Monday, October 11, 2010

Step away, Step in, and Live it Out.

Read: Colossians 3

"Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is , seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth." Colossians 3:1-2


Steven Covey says that before we start a work it is helpful to begin with the end in mind. His logic is that you have to know where you are going before you start building or working a plan. In the same way Paul encourages this body of believers to set their sights on the things above and then apply their lives towards it by stepping away, stepping in and living out some things.


There is no way I can read Colossians three and justify living a carnal life. I am set free from the restrictions of the law and grace freely covers all sins and that is an absolute fact. My behavior does not affect where I am going but it does affect the ride I experience and the fruit I will enjoy when I get there. Verses 5 through 15 contain two sets of things that I will naturally step away from when I set my sights on the things above. The first set speaks to desires of lust. Sexual sins, sins of greed, and sins of evil desire are all forms of lust of the flesh that should be decreasing in their occurrence in my life. Verses 8 through 10 contains a set of actions that speak to sins of the heart and tongue. Anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech all make the list and are just as deadly as sins of lust. If I am setting my sights on the things above I will experience a supernatural increase in my desire to step away from these things.

The Christian life is not just about the things that I don't do. The scriptures place an equal, if not stronger, emphasis on the things that I should do. Verses 12 through 17 contain several things I need to step into. These things all are tied to the condition of my heart towards other people. Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience should season every thought I nurse and every word I speak. The love of Christ should indwell me and motivate every choice I make. The word of Christ should dwell in me and flow through me to others. If my sights are set on the things of heaven then I will experience a supernatural increase in my desire to step into these things.

The things I step away from and the things that I step into will produce a man with a Christ-like heart and mind. Verses 18-25 lists three very specific places where I should live this out the strongest: My relationship with my wife, my relationship with my kids, and my relationship with people in authority over me. These are the three primary relationships in my life. If these three are good then I can endure almost anything. If anyone of these three experience struggles then my life becomes tough. If two of these three go south my life can become unbearable. The number one thing I can do to secure these vital relationships is to live out the word of Christ in my heart.


Father, this is an amazing passage of scripture. It I were limited to one passage of scripture this would be the one that I would choose. There is not single accomplishment in life that I can think of that would compare to the impact that living this passage would have on my life. If I step away from the things listed, step into the things that are encourage, and live these things out in my marriage, in my parenting and in my submission to others then my life will be at peace.

You know that my spirit is not merely willing to do these things; it leaps towards them. You also know that my flesh does not simply look at these things unfavorably; it sets itself against it. This creates a turmoil inside of me and opens up battlefields around me. I pray for Your guidance, peace, and strength. Help me fight this fight and win it for Your glory. Speak to me clearly and guide my choices today.

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