Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Little Road Trip

James 1:27 says, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. I have examined this verse closely for the past 18 months. I am highly concerned about the second half of that verse and have seen God do some really amazing things in my life regarding my purity and my relationship with Him. The first half of that verse, however, represents an expression of faith that is lacking in my own life.

As I began sitting with this verse about a year and a half ago, God began the process of stirring mine and Brandy’s hearts towards the challenges faced by orphaned children. I look at that word challenge, but it really does a poor job in explaining the travesties that exist. World-wide, it is estimated that there are 147 million orphaned children. Around 75 million of those are affected by some form of slavery, (labor, child trafficking, or sex slavery). Untold millions of them suffer and die from preventable diseases. The more that I have learned, the more tormented I have become.

Today marks another step in this journey on which God is leading us as a couple. We leave this afternoon for a little road trip to South Africa for 10 days. We will be serving alongside some friends who have already been serving at an aids orphanage in Sweet Water, South Africa ( I am writing this note today to ask you to pray for us regarding the following things:

First, we are asking God to have His way with us. We want to see, hear and respond to the purpose that He has for us going on this trip. The more we learn of ourselves, the more aware we become of just how stubborn we are. We do not want to resist the work that God has planned to do in us.

Second, we ask that you pray for our kids. South Africa is a long way from home. Our mothers (God bless them) have taken on the responsibility for our kids and we are leaving them in very capable hands, but that does nothing to assuage the normal emotional drain that occurs when we are not together and under the same roof. They will start back to school while we are gone and change hands a couple times. Please pray for their protection and comfort.

Finally, we ask that you pray for God’s anointing on the work in Sweet Water, South Africa. Brandy and I deeply desire to be of benefit to the work in Sweet Water. The area where we are working has been ravaged by AIDS. The work is going to be more than we can process and I am asking God to help me be the voice for the work he desires to be done there. There are people we need to meet and plans we need to understand. I am asking God to help us make connections with local church leaders and potential ministry partners in the area.

Brandy and I have been blown away by the support of our friends and family. People have gone out of their way to support us by committing to pray for us, giving to help the financial aspect of the trip, donating items for us to take to the orphanage, and sacrificing time to care for our little ones while we are gone. It is humbling to be surrounded by such amazing people. Your prayers will be deeply coveted by us both.

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