Sunday, June 27, 2010

Things to be About

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5

"But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet, the hope of salvation." 1 Thessalonians 5:8


A Roman breastplate covered a soldier from his neck to his waist and protected most of his vital organs. That is what Christians' faith and love do. Faith in God protects inwardly and love for people protects outwardly. These two graces cannot be separated; if one believes in God he will also love other people. These attitudes equip Christians to stand ready. In addition, the hope of salvation guards their heads from attacks on their thinking. This hope is not wishful thinking for deliverance. If one has surrendered his life to Christ as Savior and Lord, he has a salvation that is eternally secure and is freed from the bondage of worry. Any thoughts that run counter to this can be immediately dismissed.


The inward protection offered by my faith in God is that true faith enables me to be cheerful no matter what I face, calls me to be in prayer for everything and produces a heart grateful to God regardless of circumstances. God's word promises that my heart and soul will find peace and rest from my faith.

The outward protection offered by this verse has to do with relationships. Ninety percent of affliction is delivered by the hands of another person. This means that the manner in which I manage my relationships will have a huge impact on my ability to live at peace. Godly love towards another person will protect me from the goats, give me wisdom to offer those who are stuck, provide me with energy to hold up those beaten down, and fill me with patience for everyone.

The final piece of protection offered by this verse has to do with my thoughts. God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, will make me holy and whole. He Himself will put together my spirit, soul, and body and ready me for the day I meet Jesus face-to-face. The One who called me is completely dependable. If He said it, He will do it! This is my hope of salvation. Any other thoughts are of the enemy.


This word that You have given to me this morning is so what I needed to hear. These three simple truths are game changers. My entire life can be boiled down to growing my faith, loving other people, and resting in my salvation. These are the things that I am to be about night and day.

I have to honestly confess that my thoughts have been anxious lately. I have worried that I would mess up the work that You are trying to do in and through me. I have doubted my ability to hear from You and lived with a fear of missing You. I have taken the reigns and felt pressed to make something happen on my own. I have allowed the frustration I feel to block me from praising You and have struggled with my prayers to You. I have also allowed this frustration to take away my patience for others and therefore have a huge impact on my relationships. These foolish choices on my part have emptied me of the love I need to have for others.

I accept Your forgiveness this morning and give myself to Your work today. Holy Spirit, I pray that You lead me in wisdom today. Help me to work these simple truths into the fabric of my life.

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