tangible to me.

Finally, David says to live right before the Lord. Hard times can bring out the worst in me. I am never more vulnerable to sin and failure than I am when I am being riddled with adversity. It is never more tempting to doubt my God than when trials seem to mock His word. It is never more tempting to walk away from following after Christ than when struggles have drained me of my drive.


No body respects a fair-weather fan. As I reflect back over my life I can definitely see that I have that trait in me towards You. Prolonged seasons of lack have often caused me to lash out at You and doubt Your goodness.

Teach me to better respond to the things in my life. As I think through the events planned for my week I see so much opportunity for moments of doubt and frustration. I can hear the roar of my enemy through the trees and it is hard to stand firm. Help me to apply the truth of Your Word to the circumstances of my week.

I am grateful today that You are no fair-weather fan of me. Every time I have lashed out or walked away, You have always been there to lovingly correct me and welcome me back. Your grace and mercy are above anything I can imagine. Thank You.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Story Before

Read: Mark 16

"So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed."

Mark 16:19-20


Reading the Bible is an interesting challenge. Each individual verse is full of power and knowledge, but it is important to read the Bible as story so that the broader context is not missed. This verse is powerful and contains a lot of truth, but a great deal of story took place before they arrived at this point.


I live with a sense of urgency. The older I get the greater this urgency seems to become. As time passes it seems to do so at an ever increasing pace. Where I once would look up and wonder where the day went, I now look up and wonder where the year went. The passing of time feels as if it is escalating towards a full on sprint. This realization further fuels my desire to get things right and get moving.

While a sense of urgency is important and valuable it is also quiet risky. My desire to achieve can push me to become hard on myself and can fully cause me to miss the fact that I am on a journey. There are no short-cuts. Discipleship is a lifestyle. Just as the disciples lived, so shall I. There will be days of doubt and days of firm faith. There will be great victories and devastating failures. There will be mountain top experiences and the cold darkness of the valley.


I am not a patient individual. This is especially true when it comes to affording myself grace and latitude. I get frustrated when I am caught up in the process of being molded. I pray that You calm me down. Focus me in on the things I need to do to arrive at the place You desire me to be.

While I am living out the story that has to take place before You complete Your work in me, I ask that You help me to remain faithful in the little things. I may not be able to do all the things I feel like I need to, but there are many things I can do. Help me to do those things in a manner that is pleasing to You.

Father I also ask that You remind me that I am not alone. The Holy Spirit has been sent to me as a helper and Christ is seated at Your right hand to advocate on my behalf. This journey of discipleship is not about me and my effort. It is about You, Your grace, Your love, and Your authority.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Reading: Mark 15

" Joseph of Arimathea came, a prominent member of the Council, who himself was waiting for the kingdom of God; and he gathered up courage and went in before Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus." Mark 15:43-44


There are a couple things to note from this act by Joseph. First, He had no idea how Pilate would react to the request. Pilate was angry over the ordeal, that much was evident. As a prominent member of the council who just forced the execution, there was a great chance Pilate would not be happy to see Joseph. Second, while he did not know how Pilate would react; Joseph had not doubt of the reaction from his fellow Jews. This move would irreversibly change his life and could even seal his fate. Finally, this move was substantial to God's plan. If Joseph had not taken the body then there would have been no proof to the Jews that Christ died. Following the resurrection it would have been really easy for the Jewish council to claim that the Romans had done something with the body.


As long as there is still breath in me it is never to late to act. Summing up the courage to take action is never easy. As I read the story of Joseph this morning I am reminded of three battlefields that accompany acts of faith.

The first is with those outside the faith. The Word says that the world is against the light of Christ. Satan will wage battle with what God is trying to do inside of me and will often use the things of the world to intimidate me or lure me away.

The second is with those inside the faith. People like things to be comfortable and predictable. The life of Christ is neither of those. It is likely that I can expect people to counsel me away from what God is doing in my life. Tradition and ritual will always war against the continually progressive mission of Christ.

The final battle is inside of me. It is too late. This is too small of an act. The odds of success are not good. The risk is too high. I am not strong enough. I do not feel ready for this. This will impact my family. This will not lead to anything of significance. I am sure Joseph heard each of these things as he prepared himself to act. I can fully expect internal hell and agony as satan wages war with my emotions over decisions God is asking me to make.


Your Word instructs me to make plans for battle but to always remember that victory is won by Your hand. Holy Spirit I pray today that You mentor me in the art of war. Teach me to prepare for the three battlefields I know I will face. My enemy is one, but his tactics are many. I am totally out of my league unless Your empowerment fuels my choices.

I also pray that You guard me against being used by satan. I never desire to find myself standing in the way of what You purpose to do in the life of another. Open my eyes to the legalism and ritualism that is alive inside of me. My desire to be comfortable and safe predisposes me to resist new things. Keep me sober in my interactions with others and embolden me to be an encourager of Your work in others.

This day is Yours and all that I do I offer to You. Please guide my steps so that the results of my day are a holy sacrifice to my most deserving Father and God.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Setting the Hook

Reading: Mark 13

"'Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time is.'" Mark 13:33-34


Fishing is not about catching fish. It is all about consistently keeping your bait in front of the fish. Bites from fish can be few and far between. It is easy to allow the rhythm of casting to lull me into a place where I am no longer paying attention; I am just going through the motions. It never fails that in those moments a fish strikes and I often set the hook to late.

Four times in one paragraph Jesus warns the disciples to be on the alert. Endure struggles, take on hard times, but stay focused on the mission and be alert.


I can get up everyday and do the right things and still completely miss moments with God. I have to stay alert. The greatest struggle I have in this is taking care of my thoughts, attitudes, and behavior.

Distractions created by things outside of me are not nearly as destructive as distractions stirred inside of me. Feelings of anger, bitterness, resentment, ingratitude, frustration, loneliness, or entitlement are the main forces that work at getting me distracted. If any one of these things takes root in my emotions I can go on a trip to a really unhealthy place.


Father I want to be ready. I want to be alert. I want to live above the circumstances of my life, press into the mission You have for me, and experience the growth You desire to see in me.

Holy Spirit, I pray that You continue to breath truth into my life today and open my eyes wide to the things that cause me to be distracted. Strengthen me to take my thoughts captive and help me to be alert to opportunities provided.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Open Hand

Reading: Mark 12

"He then began to speak to them in parables: 'A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and went away on a journey.'" Mark 12:1-2


In this passage God is the man who planted the vineyard. The vineyard is the nation of Israel. The farmers are the leaders of Israel. As this parable continues through verses 3-11 Jesus tells of how the leaders of Israel not only frustrated their nation's purpose but also killed those who were trying to fulfill it. They were so jealous and possessive that they ignored the welfare of the very people they were supposed to be bringing to God.


I am no different from the leaders of Israel. Everything that I have in my life has been planted by God. Everything I have leadership over is not mine to own. I am just a farmer working rented land. The second I forget this and begin to hold on to things in hopes of accomplishing my own agenda; I become greedy. Greed will consume anything and everything in its nasty pursuit of more.


My marriage is a vineyard You planted. My kids are a vineyard You planted. My work is a vineyard You planted. My relationships are a vineyard You planted. My ministry to others is a vineyard You planted. My resources are a vineyard You planted.

There are many days when I look at these things and struggle with truly recognizing their true owner. This morning I am crystal clear that they are not mine to own and control; they are Yours. I ask that You lead me today in being a faithful steward of the vineyards You have planted for me. When You come for the harvest I pray that You find me holding onto healthy vineyards with an open hand.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fig Trees and Temple Cleaning

Reading: Mark 11

"And Jesus answered saying to them, 'Have faith in God.'" Mark 11:22


This passage from Mark is highly familiar. Many of the faith have clinched tight to the words that follow this scripture as they are among the clearest teachings regarding the power contained in faith and prayer. As familiar as the passage is I fear the truth of the teaching often becomes lost in the haze that exists where human goals intersect with Divine will.

I feel that Christ's teaching in this passage is that to pray effectively, you need faith in God, not faith in the object of the request. If the focus is only on the request, you are with nothing if the request is refused.


Faith and prayer. I do not know that there are two more confusing and frustrating aspects of being a follower of Christ. Here in Mark 11 Jesus uses an amazingly powerful picture of faith that can move mountains. But he surrounds it by cursing a fig tree for bearing no fruit, cleansing the temple of greed, speaking to the necessity of forgiveness, and reminding us not allow the object of prayer to become the purpose of prayer.


My mind can not grasp all the details You desire to teach me, but I can sense enough to know that You desire to see me bear more fruit, to clear out my personal greed, to remove unforgiveness from my heart and to become the focal point of my faith.

I say yes. That is the only response I can muster this morning. Yes. Do what You desire in my life today. Grow me in my ability to be prepared to join You in accomplishing Your mission. Remove from me the greedy nature of my flesh. Teach me to walk in obedience to Your command to not hold unforgiveness in my heart. Above all things, center all of my faith in You.

These are hard requests as I know they will take time to develop and they will extract a cost from me that I am not so sure I am ready to pay. But still I say yes. My life has proven that Your desires for me are the only safe refuge I can pursue. I do not want anything in my life which will lead me to any other place than the center of Your plan.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Good Uses of Salt

Reading: Mark 9

"'Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.'" Mark 9:50


Jesus used salt to illustrate three qualities that should be found in his people: (1) We should remember God's faithfulness, just as salt when used with a sacrifice recalled God's covenant with his people (Lev 2:13). (2) We should make a difference in the "flavor" of the world we live in, just as salt changes meat's flavor (see Matt 5:13). (3) We should counteract the moral decay in society, just as salt preserves food from decay. When we lose this desire to "salt" the earth with the love and message of God, we become useless to him. (from Life Application Study Bible Copyright)


In order to remember God's faithfulness I have to first experience it. That means that I have to walk with Him and live beyond what is comfortable and controllable. It means that I have to learn His truth and His ways and walk in them daily. It means that I must push myself to the edge of my faith and leap. It means that I must strive to not allow the struggles of life to drag me to a place that is not healthy and strong.

The flavor that God wants me to leave on the world around me is love. Love for Him first and then love for others. Love for Him means that I place His desires above all else in my life. Love for others means that I endure whatever is necessary to point people towards the truth. Love for Him means that I lay down my life for Him. Love for others means that I place their needs above mine.

Countering the moral decay in society means first that I live my life separate from that decay for I can not lead someone away from something I celebrate myself. It means that I must be connected to the lost world around me in a manner that allows them to see the fruit of God in my life. It means that the beauty of Christ radiates from within me in manner that is stronger than the beauty that radiates from the world.


Father these are three incredibly great uses of salt. Salt, when used properly is a great benefit. When used improperly, however; salt can be quite painful. The stinging of salt in the eyes or an open wound is no fun experience and provides zero benefit. I fear that our reputation as the Body of Christ is more of being painful than of being a benefit.

I pray today that I live my life in a manner that reveals to the world the blandness of a life without you. Take me deep into the truth of Your faithfulness, produce a desirable flavor in the fruit of my life, and enable me to use Your working in my life to counter the moral decay in the world around me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

No Limo Ride

Reading: Mark 8

"'I feel compassion for the multitude because they have remained with Me now three days, and have nothing to eat; and if I send them away hungry to their home, they will faint on the way; and some of them have come from a distance.'" Mark 8:2-3


These people had been with Jesus for three days and did not have any food. For many of the them, they would have to travel a good distance to arrive at a place where they would be able to prepare a meal. Jesus knew they did not have the strength to make it back.


If I spend time with Christ my needs will be met. God knows my spiritual and physical needs. He knows my spiritual and physical limits. If I stay in pursuit of Him I will find that He will always take care of me. But this is not as easy as it seems.

My faith is weak and my flesh is stout. In the midst of being needy my most primal of instincts take over and I struggle to maintain proper perspective. Anger, frustration, and desperation can take control of my emotions and I am capable of doing and saying some nasty things in a moment of great need, stress or tension.

As I listen to the voice of my God this morning I hear Him saying, "Have you not seen? Do you not yet understand? Why do you torment yourself over your need or the things you lack? Lay down your life for me and you will find life beyond what you could ever imagine."


Father in this text you describe following after You as taking up my cross and walking towards You. That is not what I naturally want. My honest desire is that following after You be more like getting into a stretched limo and going on a great adventure.

My expectations of what it means to follow after You are often based more on my heard heart than they are on the truth of Your word. I pray that You soften my heart to see You in truth. I pray that my will be broken so that I may be willing to endure the cross to pursue Your path. I pray that my mind be consumed with dreams that only point towards the Kingdom that is to come.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Grab an Oar

Reading: Mark 6

"And seeing them straining at the oars, for the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night, He came to them, walking on the sea; and He intended to pass by them." Mark 6:48-49


They were tired. Upon completing what had to be an incredibly taxing missionary journey the disciples returned to Christ. He decided it prudent to take them away to a lonely place to rest. Crowds did not allow it. They beat them to where they were going and instead of resting they spent time ministering to them. Now the disciples sat in a boat on a dark sea struggling at the oars to make the crossing with a heavy wind in their face.

In the old testament there are a couple places where God uses this same phrase "pass by." It does not mean that Jesus was trying to sneak past them. It means that He intended to reveal to them a side of His presence they had never known before. He was going to allow a part of His glory to pass in front of them in a manner that would strengthen their faith.


There are seasons of life when my mission is abundantly clear. In these seasons I know the task at hand and I am able to make measureable progress towards its completion. Then there are seasons of life that make no sense to me at all. I have given my everything and I just feel like I am sitting on a dark and cold sea, struggling with the oars against the wind and the waves.

This passage is an incredible reminder to me that no matter how I feel, I must trust that God will pass by and strengthen me when the time is right. My job is to grab an oar and just keep at it.


Ok, so I have the patience of a hungry lion staring at a wounded lamb. This should come as no surprise to You since You are the one who created me! This sense of urgency You planted inside of me is a key to me being who You designed me to be. It is one of my known strengths and it has been used by You to accomplish much.

But this strength has a downside. My urgent desire to get to where I am going will press me at times to make some horrible choices. My impatience tempts me to take charge and press things to make them happen. Had I been in the boat with the disciples we would have turned around, put the wind at our stern, and headed back to shore to wait for favorable conditions. In the process of doing that I would have also led these men to miss out on one of the more memorable miracles recorded in the New Testament.

My strengths are only strengths when they are bent in humble submission to You. I pray today that you allow me to walk in step with You, keep my hand on the oars, and stay in pursuit of Your desired course. Regardless of the conditions or my perception of progress please protect me from doing anything until You have passed by and confirmed Your purpose.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Expressions of Faith

Reading: Mark 5

"But Jesus, overhearing what was being spoke, said to the synagogue official, 'Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.'" Mark 5:36


In this chapter I see three very distinct expressions of faith. One is a man who does not start out seeking Christ, another is a women who dared to just touch the robe of Jesus, and finally there is Jarius' choice to believe in Christ's power over unimaginable circumstances. In each of these three I see a lesson I can learn.


From the demon possessed man I can learn that I can trust Christ to grab hold of me even when I am resisting Him. This man did not run to Christ seeking a change in life. Actually, he ran to Christ imploring Him to leave him alone. Christ reached out and healed him in spite of himself. In the same way I have to learn to trust God to not allow me to fall too far. My faith can never be based on my ability to make wise choices. I must rest in the never ending grace of God reaching out and offering me a clean slate.

From the woman I can learn that I am never too dirty to approach Christ. That was her fear. In her day her health problem left her unclean. In short, she was untouchable. Her perception of herself made it an incredible risk for her to reach out to Jesus. But she did. There are many days that my attitudes, failures, or frustrations leave me feeling like I am not worthy of approaching Christ or afraid of what might happen if I do come to Him. In these moments I must always remember that even the slightest step towards faith can result in me finding the healing I need.

From Jarius I can learn that the only voice I need to hear is the whisper of my Savior. Everyone in Jarius' life told him it was hopeless. Everything inside of Jarius agreed with their assessment of his reality. But in the end the only voice that mattered was the whisper of the Savior. Underneath the weight of bad times the only thing I want to hear of see is a solution. I need to learn to stop seeking answers and start listening for the whisper of Christ saying to me, "Do not be afraid any longer, only believe."


My preferred outcomes, selfish desires, and thirst for success often cloud my judgment and wreak havoc on my emotions. These things often come together and create ample opportunity for me to doubt my faith and doubt in You. I recognize these things in me and just acknowledge them before You.

Father, You alone are worthy of my hope and faith. There is nothing in You that ever disappoints or ever leaves without completing its intended purpose. I pray that You empower me to surrender fully to Your desired intent for my life. In the darkest of moments, under the toughest of circumstances and in the most unlikely of places I pray that I be able to hear and respond to Your gentle whisper reminding me to holdfast and just believe.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sleeping Savior

Reading: Mark 4

"Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, 'Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?'" Mark 4:38


The sea is a beautiful place. There is something about standing on the shoreline, scanning the horizon and breathing in the sights, sounds, and smells of the ocean. The ocean can also be a scary place. In the blink of an eye a beautiful blue sky can give way to massive mounds of dark cloud and gentle waves can be churned into a white froth of fear. Sounds a lot like life.


There are seasons of life when the punches seem to just keep coming. Things get out of hand and every time I think I have hit bottom or reached the end of what I am able to endure another punch always seems to land square on my chin. In these moments I react much as the disciples do here. I look around and feel like Christ is asleep on the job.

Today's reading is a great reminder that I do not serve a sleeping savior. Discipleship is not an easy process. In the parable of the sower Christ reminds me of three things I can expect when I seek to grow in my faith: Satan will try to steal my faith, pressure and persecution will burn away half-hearted faith, and the cares of the world always choke out the fruit of faith.


Father I hear You saying to me today that the struggle I face in growing my faith is not Your neglect or lack of movement. The struggles I face all have to do with me. I fail to recognize the attacks of satan when he comes to steal Your word. I have a tendency to stand on faith that is only half-hearted, and I allow my desires and fears of earthly things to take over my thoughts.

I take ownership of these things before You today. You have been and always will be faithful. I am grateful that I serve a God who draws near and that I have a redeemer warrior who never sleeps. Enlighten my heart to fully grasp what it means to serve You with a pure and unbridled faith. Allow my heart to be connected with You in a manner that opens my life to be continually empowered by Your will, purpose, and power.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Embracing the New

Reading: Mark 2

"No one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into new wineskins." Mark 2:22


A wineskin was a goatskin that was sewn together at the edges to form a watertight bag. New wine, expanding as it aged, stretched the wineskin. New wine, therefore, could not be put into a wineskin that had already been stretched, or the taut skin would burst.

In this passage Christ is addressing the Pharisees whose hearts had become rigid like old wineskins. They could not accept faith in Jesus because it would not be contained by their man-made ideas or rules.


Wanting God to move in my life sounds good on the surface. Normally I approach God with a question, concern, pain or desire. My hope is that He will move in a manner that miraculously puts to rest the issue at hand. In my mind, I will then be left to live a better life and my faith in God will have been strengthened. That sounds good on the surface but it is a false belief around what my relationship with God should be.

It is clear to me that my heart is the wineskin. If I apply the teaching of Christ from this passage it is critical that I remember Jesus does not desire to just give me the new wine I seek; He desires to give me a new wineskin as well. In fact, He cannot give the new wine until I allow him to give me a new wineskin. A transplant of heart will always proceed a major movement of God in my life.


Father I sense two things You want me to understand this morning. My first move towards You is almost always selfish. Something concerns me and I run to You with it. I genuinely want the thing weighing on me to be resolved but I want it to be resolved in the context of my current reality. I want the world around me to change for the better while I hold tight to the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that are comforting to me.

Second, I normally approach You thinking that if You move in my life then I will change. I really want to rest and trust in You but I want evidence or relief first. Calm my circumstances, then I can rest. Deal with my lack, then I will be content. Move in my prayers, then I will have faith.

Both of these things are the same in that they are my finite mind trying to control and manipulate an infinite God. It is my pride, stubbornness, and lack of faith in its purest form and I confess it to You this morning.

I pray first thanking You for Your forgiveness and second to celebrate the work You are doing in my heart. I pray that You empower me deep in my spirit to sense and embrace the new wineskins You are bringing into my life.