Wednesday, October 27, 2010

His Word is Never Void

Read: Psalm 120 & 121

"I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come?" Psalm 121:1


The mountains that the Psalmist is referring to are presumably the mountains heading into Jerusalem. As he contemplated a journey to Jerusalem something happened inside of him and he found relief. He chose to head towards the city of God and take his eyes off of his problem. As he did this his focus shifted from himself and landed back on God.


Problems come and can really wear me out. The past two weeks have been more than a small challenge to me. Actually, the past month has been quite painful. I have been shaken, stirred, and poured out. My faith has been stretched, tested, and challenged. As this has happened I have been all over the place emotionally. Some days I have responded well and stayed locked in with God. Other days I have fallen off into my flesh and reacted poorly. Psalm 121 is a great reminder of how I need to respond to everyday life.

Regardless of what happens in my life I need to make the choice to lift up my eyes to the heavens and journey towards God. Satan's only hope in his war against me and God is that I will allow the troubles of life to cause me to choose to step away from God. Satan has no power over me if my eyes and my heart are set on God. He knows this. His best and primary strategy is to get my eyes down and focus them on what is not right or fair. He has implemented this strategy on man since the Garden of Eden and is quite skilled in delivering it.

As I step towards God I think it is important that I not think about Him solving my problem, but it is best to just think about Him. As I do this it becomes easy to remember the things that I know of God. His greatness. His majesty. His power. His strength. The scriptures are full of amazing promises about God, His character, and His nature. When I allow my mind to dwell on those things I find that the truth of who God is dwarfs whatever problem I am facing. I stop thinking about me and I start thinking about Him.


Wow! The journey of life with Christ is crazy! I never in all my days imagined that I would be sitting where I am contemplating the choices that are before me. Everyday of life is an amazing gift. I am reminded this morning of the importance of lifting up my eyes and looking towards heaven. This world does not contain my reward. Heaven is my home and my reward is an eternity of life in a perfected place, enjoying a perfected relationship with You.

This world and all that is in it is broken and is being done away with. While I am in this world I will face troubles; Your word is clear on that. But Your Word is also clear on the truth that Jesus said I should be of good cheer because He overcame the world. That is what I celebrate this morning. I am an adopted son of the Living God. I am filled with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. The same righteousness that was Christ's has been given to me. You, my Father, have blessed me with every Spiritual blessing I need to complete every good work You desire of me. I will not fear. I will not be shaken. I will walk towards You with boldness because Your Word is never void.

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