Read: Titus 3
"Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed." Titus 3:1
The Cretans were notoriously a people who struggled with the things listed above. Paul encouraged Titus to stand firm in reminding them that their choices needed to be aligned with the new heart they were given through Christ. Paul's intent was for them to live ready to engage God's mission.
There are four reminders I am hearing in this morning's text that I need to stick with if I am to be ready for God to use. First, I need to be relationally connected with God. God is not some concept that exists in abstract thoughts. He is a loving creator who has poured out His grace on me. He has adopted me as a son and He desires for me to experience Him in ways that are real, tangible, and personal. I must always press in towards Him and stand firm in a place of true connection with Him.
Second, I need to be engaged in good behavior. The world that I live in does not set the bar very high in terms of what good behavior is. It is becoming increasing easy to find justification for making bad choices. This is easy, but it is not profitable. God's call on my life is not to be legalistic but that I be stubbornly tenacious
in my determination to only make choices that are profitable for me, the kingdom, and others. If a choice does not align with creating profit for these three things then I need to stay away from it.
Third, I need to be clear in my theology. Several times Paul encourages me to stick with statements that are trustworthy. I need to know what I believe, what is worth fighting over, and what needs to be let go. Senseless arguments are of no value and walking away from things I need to stand for is unacceptable. I can only balance these things if my understanding of God's Word is accurate and reliable.
Finally, I need to be relationally healthy. Broken relationships are kinks in my armor. This means two things. First, I need to know when to let a person go. Some people are just broken and need to be left alone with God. Verse ten says to confront them twice and then leave them alone. I can wear myself out and prolong a person's ignorance if I continue to allow them to cause me pain and frustration. Second, it means that I need to be careful to not be the person listed in verse ten. I need to pursue the people in my life in a manner that builds them up, honors God, and edifies me.
As I have sat with You this morning I have felt a peace that has been calming. It is as if You opened up my heart and eased every tension. I sense Your presence and my spirit has been stirred and the stresses in my life have been put in perspective. Thank You for meeting with me today. It is amazing to know that You are alive and active in my life.
I pray that You lead me today to make choices that are in alignment with the four things we have discussed this morning. I want to be connected with You, I want engage in good behavior, I want my theology to be sound, and I want my relationships to be healthy. I submit to You this morning and fully trust in Your grace and power to make these things be true of my life.
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