Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Setting the Hook

Reading: Mark 13

"'Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time is.'" Mark 13:33-34


Fishing is not about catching fish. It is all about consistently keeping your bait in front of the fish. Bites from fish can be few and far between. It is easy to allow the rhythm of casting to lull me into a place where I am no longer paying attention; I am just going through the motions. It never fails that in those moments a fish strikes and I often set the hook to late.

Four times in one paragraph Jesus warns the disciples to be on the alert. Endure struggles, take on hard times, but stay focused on the mission and be alert.


I can get up everyday and do the right things and still completely miss moments with God. I have to stay alert. The greatest struggle I have in this is taking care of my thoughts, attitudes, and behavior.

Distractions created by things outside of me are not nearly as destructive as distractions stirred inside of me. Feelings of anger, bitterness, resentment, ingratitude, frustration, loneliness, or entitlement are the main forces that work at getting me distracted. If any one of these things takes root in my emotions I can go on a trip to a really unhealthy place.


Father I want to be ready. I want to be alert. I want to live above the circumstances of my life, press into the mission You have for me, and experience the growth You desire to see in me.

Holy Spirit, I pray that You continue to breath truth into my life today and open my eyes wide to the things that cause me to be distracted. Strengthen me to take my thoughts captive and help me to be alert to opportunities provided.

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