Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Divine Appointments

Reading: Acts 3

"But Peter said, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you..."Acts 3:6


For the disciples, the choice the follow Christ had left them with nothing of monetary value. Peter, proving he learned from Christ, did not focus on what he did not have to offer this man. He trusted that this moment was a Divine appointment and paid attention to what God wanted to accomplish in this man's life.


I often intersect the lives of people at very hard moments and it is always tempting to absolve myself from the situation. I do not know enough about the Bible. I do not know what to say. I can not fix that. That is over my head. That is more money than I can raise. That situation is in need of a miracle. My prayers feel so weak.

All those phrases pop into my head every time God divinely appoints my life to intersect with another person's need. In those moments I do not need to allow what I do not have to prevent me from offering the person what I do possess. I must learn to trust that God fully understands my limits and still He appointed the encounter.


Father, engaging with You in Your plans of redemption for the world I live in is fun and easy when it stays within my zone of comfort. As long as I feel equipped or I see success I celebrate my God moments with others and actively seek more.

But when the tables turn and the going gets tough; it becomes easy to retreat. Guilt, shame, inadequacy, frustration, and anger all wage war against my emotions when feel like the water is over my head.

I pray today that You sober my thinking. As best I can, from where I am, with what I have; I give myself to You. Enlighten the eyes of my heart to see, understand, and trust what You desire for each moment You appoint. I pray that I not rob You of Your glory by becoming fixated on my inadequacy.

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