Monday, November 1, 2010

Great to Sit and Think

Read: Psalm 131 & 132

"For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation." Psalm 132:13


During the time of this Psalm the people of God were living prior to the coming of Christ, His perfect sacrifice, His miraculous resurrection, and His glorious ascension. During their lives God's presence only inhabited the temple and the few people He chose to anoint with this Spirit.

Everything has changed now. Following the completion of Christ's work; God's presence no longer resides in a building nor is it only reserved for a select few. He freely gives His presence and His Spirit to all who surrender their lives to obedience to Christ as Savior and Lord.


God has chosen me and desired me for His habitation. My body is His temple and His presence should radiate from me in a manner that is attractive and encouraging to others. My life should represent the best that He has to offer to His sons and daughters. My life should be a living tribute to His mercy, a constant picture of His grace, and a joyful reflection of His glory.



It is a great thing to sit and think about what You have done for me. The fact that I am able to live everyday of my life and enjoy Your presence, Your fellowship, Your power and Your love literally blows my mind. I can't get my mind around it and I struggle to find words that are able to express exactly how I feel about Your work in my life.

I pray that there continues to be more of You radiating through the life that I life. I want my life to count for Your glory. I desire to see Your presence spread. Make the joy of my salvation something that I am able to celebrate in a way that is attractive to others. Allow me to articulate Your word in a manner that is anointed for Your work. Lead me to serve from a heart that is pure and pour out on me a wisdom that matches Your desires.

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