Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rules for Calamity

Read: Deuteronomy 1-2 & Psalm 44-47
“Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord?” Psalm 44:23

In this Psalm the people have reflected on the past goodness of God and reminded themselves of His strength to deliver. They have also examined their present condition to make sure that there was no unfaithfulness to God in their hearts. Upon finding no evidence of their hearts being turned away from God, their only logical conclusion was that they were suffering one of the most difficult pains to both endure and understand; calamity. Calamity does not appear to have any reasonable purpose and cannot be linked to behavioral choices and its resolution lies beyond the control of the people suffering it.

Right now I am without a doubt going through a season of calamity. Nothing seems to be lining up, time is running out, and I feel like there is nothing more I can do to make things better. As I sit here this morning, I look to Romans 8:28-39 for the application of this Psalm. There are a few keys there that I find helpful during times of calamity. First, I should examine my heart but not become legalistic. When I look in my heart to see if sin is the cause of my separation from God’s provision or protection, the thing I need to look for is unfaithfulness. Unfaithfulness is the actual turning of my heart’s fundamental loyalty and trust away from God. Sin is inevitable. I will never be perfect. Calamity is not the result of sin. Grace covers it. Playing the game of tightening the rules I live by in order to adjust my circumstances is an endless game of disappointment.

Second, I must choose to separate my circumstances from God’s love. In my own mind, my circumstances are my primary love language with God. By default, I interpret good times to mean God’s love for me is strong and bad times to mean God is disappointed with me. This is false. Romans eight makes it clear that God’s love is not associated with anything and is never separated from me. My pursuit of and devotion to God must never be tied to my circumstances. This makes me unstable and weak.

Third, I must remember Jesus. Calamity threatens the very core of my beliefs in God and can lead me to take my eyes off of Jesus. Jesus is my salvation, my connection to God, and my promise of redemption. He is high and lifted up. He sits at the right hand of God and intercedes on my behalf. He has been where I am, He has overcome more than I have ever faced, and those who belong to Him will always land on their feet. This is a promised fact that I must not throw out when times get hard.

Finally, and the most difficult to accept, implement, and stick with, children of God do not shrink back during times of calamity because they know that God is most glorified when He shows up, shows out and sets things right. Paul’s bold declaration in Romans eight is that we are more than conquerors even when our noses are bloodied, our butts are kicked, and our resolve is challenged. Keep getting up, keep seeking Christ, and keep expecting the greatness of God to come through in the end.

Father, wow. Words cannot describe the level of pain, frustration, and doubt I am carrying right now. I am emotionally drained to the point that I am physically exhausted. In the middle of it all, I just want to make sure that You and all who will listen to me, hear and know that my undying loyalty still belongs to You. I follow You joyfully when You lead me to places I want to go and my heart’s desire is to follow You joyfully even now as You lead me to places that I don’t want to go.

I am grateful to You for speaking to me this morning and reminding me of these four keys. I have examined my heart and have not found unfaithfulness there. I have assessed my love for You and definitely found that I link it to my circumstances. Please keep me from trying to manipulate my behavior as a ploy to control my circumstances. I pray that I learn to connect with Your love regardless of my circumstance. I have looked to Jesus today and realize how much of His power I fail to use. Anoint me with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit today that will lead me to honor the power You have invested in me. I look at the last key today and realize that I have allowed my circumstances to lead me to doubt everything about who I am through Christ. Restore my swagger today. Intensify my love and devotion to You so that it overtakes the weight of my present situation.

Father in the middle of all this seeming mess, I have no place else to go. To walk away from what I am facing would mean that I would have to deny everything You have done in leading me to this place. I cannot do that. My only hope is in You and Your goodness and that You show up.

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