Friday, March 4, 2011

Abandoning the Past

Read: Numbers & 1 Peter 4

“For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry.” 1 Peter 4:3


When a believer surrenders control of their life to Christ, God forgives them for their past. This verse is a reminder that as much as God forgives past failures there is an expectation that the past be abandoned by the believer.


Dreams are incredible in the power they hold. I had a dream last night about my past and it has left me feeling heavy this morning. This dream last night took me back to a season of my life I wish could be undone. I made a lot of bad choices, hurt a lot of people, and watched many others flush their lives down the toilet. I often look back and wonder why God allowed me to escape and others to perish.

Mornings when I consider my past and the journey that has led me to where I am today I am reminded of couple of things. First, I still have the capacity to be the man I once was. The scriptures say that I am a new creature and I certainly am; but, I am also a man still in the process of refinement. I have to daily choose to die to myself, pick up my cross, and walk after Jesus. The time in my past is sufficient for resisting and running. I need to make sure my time today is spent pursuing Christ.

I am also reminded that I do not need to dwell on my past. Satan understands that where I focus my attention is where I direct my steps. It has become increasingly difficult for him to tempt me with a desire to return to my former lifestyle, so he tries to capture my attention by making me consider it and feel guilty about it. If my attention focuses on it I stop looking at Jesus and become vulnerable to former weaknesses. Guilt is not of God and I need to make sure I learn to rebuke it.

Finally, I am reminded that today is the best time to repair broken relationships. As time passes it becomes increasingly difficult to mend fences and ask for forgiveness. I need to make sure that I live my life with short accounts with people and make a conscious effort to leave relationships well.


Father I am not a victim of my dreams. Often their content reflects the hidden desires of my heart and thoughts that are buried in my mind. Last night’s dream opened the door to a room of thoughts I have not yet put behind me. It is hard to know how to deal with past failures. I am asking today that You help me forgive and release the things on my heart today. I do not want to dwell on anything that steals my attention from You. I also pray for Your wisdom and discernment in the choices I make today. Help me be sober minded and not make choices that will leave open doors that will haunt me later in life.

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